[[Primer]] - Daretti - Degenerate Artifacts

Commander / EDH Guerte

SCORE: 827 | 523 COMMENTS | 162287 VIEWS | IN 291 FOLDERS

Update and Comment Clearing —March 15, 2019


  • Blightsteel Colossus
  • Chaos Wand
  • Kuldotha Forgemaster
  • Mountain
  • x5
  • Oracle's Vault
  • Quicksmith Genius
  • Scrap Trawler
  • Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer
  • Thopter Assembly
  • Urza's Mine
  • Urza's Power Plant
  • Urza's Tower


  • Arid Mesa
  • Blinkmoth Nexus
  • Blood Moon
  • Bloodstained Mire
  • Crucible of Worlds
  • Ensnaring Bridge
  • Inkmoth Nexus
  • Lion's Eye Diamond
  • Magus of the Moon
  • Mishra's Factory
  • Oblivion Stone
  • Scalding Tarn
  • Stranglehold
  • Tangle Wire
  • Ward of Bones
  • Wooded Foothills

I realized I updated the deck, but without close examination, no one could really tell what those changes were.

I opted to remove some of the “cute, fun” things and have opted to go for a more stax-based approach. I’m still keeping off MLD, as I still am not a fan of it and won’t bring myself to playing it.

At least for now...

Guerte says... #1

Jcerto: I've just released my review of C18 cards above.

Jay3401: I haven't given much thought to using Thran Temporal Gateway. It could be good, but it could also end up being discard fodder. I can test it just to see how it will do. I feel like it is almost like Oracle's Vault with three brick counters on it. However, it doesn't combo with Paradox Engine. And on the other hand, it also can't get countered like the cards from Vault can. Things to consider...

Egoxeno: That's really an honor for me that you think this is the definitive starting point for Daretti players. I really appreciate that. While you are correct that this could be really great with infinite mana, I also have to take into consideration the ability to recur these cards. Much like Hangarback Walker, we cannot bring them back from the graveyard, so they do lose a little bit effectiveness. It is something I could still consider, given the time for me to test it out, but in all honesty, it's not the highest on my list.

August 25, 2018 9:01 a.m.

DrkNinja says... #2

My thing on Coveted Gem is that you can just sac it to KCI if the ability ever goes on the stack.

August 25, 2018 9:14 a.m.

Guerte says... #3

DrkNinja: This is true, if you run KCI, which I do not. Granted, I'm testing Slobad out as a sac outlet, but I'm just not sure of the effectiveness of the Gem. Testing will tell when I can test it!

August 25, 2018 10:13 a.m.

Lord0fHam says... #4

I certainly hope you download xmage because I've been wanting to build this deck and your primer is amazing. I really want to know if you will be adding any cards from C18. Also, if there's any chance at updating your budget list that would be awesome!

August 27, 2018 3 p.m.

xXBuddhaXx says... #5

I took a second look at Coveted Jewel and there is a lot of synergy here. Same with Treasure Nabber. Last night I had Winter Orb Lock with nabber out and no body wanted to tap there rocks, it forced them to choose to cast a spell losing there rocks for a turn. My meta uses a lot of artifact rocks, and so far my playtesting with Nabber produces a powerful stack piece against other Artifacts decks or stax decks that rely on heavily on mana rocks.

The Coveted Jewel on the other hand seems bad, but after some play testing it proved to provide a lot of card advantage. Think about it this way, most of the time we do not cast High CMCs, but rather weld them right? Cast it or recur it, the ETB draws 3 cards, and now you have a gilded lotus active to cast one of the spells that were drawn. This strategy proved to produce gross value because once someone finally was able to hit me I sacked it in respond to declared blockers/attackers step, then weld it again to EOT draw cards or do it on my turn, Alhammeret's Archive drawing you six instead, keeping metal worker relevant throughout the game. I believe that if your opponents attack daretti the Coveted Jewel doesn't trigger.

I also had to add Stranglehold becuz Turnz is a thing in my meta. It is also a strong piece against Heavy tutor decks.

I have been brewing Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain at the helm with mostly Daretti's build, but now with etb abuses and blue tutoring.

August 28, 2018 2:04 a.m. Edited.

