Arm with AEther

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Arm with AEther


Until end of turn, creatures you control gain "Whenever this creature deals combat damage to an opponent, you may return target creature that player controls to its owner's hand.

Legendxp on If Only Lorehold Apprentice was Legendary

2 years ago

Ooh, Arm with AEther might be rather devastating in this deck.

lagotripha on DoubleStalk - $20 Budget Build

3 years ago

Neat list. Why Armed / Dangerous over Raking Claws maindeck? Is the +1/+1 that impactful compared to cycling?

I'd look at Fly + dungeons as a way to get a little more card advantage and ultility, alternatively Fire Giant's Fury in games that are drawing out. Arm with AEther is a cute trick.

If you want sources of direct damage, Five-Alarm Fire is a cheap lava axe though it prefers going wide, while Ongoing Investigation offers a way to stretch into midrange with an enchantment focus. Flamespeaker's Will is neat artifact removal for the sideboard.

Dueling Rapier offers a more efficient power boost than furor, although it doesn't do double duty as removal.

king-saproling on Flying boardwipe

3 years ago

This looks fun, lots of interesting tech here. You might give these a look: Neko-Te, Shark Typhoon, Arm with AEther, Gorgon Flail, Stuffy Doll, Brash Taunter, Silverclad Ferocidons

Kurppa on Niv-Mizzet, Wheel of Pings

3 years ago

Awesome deck! I really like spellslinger decks, and playing this seems really fun.

However, considering how many instants and sorceries you have and the wheel theme, i'm surprised you don't have any graveyard recursion or synergy.

some cards that you could consider are: Bond of Insight, Call to Mind, Flood of Recollection, Mystic Retrieval, Pull from the Deep, Relearn, Shreds of Sanity, Backdraft Hellkite, Past in Flames, Volcanic Vision and The Mirari Conjecture

some of those exile themselves and since you have so much draw power that might actually be a downside. If i were to cut something for those I would maybe one of those shuffle effects.

here's some cards that cast instants or sorceries from your or other people's graveyards: Finale of Promise, Diluvian Primordial, Mnemonic Deluge, Mizzix's Mastery and Spelltwine.

mnemonic deluge and diluvian primordial are pretty funny, though kinda expensive. Imagine casting a wheel and then "going shopping" for spells, i highly recommend it. though these exile, so if you loop your deck you can't cast the spell you coped again.

if you want to bounce creatures with niv-mizzet, you could consider Arm with AEther or Sigil of Sleep.

some more spellcasting synergy: Firebrand Archer, Saheeli, Sublime Artificer.

i don't know how often you would be able to kill or do something significant with Spiraling Embers, but i thought it would be a fun inclusion.

here's a few cards for copying instants and sorceries:

Bonus Round, Insidious Will, Reverberate, Thousand-Year Storm, Swarm Intelligence and Twincast. twincast, reverberate and insidious will double as interaction, and you could also consider Narset's Reversal

and a few more card draw inclusions: Laquatus's Creativity and Sea Gate Restoration  Flip.

sorry for the wall of text, just got excited about brewing so i wanted to suggest a bunch of cards. I hope that this at least gave you some ideas.

JANKYARD_DOG on Looking For Cards

4 years ago

If Obeka was a Pirate I would say Admiral Beckett Brass. And I have no idea how rulings work with cards such as Arm with AEther. Would they keep they effect indefinitely? If so, then Gold!.

Captivating Crew and Chamber of Manipulation though, and adds like Act of Treason means you keep the creatures.

MadMadison on Great Bad Choices with Tetsuko Umezawa

6 years ago

xEleven Thank you so much! I made the changes mainly because I couldn't find certain cards in paper but, as you said, I think the disruption with Arm with AEther will be invaluable. Is Blazing Archon becoming a real pain to deal with?

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