Mystic Gate

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Unformat Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mystic Gate


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nuperokaso on elemental lorwyn block constructed

1 week ago
  1. Play 4 Reflecting Pool. Works great with Vivids and Primal Beyond. No need to play Prismatic Omen.
  2. Supreme Exemplar is not very good. It works only with Incandescent Soulstoke.
  3. Horde of Notions is the best card you have. You should be playing more of them, most likely 4. If one is answered, you drop a second one. If not answered, he'll overtake over the game.
  4. Play more lands. Your deck is mana hungry, and even with Smokebraider you always have expensive things to cast or activate Horde of Notions.
  5. I would replace one Island with Mystic Gate. You have white and blue spells with double mana and this filter will help you casting them.

ThassaUpYo@ssa on Kros

1 week ago


For your strategy, I'd focus on either infect or +1/+1 counters since the list seems to be a bit "busy" with too much going on. Once you choose which way you'd like to take the deck, we can further tweak - proliferation will still be central to your overall plan.

Here are some suggestions by color that you might want to consider adding to your mainboard:


Heroic Intervention, Nature's Lore, The Great Henge, Three Visits.


Akroma's Will, Flawless Manuever, Smothering Tithe, Teferi's Protection, Trouble in Pairs.


Cyclonic Rift, Fierce Guardianship, Mana Drain, Swan Song.

Permission Denied

I think you can get away with swapping out removing some counter spells as it seems a bit overkill - Cancel, Dispel, Envelop, Negate, and Nullify could probably come out in favor of Fierce Guardianship, Mana Drain, and Swan Song (the others could just be cut).

For your land base, I'd work the following lands in to help with your color wheel:

Fetch Lands: Flooded Strand, Misty Rainforest, Windswept Heath

Filter Lands: Flooded Grove, Mystic Gate, Wooded Bastion

Pathways Lands: Barkchannel Pathway  Flip, Branchloft Pathway  Flip, Hengegate Pathway  Flip

Shock Lands: Breeding Pool, Hallowed Fountain, Temple Garden

Tri-Cycle Land: Spara's Headquarters

True Duals: Savannah, Tropical Island, Tundra

For mana rocks, I prefer the talismans over the signets:

Talisman of Curiosity, Talisman of Progress, Talisman of Unity

I think your Kros, Defense Contractor list is in a good spot, it just needs to be a little more focused.

amarthaler on EDH Arcades, the Strategist

1 year ago


Out: Glacial Fortress... Sunpetal Grove... Hinterland Harbor

In: Mystic Gate... Flooded Grove... Wooded Bastion

Not sure why it took me this long to smooth out the land base, but I replaced all the check lands with my favorite filter lands from Shadowmoor and Eventide.

abbatromebone on

2 years ago
  • Poppet Stitcher  Flip Is great when you have 1/1s but bad if they do anything more. Prowess is an ability so you tokens wouldn't be as strong. 3 mana is also fairly espensive. We would want to slow the game down more. I might suggest Luminarch Ascension being this is a value control deck. It helps keep card advantage and if you are holding mana you can sink it here at the end step.
  • Manamorphose also seems pretty good in the deck its a spell that gives you your mana back/fixes it into any of your needed colors and is card neutral.
  • Hard Evidence might be replaced with Slight of Hand or Serum Visions being you want to filter your deck better.
  • You are sitting a 8 fetchlands i wouldnt go past 6, 6 shock lands is also high Jeskai control is current running 7 fetch and 3 shock lands.
  • Consider Mystic Gate Castle Vantress Celestial Colonnade 1x Raugrin Triome Hall of Storm Giants 1x Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire The creature lands can help close games or stall games when needed.They also are more evasive which can help. Utility lands are worth it they really help. Fiery Islet and Sunbaked Canyon can also help draw cards and filter. I run 5 in my burn deck.
  • I also think 6 basics is a lot i would only do 2-3 personally. Espically when Seachrome Coast Inspiring Vantage and Spirebluff Canal exist.
  • Spectral Procession is a good value card to think about, Lingering Souls is also a card but i wouldnt go that route personally.
  • Boros Charm is also a great card that can protect against board wipes or give some burst with a mentor token or just give you the needed reach to close some games.
  • Let me know if you want me to look at the deck some more

nbarry223 on [Community Discussion]: Modern Chat

2 years ago

Well, there’s lots of different lands that have lots of different uses in modern. Beyond certain utility lands that are limited to specific colors, there’s various cycles of lands with an equivalent version in most if not all color combinations. There’s some incomplete cycles like the triomes (name may change) which is going to be finished soon, and the draw painlands (not sure what they are called) which started with Horizon Canopy.

Certain cycles are suited to certain uses or needs better than others.

For example, the Horizon Canopy cycle is more suited to aggro decks that end up with more mana than they need as the game goes on.