Nofis says... #6

What do you think of Throne of Geth as a budget alternative for Contagion Engine

September 2, 2018 7:24 a.m.

DaMaster545 says... #7

How has Chaos Wand been performing for you thus far? I haven't yet tested it because of my skepticism. Seven mana seems like a big investment for a random spell assuming you use the wand the turn you cast it. I imagine hitting counterspells would feel pretty bad too.

However... just realized the interaction with Paradox Engine and rocks that tap for four mana. I suppose it would function almost like a more consistent Oracle's Vault at that point until you drain each opponent of their instants and sorceries. Essentially, this would be a two card combo because of how many rocks are run.

September 3, 2018 4:50 p.m.

Grageon says... #8

Hey! Love that deck! I‘m currently running a Traxos, Scourge of Kroog deck with many artifact stuff. But I wanted to step the game up and play Daretti.

My question goes at the budget list of yours: Is there any chance that you may upgrade it in the near future?

I’m just curious because I wanted to try the deck out without spending too much. I got the Daretti Pre-Con from the Anthology.

September 10, 2018 4:33 p.m.

OP_Sigma says... #9

Hello Guerte

I really like you deck. I already play a Jhoira storm deck but wanted to try a mono-colored deck. It was between Daretti and Arcum and my choice went for the mono red.

If you struggle against heavy counter decks did you think about Red Elemental Blast and Pyroblast?

I'll probably add them just in case in my own version of the deck .

Your deck is awesome!

September 12, 2018 4:17 p.m.

hurricane219 says... #10

I was thinking about cards like Abrade or Goblin Cratermaker. What do you think about those?

I love this deck. After a short romance with Godo, I think I may finally come home.

October 21, 2018 7:46 p.m.

Grageon says... #11

OP_Sigma if your Meta is Counterspell heavy, try to add Defense Grid and/or Price of Glory! You may even use Fork to copy the Counterspell and counter it with the copy.

October 22, 2018 6:25 a.m.
October 22, 2018 3:32 p.m.

soosis says... #13

Hi!The deck seems super fun,I'm considering building it.One question I have:if i choose not to use the infinite combos in it is it still viable?Infinites are frowned upon in my paper meta or if I build it in mtgo its so boring to do infinites there with all the clicking...and I don't really like winning with infinite combos anyway.Thanks for the answer beforehand!

November 30, 2018 5:22 a.m.

DrkNinja says... #14

Hey Guerte, a card I've been running for awhile now I want your opinion on, Hellkite Igniter. It wins me games A LOT.

November 30, 2018 9:55 a.m.

DrkNinja says... #15

@soosis you can totally build Daretti without infinite combos, Daretti is all about creating value, and value engines. It won't be AS competitive as Guerte's or my own but it will be a shit ton of fun.

November 30, 2018 3:55 p.m.

soosis says... #16

@DrkNinja Thanks! It seems that even if I dont abuse the infinite potential of these combo pieces they are still useful cards to put in. Maybe I will cut a few cards that are only useful in the combo.

December 1, 2018 5:52 a.m.

Guerte says... #17

xmistfitxzviprx: Metalwork Colossus is only a beatstick, and doesn't do anything for the deck, so he isn't worth it to run.

soosis: The infinite combos are definitely not necessary. They synergize really well with the deck, but you really don't have to utilize them. Darksteel Forge/Nevinyrral's Disk isn't an infinite combo, but a really good synergy that can end the game.

DrkNinja: In the early stages of the deck, I used to run Hellkite Igniter. I opted to remove him simply because of the lack of recursion for him. If he works out for you, then I'm really glad it does. I just choose not to run it myself anymore. :)

December 1, 2018 12:18 p.m.

soosis says... #18

@Guerte Thanks for the answer!I'll definetly build this!

December 2, 2018 3:57 p.m.

repkan10 says... #19

Hey Guerte, huge fan of the deck! I'm very interested to see a writeup regarding the most recent changes and how they've worked for you. The Tron package and Krark-Clan Ironworks seem very interesting inclusions.

December 16, 2018 11:19 a.m.

