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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Abbot of Keral Keep
Creature — Human Monk
Prowess (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, this creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.)
When Abbot of Keral Keep enters the battlefield, exile the top card of your library. Until end of turn, you may play that card.

Gidgetimer on Does casting a copy count …
1 year ago
You have all the necessary pieces, you are just overthinking it a bit. The MtG comp rules are always interpreted exactly literally. To play an object means to put a land into play as a special effect, or to cast a spell. Some copy effects, such as Cipher or Isochron Scepter, make a copy in a zone besides the stack and then instruct you to cast it. You are casting the spell, so it is played.
As noted previously Ink-Treader Nephilim (as well as every other trigger condition I can think of that used to say "play") has been eratta-ed to say "cast". "Play" is only currently used in effects that allow you to play cards that you otherwise would not be able to (like Abbot of Keral Keep or Fight Rigging. Though even that templating for "play" seems to be going away because things like Sen Triplets and Bolas's Citadel say "play lands and cast spells" in their oracle text.
legendofa on
Two Heavens as One
2 years ago
You managed to hit the land balance pretty much dead on--nice work! Unfortunately, I think you have a few too many lands. A good rule of thumb is to have 36-40 lands in a Commander deck, depending on speed and mana requirements. Since I don't see many non-land mana sources, and since you want to get a land drop every turn to reach the higher-cost cards, I recommend dropping to 39-40 lands.
Isshin, Two Heavens as One wants a lot of attack triggers, anything that says "Whenever such-and-such attacks...". You have some good choices with Kitsune Ace, Selfless Samurai, and Imperial Recovery Unit, among others, but there are more out there. If you can find cards like Campaign of Vengeance, Goblin Traprunner, and Gleam of Battle, or even Brutal Hordechief or Fervent Charge if you're willing to spend the money, you'll push this to the next level.
I also suggest finding some cards that let you draw more, like Greed or Read the Bones. is a good color for this, but and have been getting more options recently. Top deck effects like your Abbot of Keral Keep are also useful in the same way. This will help keep your attacks moving and apply pressure to your opponents.
Finally, look for some direct removal, like Terminate, Rip Apart, or Vindicate to get rid of problems and threats your opponents put out. Dokuchi Silencer and Explosive Entry are the right idea.
This isn't the right deck for Sky-Blessed Samurai, with only three enchantments. You'll be paying full cost for it most of the time, occasionally getting a one-mana discount, and its stats aren't good enough to justify the cost. Save it for a more enchantment focused deck where it can reach its full potential.
Finally, you could use some more one-mana cards so that you have more options on turn 1 besides play a land and pass.
Overall, this looks good. You have solid card interactions, a good combat theme and Vehicle subtheme, and a strong foundation. Play it, test it, tweak it, feel out what you like and what might be improved, and above all, have fun!
zapyourtumor on
Dry Eyes
3 years ago
I'm not sure about vexing devil. If your opponent knows you got something up your sleeve with blink spells, they might just let it stay in which case the spell would do nothing. Also, if they do let the devil do damage to them twice, the rebound from ephemerate is wasted which is also not great.
Inner-Flame Acolyte might be okay, but is better if you have another creature on the board (since targeting itself the first etb does nothing). Abbot of Keral Keep is one of my favorite monored cards and I think it could work pretty well here, taking the place of Light Up the Stage for a burn deck's card draw slot.
Ingot Chewer should be in the board. Maybe Wispmare as well.
lagotripha ( Akroma, Angel of Fury has protection from white so you can't blink her.) Nevermind I see what you're doing here, that's nice. I would second this suggestion, although the second blink from Ephemerate does nothing here.
Avalanche Riders + Blood moon mainboard seems like a different type of deck (land destruction flicker), also 5 mana is pretty slow. If only Faultgrinder wasn't utter trash ;o_o
Suppression Field fucks up Thermo-Alchemist big time - it could work if Balaam__ decides to run Electrostatic Field instead (which also happens to not die to bolt).
Argy on Does Petty Theft cause Prowess …
3 years ago
If I have Abbot of Keral Keep on the field, and cast Brazen Borrower will the Prowess on the Abbot trigger?
Halbrechtt on
Avatar: The Last Airbender
4 years ago
Hello again! Came across another card that made me think of your project: Whirlwind of Thought
- It gives you a repeatable source of card draw. I noticed the deck was very light in the card draw department, with mostly card filtering rather than true card draw (e.g. Frantic Search, Opt), or "impulsive draw" as it's been termed (e.g. Abbot of Keral Keep).
- It ties into the prowess / noncreature spell theme.
- It depicts airbending.
- A female airbender isn't a part of ATLA. You'd have to interpret it as Aang somewhere off-camera using airbending ON someone.... for SOME random reason....
- Function-wise, it isn't actually as strong or efficient as Jeskai Ascendancy (sadly, that card's art has zero flavor tie-in). Ascendancy effectively doubles your prowess buffs, and while not true card draw, the repeatable loot effect is good. And the untap clause is nothing to sneeze at -- aside from the pseudo-vigilance it gives, imagine the edge case of multiple noncreature spells you can cast and a Beguiler of Wills on board..... Man, if they someday reprint Ascendancy with better art, it's an auto-include in my book! Maybe you could get an altered-art version?? :)
Hope this comment finds you well. Cheers!
dday00111 on
Prowess Draw
4 years ago
gato91, I'll use the full playset of Crash Through. Good call for replacing Soul-Guide Lantern for Tormod's Crypt. I wanted the card draw, but I forgot artifacts can buff prowess. Makes me think about Bone Saw, but that's a more aggressive play. I'll think about Bedlam Reveler, but if I wanted to add it, I'd probably have to take out Chandra, Torch of Defiance. And doing that just augments the trample win condition rather than adding an alternate win condition emblem with some solid loyalty abilities. I'm aware it does slow down the deck for that to happen. I'll try my current list for my next Pioneer matches, and if it's too slow, I know your suggestion will help speed things up.
I never thought of Burning Prophet, but adding two of her in can't be that bad. Not just yet though. If I eventually do, I should take away 4x Abbot of Keral Keep or Heartfire Immolator, add three of her and add an extra Lightning Strike or Light Up the Stage. Does that sound about right? I'll have to play a bit to determine to go full draw or if Heartfire Immolator's sacrifice ability is too good to give up.
Also tempted to put in 3x Spikefield Hazard Flip as a replacement for Sunscorched Desert. Great for 'cycling' my lands for yet another prowess trigger after I have a decent mana base, and it solves my excess colorless mana problem.
Daveslab2022 on Looking for modern prowess pieces
4 years ago
Damnit haha I have a set of Abbot of Keral Keep I was hoping you could enjoy.
evacuationcode on
Zurgo RDW_Centurion_DanielCruz
4 years ago
Potresti provare Ankh of Mishra, Earthshaker Khenra, Hazoret the Fervent, Zo-Zu the Punisher, Abbot of Keral Keep, Lathnu Hellion e Loyal Apprentice.
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