Saskia's Blitzkrieg

Commander / EDH Blitzak

SCORE: 89 | 117 COMMENTS | 40596 VIEWS | IN 56 FOLDERS

LittleBlueHero says... #1

I think I am going to be building her to. This is a great starting point.

Since you have access to white you might want to consider Mother of Runes. In most cases she will be able to pave a way for you to hit someone.

All in all I think I am going to run plenty of sneaky ways to avoid blockers and such. Thats just my style. she also falls into the primary colors for creatures with shadow.

October 26, 2016 12:35 p.m.

Blitzak says... #2

Hey LittleBlueHero mother of runes is a great suggestion. I'm going to need to find room. For this draft I just cut and paste three of my other deck lists and cut down to 99.

I thought about more evasive creatures, but I'm currently going to try having a lot of extra combat steps. I also want to add more damage doublers.

I would like to take a look at your list when you have one!

October 26, 2016 2:19 p.m.

Crackbubba says... #3

Westvale Abbey  Flip doesn't seem to fit what this deck is doing. You want more creatures, not less. 6 for 1ing yourself (most players will exile him easily) is generally a bad idea. Especially since you don't have a great deal of token generation. I would rather go with mana rocks or Temple of the False God

November 1, 2016 8:48 a.m.

Crackbubba says... #4

Also, Tithe is kind of pointless, from what I see you only have 2 Plains in the whole deck, including Mistveil Plains. Either add more plains or remove Tithe. You can't depend on Chromatic Lantern to cast it.

November 1, 2016 8:58 a.m.

Blitzak says... #5

Hey Crackbubba, thanks for taking a look.

You might be right about Westvale Abbey. An earlier build had more tokens. I might have to take I out with this current build.

Tithe is only really there to get mistveil plains and let me recycle my sunforger targets.

November 1, 2016 1:46 p.m.

Steelspike says... #6

Bear Umbra on Hellkite Charger means infinite attacks. Better than Sword of Feast and Famine (imo), since all bear umbra requires you to do is attack, not damage an opponent like the Sword.

I get that Saskia has the creature deal damage to the chosen player, but more triggers/instances of the same thing is never a bad thing.

Also, bear umbra and Aggravated Assault same same.

November 13, 2016 1:52 p.m. Edited.

Blitzak says... #7

Bear umbra was actually in the original list Steelspike. I ended up picking feast and famine over it for the added evasion. Also that I have more ways to find an equipment. I wouldn't be against having both, I just don't know what I would cut for it at this point.

November 14, 2016 12:29 a.m.

Definitely consider adding Hero of Bladehold. Those extra attacking tokens combined with Battlecry effects can be deadly. Hanweir Garrison does a similar job, and can get absolutely stupid if you can somehow turn it into Hanweir, the Writhing Township.

November 14, 2016 5:08 a.m.

LittleBlueHero says... #9

Picked up the Saskia deck on Friday. Currently in build/testing. I'll share it with you when I get it up here :)

One card I will definitely be running though is Malignus. If you hit saskia's chosen player with it its game over. The you just have to reset Saskia with something like Erratic Portal or blink effects.

November 14, 2016 9:35 a.m.

Steelspike says... #10

Blitzak, Open the Armory :)

Also, it occurred to me that Blade of Selves would be pretty damn funny with her as well.

November 14, 2016 9:56 p.m.

Emzed says... #11

I don't understand why you are playing Arcane Lighthouse in a deck that has such heavy color requirements and basically no removal that could be stopped by Hexproof/Shroud. I suggest replacing it with City of Brass, Reflecting Pool or Exotic Orchard to improve your colored mana.
Mortuary Mire also seems rather weak, why not try Shizo, Death's Storehouse instead? It comes untapped and is great at providing evasion.
Since your deck seems to be very aggressive, Zealous Conscripts would probably fit nicely. It can punish players really hard for dropping Eldrazi or Planeswalkers.

November 29, 2016 8:12 a.m.

Blitzak says... #12

Steelspike! