Flooded Grove

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Flooded Grove


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ThassaUpYo@ssa on Kros

3 months ago


For your strategy, I'd focus on either infect or +1/+1 counters since the list seems to be a bit "busy" with too much going on. Once you choose which way you'd like to take the deck, we can further tweak - proliferation will still be central to your overall plan.

Here are some suggestions by color that you might want to consider adding to your mainboard:


Heroic Intervention, Nature's Lore, The Great Henge, Three Visits.


Akroma's Will, Flawless Manuever, Smothering Tithe, Teferi's Protection, Trouble in Pairs.


Cyclonic Rift, Fierce Guardianship, Mana Drain, Swan Song.

Permission Denied

I think you can get away with swapping out removing some counter spells as it seems a bit overkill - Cancel, Dispel, Envelop, Negate, and Nullify could probably come out in favor of Fierce Guardianship, Mana Drain, and Swan Song (the others could just be cut).

For your land base, I'd work the following lands in to help with your color wheel:

Fetch Lands: Flooded Strand, Misty Rainforest, Windswept Heath

Filter Lands: Flooded Grove, Mystic Gate, Wooded Bastion

Pathways Lands: Barkchannel Pathway  Flip, Branchloft Pathway  Flip, Hengegate Pathway  Flip

Shock Lands: Breeding Pool, Hallowed Fountain, Temple Garden

Tri-Cycle Land: Spara's Headquarters

True Duals: Savannah, Tropical Island, Tundra

For mana rocks, I prefer the talismans over the signets:

Talisman of Curiosity, Talisman of Progress, Talisman of Unity

I think your Kros, Defense Contractor list is in a good spot, it just needs to be a little more focused.

Rasaru on Merfolks Counting

10 months ago

If I were to only look at your pending deliveries, I'd make the following changes.

Empress Galina --> Lord of Atlantis

Kumena's Speaker --> Master of the Pearl Trident

Shaper Apprentice --> Realmwalker

Storm Sculptor --> Merfolk Skydiver

Rootwater Diver --> Svyelun of Sea and Sky

Lotus Blossom --> Hadana's Climb  Flip

Afiya Grove --> Utopia Sprawl

Thornwood Falls --> Flooded Grove

Vivid Grove --> Rejuvenating Springs

Littjara Mirrorlake --> Dreamroot Cascade

Quandrix Campus --> Windswept Heath

Battlegrowth --> Barkchannel Pathway  Flip

Once you make some additional updates and clean up your maybe list (I see some cards there that are also in your main board), I'll be happy to take another look! However, some other cards you should consider (that I don't see in either list) are Emperor Mihail II, Murkfiend Liege, Simic Ascendancy, Kindred Discovery, and Guardian Project. A more more expensive card option could be The Ozolith, but I'd wait on that to see if you like how the deck plays after some changes.

joni1707x on Merfolks Counting

10 months ago

Rasaru Thank you for commenting and giving me some advice. I really appreciate this!

For my budget, I would like to include some cards that cost about 10€ each, in total I would say I can afford about 100€ +/-20 (the lesser the better).

After testing the Deck for my own, I agree that my manabase needs some fixes. I ordered some cards to upgrade this a bit (see below).

As I am trying to put as many counters on my board as possible, I feel, that the creatures that do not create tokens like Kumena's Speaker, could be excluded?

I got some pending deliveries. Here are the cards that I bought to upgrade it:

Lord of Atlantis, Master of the Pearl Trident, Snakeskin Veil, Realmwalker, Double Major, Forced Adaptation, Kiora, Master of the Depths, Deeproot Champion, Merfolk Skydiver, Primal Empathy, Vastwood Fortification  Flip, Oversimplify, Tangled Islet, Flooded Grove, Rejuvenating Springs, Utopia Sprawl, Dreamroot Cascade, Talisman of Curiosity, Simic Signet, Hadana's Climb  Flip, Barkchannel Pathway  Flip, Svyelun of Sea and Sky, Windswept Heath

I am not sure what to exclude and what to include.. (fyi I am playing for half a year, Thank you in advance!

