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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Destroy target blocked creature.

lhetrick13 on I'll Raise you +1/+1...

2 years ago

Drestlin - I do like how Baffling End comes from one of my favorite sets! Otherwise, I feel like it is similar to a lot of the other low cost removal from out there in terms of having a condition to meet to be effective, having a negative side effect, or losing those at the expense of cost such as Fatal Push, Infernal Grasp, Bloodchief's Thirst, Assassin's Trophy, Maelstrom Pulse, Vindicate...

The cheaper removal stuff from also has limiting conditions conditions or negative side effects like Smite, Swallow Whole, Reciprocate, Condemn, etc...which was one of my problems to begin with, not being able to always removal the creatures I needed consistently with Swallow Whole. Not saying that my idea to use Retribution of the Ancients for removal is not without its faults as you have to have +1/+1 counters to lose but at least it does not give the opponent a boost in land or creatures or take a 10th of my health (which the high number or fetch, shock, or pain lands already do that and more!).

Playtesting Retribution of the Ancients so far has had mixed reviews. I have either lost playing against decks like Living End where creatures are not really a thing until they are a thing and its to late or I have gotten it out and it does work effectively to help clear the board of essential pieces or just enough so I can get unblocked creatures for the win.

Balaam__ on Black/White ZOOOOOMBIES

4 years ago

I’d vote for going mainly black with a splash of white. You’ll need protection/removal, and white excels in this respect. You could sideboard one stuff like Apostle's Blessing, Demystify, Smite or Divine Offering. Then there’s lifegain, which will undoubtedly prove helpful, and white again has a plethora of cards to choose from.

pokemonmasterjal on Griffins at a Great Price

4 years ago

instead of the combat tricks you should put in card advantage

Arcane Encyclopedia, Book of Rass, Coveted Jewel, Inheritance, Orazca Relic, Loreseeker's Stone, Rogue's Gloves, Seer's Sundial holy shit there's no card draw in white. Also put in Shefet Dunes for the meme.

Consider taking out: Smite, Oblation, Dusk/Dawn and also maybe one of your anthems

Snickles@EDH_only on Pattern Recognition #143 - Red …

4 years ago

Smite! ty Mj3913. I wanted to say AWOL, but I knew that wasn't it as it was in Urza's Hot Tub

5dollarMTG on $5 Budget Soldiers

4 years ago

Hey Haydenc553. The first thing I would so is sub in a better removal piece like Banishing Light or Oblivion Ring for Smite. I was trying to stay on flavor but Smite's just not that good a card. If you're going to play Thalia's Lieutenant, you want to maximize the number of humans, so sub Thraben Inspector for Cenn's Tactician and Preeminent Captain for Aerial Responder (at least not decreasing humans there). You can put in three Thalia's for a Ballyrush Banneret and two Veteran Armorsmith. That would be initial thought at least - you might need to test it out a bit.

Gattison on Prague-Rock (Helix-Golem Combo)

5 years ago

Giorgiod: First of all, thanks for your interest, and please let me know how playing the deck works out for you. =D I'd love to get feedback on the deck in a different meta.

As for a sideboard. Tbh, eh not really, lol. I play mostly casual/kitchen table, plus I literally have over 50 pauper decks built so I don't get to play them all as much as they deserve.

That being said, were I to bring this deck to a LGS and play it, I would probably swap Stoic Rebuttal for straight-up Counterspell as Daarkest suggested above, and leave maybe one or more Stoic Rebuttals in the sideboard for counter-wars with other blue decks.

I only have the one copy of Welding Jar or else I'd have more in the deck also, so put some of those in the sideboard too.

Apostle's Blessing is one of the best defense spells in pauper imho, so if you face a lot of removal, there's that.

Echoing Truth is versatile enough to hit any permanent, so kind of a board wipe, but can also get rid of Treasure, Food, etc. depending on what you face.

Beyond that, I usually go very general with my sideboards, so creature removal (Searing Light, Smite, Celestial Flare), artifact removal (Fragmentize, Dispeller's Capsule) and enchantment removal (Demystify). And sometimes you can double up the effects on one card to "save space" in your sideboard, as you can see. =)

Finally, there's always the old trick where you Unsummon/Void Snare something, and then Counterspell it when they try to cast it again.

Hopefully that jumble of ideas provides some help to you! =D Have fun, and let me know how you like the deck and if it needs any major adjustments or whatnot! Thanks!

TheMadRocketeer on Swarm

5 years ago

I never noticed Vicious Conquistador before. Looks like an upgraded Pulse Tracker, which makes it good. I'd move some more in that direction. You really want to be pretty sure of a 1-cost creature in your opening hand and a 2-cost creature or two 1-cost creatures for your second turn. You want to be getting some hurt in before the opponent starts dropping bigger creatures. When they do, you want to be using inexpensive removal on their better creatures (Doom Blade, Smite, Victim of Night, etc.) or evading them (Vampire Nighthawk, Gruesome Deformity, etc.) to keep the pressure on and finish them quickly. Don't over-focus on life gain and defense. A little can give you an edge; too much will deprive you of focus. If the opponent is given time and room to fully develop his/her game plan, the extra life will only slow your loss by a turn or two, not prevent it. Embrace cards like Sign in Blood, which lets you trade those life points for something you need more, cards. It can also be used to get in a couple of points of unblockable life loss on an enemy, but that's not the most common use. Keep in mind that the only life point that matters is the last one.

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