The filter lands are one of the cycles where you want to limit the number of them in the deck, since they aren’t capable of producing colored mana on their own (I generally only run one for this reason). However, they are some of the best mana-fixing that modern has to offer for greedy manabases. You can take a white mana and make it into 2 blue mana with a Mystic Gate as an example. Reflecting Pool also works similarly to these lands, and is basically a match made in heaven for them, since it only cares about their capability to produce a colored mana source. So you can use a Reflecting Pool to feed a filter land even if those are your only two lands.

For decks that are more minimal colors, basics are better, since they get around a lot of hate. In fact I don’t suggest ever making a deck without at least 2 basics and some ways to find them.

Black and green also have access to urborg and yavimaya which let you tap things for colored mana you couldn’t normally. This helps with painlands and fetches, since you can now tap them without paying life.

There’s plenty of other lands with specific uses, and there isn’t really a right or wrong answer when making a manabase as long as you can consistently have access to the colors you need, and your manabase doesn’t end up killing you with painlands, shocks, fetches, etc. You also want to try to limit the number of lands you’ll have coming into play tapped for obvious reasons.

Also, when using fetches, I generally find that 7 ish fetches is ideal in a generic manabase. If you pick one main color you can basically make it so you can have access to all your color fixing shocks etc no matter what fetch you draw. You can also have two support colors to minimize the number of shocks you actually need to run. Combine with the aforementioned urborg or yavimaya tricks, and you can really minimize the number of shocks needed.

If your manabase isn’t heavily leaning towards a certain color and is basically a main color with a splash of a second you can run a lot more basics and a minimal amount of fetches with basically the same consistency and deck thinning, with less life loss.

There’s also things like Gemstone Caverns or Grove of the Burnwillows which have niche uses. You can’t really have a one answer cure all for what manabase is ideal for what deck, since most decks have different needs.

Also, if running legendary lands, I don’t generally suggest running more than 2 copies of each, unless you can do something with them in multiples like the channel lands.

jaminfine on ranar

2 years ago

I recommend replacing Conjurer's Closet with Teleportation Circle One less mana for a slightly stronger effect.

I'd also recommend adding Skycloud Expanse as a cheap mana fixing land for Azorius.

Having a Tundra surprises me, as the rest of your mana base seems pretty basic. But if you're willing to spend a bit, I would consider adding Mystic Gate in as well.

I also really like Venser, the Sojourner for this deck as another Conjurer's Closet type effect. If you're okay with infinite combos, I'd recommend you add Peregrine Drake. When combined with Deadeye Navigator, you get infinite mana, ETBs, and LTBs.

vecuu on Bant Commander

2 years ago

Mana talk:

Minimizing taplands is generally good but expensive (as you know). Plan to eventually replace stuff like the Vivids, snow-duals, and whatever the shorthand for Transguild Promenade is (which, btw, this is twice as slow as a normal tapped land and should 100% be replaced). Yes, even eventually replace the 'gain 1 life' lands that I love :(

I don't know the exact recommended land count. I see as low as 29 (with lots of 0cmc extra expensive cards) and as high as low 40s. I've been targeting 35ish with another 7-8 mana rocks, but I'm not in Green. In Green, you can run 2cmc ramp spells instead of 2cmc mana rocks. like Rampant Growth, Sakura-Tribe Elder, and Farseek.

With all of your land-tutor creatures, make sure you have enough targets. Since you're Chulane, erring on more lands overall might be better?

2 mana rocks like Azorius Signet and Arcane Signet are going be substantially stronger than 3cmc stuff like Selesnya Locket.

Cheatsheet and hyperlinks:


Temple Garden

Hallowed Fountain

Breeding Pool


Flooded Strand

Windswept Heath

Misty Rainforest


Mystic Gate

Wooded Bastion

Flooded Grove


Glacial Fortress

Sunpetal Grove

Hinterland Harbor

plakjekaas on How Good are the New …

2 years ago

Commander is an increasingly fast format because of the cry for not ramping on turn 2 being a death sentence. You can still Farseek off of one of these if you play it turn 1. The only turn they're bad is turn 2, and if you have to play it tapped turn two, you should probably have mulligan'd your hand. I'll play Deserted Beach over Seachrome Coast in any commander deck. Which doesn't mean I'll play it, to be honest, I think it goes the two-colored equivalent of:


Hallowed Fountain

Sea of Clouds

Glacial Fortress

Horizon land if available (Horizon Canopy and such)

Mystic Gate

Hengegate Pathway  Flip

Prairie Stream but only with fetches

Celestial Colonnade

Adarkar Wastes

Irrigated Farmland better with fetches, cycling still solid

Deserted Beach

Temple of Enlightenment

Azorius Chancery

Seachrome Coast

Port Town

Glacial Floodplain higher with fetches, of course

And then all the tapped minor downside stuff like Razortide Bridge or Tranquil Cove or a Campus for enemy colors, whatever fits your deck for synergies could raise those too of course.

That's the general order I'd consider them to include in my 2-color deck if available, I guess.

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