Tic12 on One Hundred and One Counters

1 year ago

Update 1 (more Creature Power):

Out:Stag Beetle, Thrive, Smell Fear, Decisive Denial

In:Evolution Sage, Roalesk, Apex Hybrid, Benevolent Hydra, Genesis Hydra

Update 2 (better Card Draw):

Out:Towashi Guide-Bot

In:Bred for the Hunt

Update 3 (Mana Base):

Out:Tangled Islet

In:Flooded Grove

amarthaler on EDH Arcades, the Strategist

1 year ago


Out: Glacial Fortress... Sunpetal Grove... Hinterland Harbor

In: Mystic Gate... Flooded Grove... Wooded Bastion

Not sure why it took me this long to smooth out the land base, but I replaced all the check lands with my favorite filter lands from Shadowmoor and Eventide.

Max_Hammer on Simic Evolve - MTG Intro Pack Upgrade #1

1 year ago

Need help with lands, eh? I am here to help. (:

Okay, so, there are a lot of mono-colored lands that could technically work, but the only one really worth it would be Yavimaya Hollow, and that is double your deck cost for one, so probably pass.

If you want to look no further than

If you're looking for budget but fast, I'd say the pain land Yavimaya Coast.

Slightly less budget and potentially a little risky if you only draw these could be the filter land Flooded Grove (this one is my personal favorite).

If you want to check out even more then check out . I swear I'm not sponsored, Mana Gathering is just useful.

Mortlocke on The Queen's Egg

1 year ago

Hello Votecat, thanks for commenting on my page. Just as a side note, you can tag the cards you reference by using:

[[card:Sliver Overlord]]

I have thoughts on every card suggestion you made, and i'll address them individually. Root Sliver is on permanent standby for me. Depending on the nature of my meta (Rather, when I actually get one - RL has its challenges) i'd find a way to work it in, but I'm uncertain on what i'd cut - what would you cut from my list to make room? Rhythm of the Wild is a great card, however it's unnecessary as Slivers do all of the things this Enchantment can do - but better. Why be confined by Riot? Having to choose Haste or a +1/+1 counter? Besides, dedicating so many resources to countering one form of interaction is just unnecessary with the inclusion of Cavern of Souls and the potential inclusion of Root Sliver.

Intruder Alarm I have my own issues with - namely that it's a dead card in hand until you have all the combo pieces on board to fully take advantage of it before an opponent does. The effect can very easily backfire - and has backfired on me personally - and has forever soured my take on the card. Also, keep in mind if you are ever in a mirror match, there is always a chance the opponent can out maneuver you with the exact same pieces. This simply makes me miss Paradox Engine that much more. The printing of Urza, Lord High Artificer made the banning of Paradox Engine essential if players were going to use him - so I forever hate on Urza, who personally ruined my fun with one of my favorite cards.

The comparison of Dregscape Sliver and Yawgmoth's Will is like a 9MM vs. a Nuclear Bomb. YawgWill is leagues beyond the potential of what Dregscape has to offer - you can play a land, any spell that isn't a Sliver, oh and a Sliver, until the end of turn out of your graveyard. The best part is that said Sliver doesn't get exiled at the end of turn. There is a very good reason why this card is on the reserved list. I'm not going to be swapping out YawgWill anytime soon.

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth are both good cards - within context. Urborg is kind of meh outside of a monoblack or 2 color deck that also utilizes Cabal Coffers - and doesn't have access to Green. Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth on the otherhand is uh...meh? Slivers aren't a Lands matter deck and there aren't any Slivers that gain +X/+X for each Forest I control - though that would be sweet. Honestly, these lands would do more harm than good as fixing the manabases of my opponents is something I generally want to avoid.

Ashnod's Altar is not the most optimal choice unless the commander is Sliver Queen herself. Without the other combo pieces on board, Altar just kind of sits there as an optional sac outlet that could potentially ramp you - but to take full advantage you would absolutely need Quick Sliver on board. Again, it's a good card for Sliver Queen the commander, but in a Sliver Tribal deck i'm just not convinced.

