Fervent Strike

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fervent Strike


Target creature gets +1/+0 and gains first strike and haste until end of turn.

Squidcod on Flashing Imitations (PDH)

1 year ago

Not sure about price, but Fervent Strike, Sure Strike and See Red could have some benefit in this deck I bet.

Sure strike especially as you could easily be swinging for 11 BEFORE any double strike effects.

djnewellmit on Re-growing Pummeler

4 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions clayperce. I haven't had a chance to play the deck, but I plan on hitting up a Pioneer event at my LGS this Wednesday.

I'll let you know how the sideboard works out on Wednesday. Aethersphere Harvester is there to out-gun any burn-based decks. Rhythm of the Wild might also be a good option for me to replace the second Maximize Velocity in the main deck.

FYI, I will probably brew a UG version to see if those colors still hold some opportunities, maybe even bring in back to Temur. But with the price of Mana Confluence , the mana base may struggle to fit the requirements.

Eledain on UR Bird Storm

5 years ago

I think you should play zero or all four Arclight Phoenix, nothing in between. Fervent Strike copied with Thousand-Year Storm at your quadrillion bird tokens seems pretty insane.

You should really put more love into your deck description. :-)

Have a look at my storm take in Guilds of Ravnica Standart:

Storm over Ravnica - Turn 5 Win in Standart

GentlemanInBlack on Wiz-zet Warriors!

5 years ago

@dusterGGG I was thinking about the removal thing, and you're right. But on the subject of Fervent Strike, what would I swap out for it? The best choice I can think of would be the Crash Through, but that trample and the draw can be game-winners when it's the third or fourth spell that turn, you know? I'll swap out the Risk Factor though, since it really skews the Average CMC of the deck.

dusterGGG on Wiz-zet Warriors!

5 years ago

I feel like you could use some more removal, maybe replace two of you Risk Factor with Lightning Strike. Also have you considered Fervent Strike? It's a solid pump spell, especially with Beamsplitter Mage.

FullmetalWes on Black/Red Aggro Pirates

6 years ago

I'd take out that Built to Smash and Fervent Strike for Claim // Fame and/or Buccaneer's Bravado. Looks like a fun build. Good luck!

WolfBream on Guttersnipe Deck, any thoughts?

6 years ago

After seeing the core set 19 cards, I decided I want to make a mono red deck that will survive the rotation coming in the fall. The whole strategy behind this deck is to do increments of damage to my opponent's health through Viashino Pyromancer, Burn Spells, and Guttersnipe. Are there any thoughts/ suggestions?


Creatures (21):

4 Guttersnipe 4 Viashino Pyromancer 4 Ghitu Lavarunner 3 Dismissive Pyromancer 3 Fanatical Firebrand

Instants (12): 4 Wizard's Lightning 4 Shock 4 Lightning Strike

Enchantments (3):

3 The Flame of Keld

Sorceries (3):

3 Mutiny

Land (21):

21 Mountain

Total: 60


3 Smelt 2 Repeating Barrage 2 Fervent Strike 2 Reckless Rage 2 Warlord's Fury 1 Makeshift Munitions 3 Goblin Chainwhirler

Thanks in advance,


dalkuldar on UR Wizards

6 years ago

Would Renegade Tactics be better then Warlord’s Fury or rather drop the card draw and go for instant speed ones like Invigorated Rampage, Fervent Strike, Run Amok, or Sure Strike? And dive down , mainboard or sideboard, or rather Spell Pierce?

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