Combos Browse all Suggest
- Nylea's Colossus + Protean Thaumaturge
- Ashiok's Erasure + Protean Thaumaturge
- Banishing Light + Protean Thaumaturge
Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rules Q&A
Protean Thaumaturge
Creature — Human Wizard
Constellation — Whenever an enchantment enters the battlefield under your control, you may have Protean Thaumaturge become a copy of another target creature except it has this ability.

Balaam__ on
Indestructible Visions
2 years ago
As DreadKhan mentioned, Sol Ring is banned in Legacy. Usually the site is pretty good at emboldening banned cards in red, but I guess this one slipped by.
That said, there’s a lot good here but some not so good. You have a fairly good grasp on exactly what you want your deck to do, which is key, but I think some card choices don’t fit well in the greater scheme of things even if they possess theoretical utility.
Protean Thaumaturge and Copy Enchantment are questionable. There are too few Enchantments in the deck to make either viable; Protean Thaumaturge is essentially useless unless you successfully resolve an Enchantment, of which there are only 12–and your opponent is likely going to view this possibility as a distinct threat, holding counter magic in reserve (particularly if they’ve already cast a powerful creature threat of their own).
At 4 copies, Copy Enchantment is already in and of itself a full third of your total Enchantment count, which make the odds of effectively utilizing it diminished. If you can fulfill the criteria to cast it and have it resolve, all well and good, but if not you’re stuck holding a dead card. Imagine an opening hand with one or even two copies.
Ensoul Artifact and Arcane Flight are both great choices that offer immediate, tangible results. I’d recommend cutting the other cards I mentioned earlier and replacing them with with something else. Good countermagic comes to mind, as since you’re in and in the format with arguably the best countermagic, there really isn’t a good reason not to run it. It’ll create opportunities to stop the opposing player from removing your own key pieces, as well as open the door for you to preemptively eliminate big plays on their side.
RevenantBacon on
3 years ago
Drop Thrummingbird, Grateful Apparition, and Karn's Bastion, they're literally pointless. Niko is going to be using his +1 ability to make your ETB creatures bounce often enough that you don't need the extra loyalty on him, and there's literally nothing else in the deck that gets counters except for Lost Auramancers and well... you don't want them to get more counters.
Speaking of the Lost Auramancers, drop them and Protean Thaumaturge because that's just... well it's just a bad combo, and also doesn't work the way you think it does. Vanishing triggers at the beginning of your upkeep, and the creature is only sacrificed during the resolution of that ability when it determines that the creature has no counters left on it, so you literally can't do it, as they only stay a copy until end of turn, and you don't have any enchantments with flash.
Possibly trade Imprisoned in the Moon for Oblivion Ring, as it's strictly better for removing anything other than a commander, or run both, since you're light on removal overall.
Drop the Suture Priest, as it has nothing to do with the decks theme, same with Daxos of Meletis.
Add a Monk Idealist, it's identical to Auramancer, and backups are good to have.
Add Guile as another synergy for Dovescape, and get infinite 1/1 birbs whenever any opponent casts a non-creature spell.
Add an Azorius Signet (I can't believe it's not in the list already).
You obviously need card draw, so add a Mulldrifter and/or an [Omen of the Sea].
Lastly, slot in an Archon of Sun's Grace and a Luminarch Ascension because most of your creatures are rather weak, and you have no way of protecting yourself from decking out.
Lord_Of_Harvest on
Lemme Cast a Curse on You
3 years ago
Protean Thaumaturge and Web of Inertia are both really good additions to this deck!
And I don't see a reason not to include Curse of Thirst, considering 22% of your deck is already curses. The extra damage never hurts and when the player dies, you can reattach it to another player!
NPElemental on Card Interaction Question
3 years ago
I was just wondering if a card transformed into Thing in the Ice Flip would it automatically transform/flip upon it changing; specifically Protean Thaumaturge ??
epicPlain on Protean Thaumaturge
3 years ago
Am I right to assume that the copied creature has the constellation ability in addition to all the features and values of the copied creature? In other words, once that Protean Thaumaturge is a copy of another creature, it will become the copy of another target when an enchantment enters the battlefield?
CBaldy on
Budget Sisay (Shrines)
3 years ago
Hey, I love the deck! I have a more competitive Sisay build, and I’ve been really interested in changing it to a shrine build. I know that all of the enchantresses aren’t cheap, but there are a few that are affordable that I’d highly recommend.
- Eidolon of Blossoms . This is a great card draw for little mana
- Satyr Enchanter . This is cheap and it’s on cast. Great card
- Mesa Enchantress . Really similar to Satyr Enchanter.
- Setessan Champion . Card draw and eventually a threat.
- Verduran Enchantress . A little more expensive $-wise, but still affordable
Tuvasa the Sunlit
. Not only does she give you card draw, she buffs Sisay by +3/+3 all on her own.
The two enchantresses that have constellation would be the ones I’d put in first, followed be Tuvasa. Since Sisay will be tutoring, it’s more important to have ETB triggers instead of cast triggers.
Because this is an enchantment deck, I’d also recommend some ramp that deals with Enchantments. Wild Growth , Utopia Sprawl , Herald of the Pantheon , Starfield Mystic , and Fertile Ground are all great options.
Destiny Spinner is a great card to protect your enchantments.
Grim Guardian is a nice card to get some incremental damage.
Protean Thaumaturge is a fun card that can become a threat out of nowhere.
Dance of the Manse and Open the Vaults are both great mass recursion.
But anyways, I hope that helps!
Caerwyn on Copy Spells
4 years ago
Strange. As the initial answer seems to have mysteriously disappeared between the time I posted the above and my being able to click the mark as answer button (a span of just a few seconds), I’ll respond to the question again, and give this a few more days to make sure you see it:
This will not work. When Protean Thaumaturge becomes a copy of something, it does not “enter the battlefield”, so it will not trigger any enter the battlefield abilities, like the one of Solemn Simulacrum.
SparkyTosser on Copy Spells
4 years ago
I’m wondering if I have a card like Solemn Simulacrum, Protean Thaumaturge, and Enchanted Evening. Can that go infinite.
Have (2) | ItzJustChaos , metalmagic |
Want (1) | Kripkenstein |