From Under the Floorboards

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

From Under the Floorboards


Madness (If you discard this card, you may cast it for its madness cost instead of putting it into your graveyard.)

Create three tapped 2/2 black Zombie creature tokens and you gain 3 life. If From Under the Floorboards's madness cost was paid, instead create X of those tokens and you gain X life.

TypicalTimmy on Blue Black Tokens

2 years ago

I typically go for Zombies as they are represented very well in both colors, but a solid token creator outside of that tribe is Bloodline Keeper  Flip.

Necromaster Dragon is a fun one.

Reef Worm is a good replayable idea.

Rite of Replication

From Under the Floorboards

Grave Titan


Thopter Spy Network

There are a few Planeswalkers who create tokens, also. Probably my personal favorite to do so with is Ashiok, Nightmare Muse because that token is absolutely devastating, especially if you manage vigilance on it somehow.

There are 635 cards listed on Gatherer within and that make creature tokens. Have fun!

The single best "mass sacrifice" concept in the game is Gravecrawler to Phyrexian Altar, or to anything that produces colored mana. If your mana is colorless, you can adjust this with filters.

wallisface on Zombie horde

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • 19 lands is super low. I would recommend you need at least 20 lands if most of your cards are 1-2cmc (and nothing above 3cmc). The second you start running lots of 3-drops, or anything costing 4cmc-or-above, you start needing 22-23ish lands at a minimum.

  • Cabal Stronghold is a trap card (in that it looks good at a glance but is actually terrible), i’d suggest ditching it. You need it and 4 swamps in play just to break-even (i.e, produce 5 mana with 5 lands).

  • I would suggest ditching all your high cmc cards from the deck. Modern is a fast format, and you’re never going to be able to practically cast Army of the Damned. Likewise, Eldrazi Monument and From Under the Floorboards are going to gum-up-your hand and lose you the game more often than provide value.

  • From the vantage point of keeping your land count lowish, i’d also recommend ditching all your 4cmc cards, or just restricting yourself to 2 cards at this slot at a maximum (perhaps 2x Endless Ranks of the Dead?). Having even just 2 4-drops means you’ll prolly be needing to run 22 lands.

  • Running the full playset of Champion of the Perished and Gravecrawler would be strong. Including a playset of Carrion Feeder would also help you create an engine that can quickly make very powerful zombies.

  • Other zombies I can recommend are Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia and Undead Augur.

  • I think i’d suggest ditching Bad Moon. You’d be better off playing more zombies than trying to make them bigger (they’re generally big enough already)

Junkygoatgibblets on Zomboi Tribal

2 years ago

So quick question:

What's your opinion on Army of the Damned vs. From Under the Floorboards?? Which one would you keep if you had to get rid of one of them?

Deck looks great!!!

R492 on Zombies in your mocha star

3 years ago

Hey, I'm here from my warrior deck as you've requested. Since I'm unsure of the format I'll presume this to be a casual build, if this is more of a competitive modern or other format of deck then my knowledge is definitely too limited to be of assistance here. As it is I used to have a lot of fun with casual zombies when I first got into MTG and Diregraf Captain was one of my favourite cards. I think zombies have always been at their best in either mono B or Dimir so my first suggestion would be to remove white from the build. Wayward Servant is a neat idea but I just don't see enough recursion here to fully utilize it unless the plan is getting 2 relentless dead and using them to recur each other on death but that seems a bit risky without some tutors. I really liked Gravedigger myself, he's a simple creature but that's kinda what zombies are, and getting a chain of gravediggers fishing each other out of the yard continuously while offering protection to anything else on your board that might be targeted is surprisingly powerful.

Likewise Time to Reflect is thematically cool but slightly narrow in scope for removal, and Mortify has been upgraded even in standard. Murderous Rider is not only great removal but also a zombie after, which means it also absorbs the bonuses you have littered throughout this deck to become a massive healing machine, and if you specifically want removal that can target enchantments Feed the Swarm does it for cheaper while even having a name that loosely matches the deck!

Next I'm noticing an Evolving Wilds in the mana base when Fabled Passage exists as a direct upgrade to it. Then again leaving white behind would mean you probably don't need either of them, which means there may be better options to streamline your mana base. I also notice a lot of colourless mana, which is perfectly good so long as you aren't hurting for your black and blue sources. I would tend to run a couple more swamps and islands myself just to make sure a T1 Choked Estuary has a target and perhaps replacing the white sources and Rogue's Passage with some more basics could work. Rogue's passage is nice moreso if you have large creatures that can get through for significant damage, generally as a zombie player you'll want to just have enough board advantage to simply swing in and spending 4 mana to sneak a single one of them through winds up being too expensive.

Here are a few other cards for your consideration:
- Endless Ranks of the Dead
- Field of the Dead
- Open the Graves
- From Under the Floorboards to synergise with Cryptbreaker
- Dreadhorde Invasion

Hopefully this gives you some ideas, make sure to mark down what format you're playing in and give your deck tags to help people find it easier! Good luck, I'll be around if you need and if you're on the Discord server feel free to @ me with anything else that comes to mind

Asder on Card creation challenge

3 years ago

Darksteel Core



Whenever you cast a spell, you may counter it. If you do, put charge counters onto Darksteel Core equal that spells converted mana cost.

At the beggining of your precombat mainphase, add for each charge counter on Darksteel Core.

Create a card that costs more if its cast with an alternative casting cost. Think along the lines of Rix Maadi Reveler or From Under the Floorboards .

Flooremoji on Halloween Deck Ideas

3 years ago

From Under the Floorboards hasn't been mentioned yet

xram666 on Haunted House!

4 years ago

I like the theme and the card choices.

Found directly something for my skeleton themed deck: Artificer's Hex

+1 from me. Really cool deck.

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