Crowd Lands - first time i've heard Bondlands being referred to as that. Cool. I don't always play this deck in a pod so having lands that always come in tapped is simply not ideal. I lean more toward the Shadowmoor/Eventide Filterlands e.g. Flooded Grove, Cascade Bluffs, etc. if I were to swap out my Revised Dual Lands.

Thanks for commenting by the way, please leave a +1 if you like as I will be doing the same on your deckpage.

chitinous approval ensues

Drayven9309 on Adrix & Nev, Multi-Tokes

1 year ago

Regarding your land base I see you're running Misty Rainforest, but not any of the lands it's 'meant' to fetch - these are dual lands that still have land types and are thus fetchable. Tropical Island, Breeding Pool etc. I don't think you need to run Misty as you're only in two colours and green is the king of ramp, so you're unlikely to be hurting for the right colours as well as cutting 1/10th of your deck's cost.

I don't like to spend a lot of money on my land base (especially in only two colours) but there are some cheap dual lands that are good to throw in, these come in untapped if you fulfill certain conditions (which are reasonably easy to obtain, especially in green) Dreamroot Cascade, Flooded Grove, Hinterland Harbor, Vineglimmer Snarl.

(Simic Growth Chamber is fine to keep - make sure you are bouncing a land you've already tapped for mana though, pro tip)

This is just my opinion so take this with a grain of salt. But I would replace the following lands

Myriad Landscape enters tapped, you're in two colours, one being green so you've got better ramp choices.

Blighted Woodland green has better ramp than this.

Lumbering Falls unless I'm missing something you don't need the utility of having a man-land.

Misty Rainforest expensive mana-fixing and you don't have the other lands needed to make full use of it, and again green has all the ramp options.

Temple of Mystery, Thornwood Falls can be replaced by dual lands that usually come in untapped.

Rejuvenating Springs is fine but I prefer cheaper options.

Again, my opinion, but you seem light on removal and ramp while heavy on land. Most decks run 33-36 land, being in green you could probably get away with 33. Try throwing in some of these Nature's Lore/Three Visits, Vastwood Surge, Growth Spiral, Migration Path, Ordeal of Nylea has some synergy, and if you put it on a creature that already has two or more counters on it, you can sacrifice it the same turn you play it. This is by far a non exhaustive list so feel free to google simic ramp and see what other options there are.

As for removal you'll want to make sure you have removal for not only creatures, but other non-land permanents mainly artifacts and enchantments which can sometimes be difficult depending on your colours (I'm assuming you won't have to deal with problematic lands most of the time). Pongify, Curse of the Swine and, Reality Shift are good picks (Curse of the Swine-ing yourself to create lots of piggies is never not funny and unexpected.)

You don't seem to have any boardwipes, these are cards that, in a panic let you just erase everything from the Battlefield (barring lands, usually) and can be great for when your opponent(s) are simply getting ahead of you in terms of having a developed board-state. The best one you have available is Cyclonic Rift but is a bit pricey, others include Wash Out, Evacuation, Devastation Tide and, Nevinyrral's Disk (for an actual board wipe). Unfortunately Blue really only has options that return things to hand instead of thoroughly destroying or exiling and Green straight up has nothing except anti-flying. They do most of their removal through fighting.

This is turning into an absolute wall of text and I'm getting lazy so I'm just gonna finish here by copying a comment from a YouTube video

Ramp: 10-12

Card Draw: 10

Single Target Removal: 10-12

Board Wipes: 3

Lands: 33-38

Standalone (cards that are effective by themselves/with commander): 25

Enhancers (cards that amplify or are amplified by standalones or commander): 10-12

Enablers (covers a weakness or fills a gap in your strategy): 7-8

Cards on your theme: 30(ish)

Consider overlaps (cards that count in multiple categories) and partials (cards that count as 'half' in a given category. E.g. scry 2 as half a card draw card)

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