Skarrg Goliath

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Skarrg Goliath

Creature — Beast

Trample Bloodrush — 5GG, Discard Skarrg Goliath: Target attacking creature gets +9/+9 and gains trample until end of turn.

RockIV on Golgari commander deck Opinions

6 months ago

ive been thinking and im probably taking out Desecration Demon, Spiritmonger and Skarrg Goliath and add Stonehoof Chieftain, Plated Slagwurm and maybe Hydra Broodmaster and Gleancrawler or Carnage Wurm or Yargle, Glutton of Urborg

im also cheking some other supporting cards like Binding the Old Gods, Bone Shredder, Yavimaya Granger

also Ghoultree and Unnatural Growth that have been recomended by some users could be good adds too

RockIV on Rocks Golgari power of death Commander

6 months ago

ty for the advice guys, Ghoultree could be a good add, it will always be cheap. Unnatural Growth seems to be a very strong add for every creature centered deck.

ive been thinking and im probably taking out Desecration Demon, Spiritmonger and Skarrg Goliath and add Stonehoof Chieftain, Plated Slagwurm and maybe Hydra Broodmaster and Gleancrawler or Carnage Wurm or Yargle, Glutton of Urborg

im also cheking some other supporting cards like Binding the Old Gods, Bone Shredder, Yavimaya Granger

thks for all the advices guys

RockIV on Golgari commander deck Opinions

6 months ago

Hi everyone, ive been recently building some commander decks. Lately ive made a monoblack commander, but after playing with it, i decided to transform it into a golgari.

Rocks Golgari power of death Commander

Im using Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord as my commander, my strategy is going to summon big creatures and sacrifice them (in the right moment) to do damage to all my oponents.

im using some reanimator spells to be able to bring them back, like Entomb, Buried Alive, Exhume. Animate Dead, etc. I decided not to include Reanimate, because of the life loss.

right now, i included more than 15 mana ramps, to be able to get the enought mana to cast the strong creatures as early as i can.

i still not shure if the creatures i choose are the correct ones, and also if the number of creatures is the correct.

i feel that creatures like Desecration Demon, Spiritmonger and Skarrg Goliath can be replaced for something better like, a Terastodon or a Hydra Broodmaster

what do you guys think? suggestion will be deeply apreciated.

ty for everyone that read or comment on this post and in the last one too :D

Tiadon777 on Elver Øgler

4 years ago

Interesting deck build. I think 4 Ezuri, Renegade Leader is a little overkill since you can only have one out at a time. And Skarrg Goliath and Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre. There's a lot of useful elves not in here I think you could benefit from like Elvish Archdruid, Elvish Champion, or Lys Alana Huntmaster

McToters on Skullbriar, Oh Lawd He Comin’

5 years ago

Wow, we definitely have different opinions on how to run this haha, but that’s totally ok! That’s what makes this game great. The instants are what make this deck so much fun for me because I love pulling combat tricks on folks, and well, the fact that things can be countered applies to all the reanimation spells as well—although that is not to say the reanimation stuff is bad. It’s another clever way to work with how Skully keepa his counters, which is fantastic. Plus it prevents you from having to pay commander tax, also clutch. I suppose Ive never really worried about paying the tax though since he starts off at 2. Ive played plenty of games where he’s ended up costing 14 or 16 lol. I used to run more ramp and looking back at my list i think i will make a few adjustments in that regard.

Stuff like Skarrg Goliath is expensive but they are game-changers and I love that. Plus in the event I need a creature on the board I can throw him down. Epic Proportions and Enlarge are super hilarious to me and have worked. Of course every meta is different so for you maybe they wont. Lastly, Berserk and Hatred are generally one shot kills. Again, something I think is phenomenal in voltron. But to each their own!

I like Keen Sense ! Ill try to get my hands on a copy. I run Rogue's Passage too. Bear Umbra , Snake Umbra and Spider Umbra are dope auras too.

Glad you also sort of like Hot Soup !

McToters on Skullbriar, Oh Lawd He Comin’

5 years ago

Hello fellow Skullbriar player!

This is a great list! You actually showed me some cards I’m going to look into like Sixth Sense and Alpha Authority . Those seem amazing here.

Right off rip, I’d say Armorcraft Judge is a great card. Here are some others I use:

Ridgescale Tusker more counters

Skarrg Goliath Bloodrush!

Dauthi Embrace unblockable

Epic Proportions


Executioner's Hood

Trailblazer's Boots

Hot Soup this is a personal favorite!

Prowler's Helm

Enlarge and Berserk are also really really good. Hatred if you can get your hands on it also.

We both have a lot if similar cards. I think I have more unblockable stuff while you have more relating to counters.

Check my deck out here.. I’m down for any feedback you may have!

Good luck! +1

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