Opportunistic Dragon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Opportunistic Dragon

Creature — Dragon


When Opportunistic Dragon enters the battlefield, choose target Human or artifact an opponent controls. For as long as Opportunistic Dragon remains on the battlefield, gain control of that permanent, it loses all abilities, and it can't attack or block.

NeonEndymion on

4 years ago

I think that might be my starting point, too; Opportunistic Dragon and Gadrak do play nicely together, and both alongside Korvold, though, so it'll definitely require some playtesting to figure out what's in/out.

NeonEndymion on

4 years ago

I hear you, for sure . . . unfortunately, the power creep in my local meta just means that value engines/combo decks tend to win faster/more reliably.

Mudslide would be good if we went away from the dork plan, gave our dorks flying via an anthem effect, and/or went into rock-only ramp. Bloom Tender and Faeburrow Elder are usually so necessary and so good here, though, that I wouldn't make that exact shift but wonder if there's an angle we aren't seeing in re a stax package.

Though if anything, I would look to have more stack-based interaction in the build, and that's even less fun to me here vs cutting the overall dragon count, which was already a bit painful (emotionally).

And if we're looking at graveyard hate, it should probably be asymmetrical—so WotS Ashiok? Soul-Guide Lantern?

So far I'm happy with Opportunistic Dragon and Verix Bladewing, but only as they are early-game durdle pieces with potential payoffs later in the game. There's also upside with Opportunistic Dragon in that you can munch whatever you name (humans are also very much a thing you see!) w/ Korvold, Fae-Cursed King, who is increasingly a primary tutor target for me.

Verix Bladewing isn't great, but sometimes rebuilding your board for cheap or even just getting a vanilla on-tribe body out early does do work. It might be a pet card for me, fair warning, as I like the flexibility but also the art on both the card and the token. So I might be overly self-justifying its continued inclusion (along with the need to push the overall CMC down lower).

Titus7007 on Sarkhan Flame Sweeps: Ikoria

5 years ago

ShadowAblaze Yeah the only reason Opportunistic Dragon is in this deck is because he's the cheapest dragon I could find. I don't even particularly like him, especially since hes replacing Nicol Bolas, the Ravager  Flip. I do fell like that extra point of damage in valuable though. I could see side boarding him or getting rid of him I guess. I think I could be convinced that Drawn from Dreams is a much better use of 4 mana. Perhaps that's what I'll do with that slot. I have no particular fondness for creatures in this deck, but Fae of Wishes seems very useful for this type of deck.

What is the breakdown for a good mana curve? Is it something like: 8 ones, 8 twos, 10 threes, 8 fours

ShadowAblaze on Sarkhan Flame Sweeps: Ikoria

5 years ago

Opportunistic Dragon to is a sideboard card at best to me. Your point of getting the extra point of damage is fair, BUT you need both Sarkhan AND the dragon. The odds aren't in your favor when you aren't even running a playset of either. The abilities on the other hand... only being able to target humans and artifacts may be too specific. Depends on your meta if you wish to main board it or side board it. Asside from that, you should look for better 4 drops. Right now, you have 5 cards and 2 adventures totaling 7 different 4 drops you could play. Ral, Storm Conduit and Fae of Wishes are both great. BUT if you don't need the Opportunistic Dragon specifically for your meta, it will probably feel a little sad to draw. Maybe consider these other powerful cards you could play.

Drawn from Dreams is great for card advantage that will keep you going by churning through your deck for what you need.

If you are looking to add in creatures, consider the following: Dungeon Geists can be effective at stall and is a decent body with flying, Sphinx of Foresight can be a awesome starting card or decent beater with draw fixing, and Nightveil Predator who is just a great card for stalling.

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