Guerte says... #20

repkan10: Glad to hear you're a fan! So, the most recent changes I've opted for are:



I've opted to cut all of the fetch lands and Crucible of Worlds, at least for the time being. Being a mono-colored deck means we don't need to worry about color fixing, the fetches aren't necessarily important. Losing Crucible may prove to be a mistake, as we will no longer be able to play lands from our graveyard to ensure hitting our land drops, or reuse our many utility lands.

In their place, I have opted to run four more basic Mountains as well as Forge of Heroes to replace the lands I took out. Forge will hopefully prove to be a worthwhile land, as it should enable us to ultimate Daretti a turn earlier. In place of Crucible, I have chosen to put in Saheeli's Directive. With Directive, we should be able to spam the board with a ton of artifacts, and hopefully get closer to winning the game.

As far as Tron lands and KCI are concerned, I had a lot of utility lands that I ended up not using, so I decided to add these lands to increase the amount of mana I could produce. And KCI is mainly there as an additional sac outlet to save from exile effects or to set up a massive Scrap Mastery.

December 16, 2018 11:50 a.m.

repkan10 says... #21

Guerte: Fair enough! As I said I've been a huge fan and I've been running your list as it's grown for almost 2 years now.

I suppose my only reservation on the Tron package is how there really isn't a consistent way to tutor and get all three lands. I feel like one by itself is just a worse Arch of Orazca or Homeward Path. Not to mention the full set can easily be disrupted with land destruction.

Interesting to also note Sculpting Steel is in as well. I've tinkered with it and love the versatility but I don't think I can make a slot for it, personally.

I think I'll elect to keep the Crucible package in, but swapping Karn, Scion of Urza for Saheeli's Directive, and the Lightning Greaves for KCI are worth while changes. I also will try out Forge of Heroes in place of Haven of the Spirit Dragon.

Glad to have ya back post-hiatus, and hope to see some more gameplay on YouTube!

December 16, 2018 2:05 p.m.

Guerte says... #22

repkan10: I’m honored you’re taking inspiration from my list. I never tire of hearing that. Lol.

I’m keeping a close eye on the Tron lands to figure out how useful they really are. Alone they are just a generic colorless land, and without recursion, they can become less impactful than something that has an additional effect to use.

Sculpting Steel is still in testing. I do like the versatility of it and the fact it can use the ETB effects of things it copies, which Mirage Mirror doesn’t, although I’d like to maybe test that some day.

I may end up having to put Crucible back in; I’m not sure that was a correct cut yet. I’m still iffy on the fetch lands as well.

With me dropping Greaves, I’m now wondering if I should keep Blightsteel in here still. You don’t really want to go a full turn cycle leaving him unprotected from exile or tuck effects.

I probably won’t have any videos out for awhile. I’m taking a bit of break from them to rebuild my paper decks, and with holidays, birthdays, and vacations coming up, it may not be until after February before anything new comes out. We shall see how things play out.

December 16, 2018 3:59 p.m.

Guerte says... #23

So, if I decide the Tron lands aren’t worth it, these are the ones I’m thinking of putting in their place:

  • Blinkmoth Nexus: Synergy with the deck as it can become sac fodder for Daretti, or a blocker to protect him.
  • Inkmoth Nexus: Synergy with the deck as it can become sac fodder for Daretti, or a blocker to protect him.
  • Isolated Watchtower: Can scry away something we don’t want, and possibly ramp us. The weakest of the choices in my opinion.
  • Kher Keep: Provides a creature to protect Daretti.
  • Mishra's Factory: Synergy with the deck as it can become sac fodder for Daretti, or a blocker to protect him.
  • Sequestered Stash: Synergizes with the deck by dumping cards in the graveyard and popping one back on top.
  • Thespian's Stage: Can copy any land we want.
December 16, 2018 7:13 p.m.

So happy to have you back man, I hope this deck will one day be pimped to it's former glory :)

January 7, 2019 12:49 p.m.

Guerte says... #25

SnowCoveredPlainswalker: It’s definitely great to be back! I would love for it to return to its former glory, but unfortunately, I don’t see that happening again anytime soon. I still don’t play enough to justify spending a huge amount of money like I did before (which is why the Workshop and Bazaar are currently Mountains).

January 10, 2019 4:19 p.m.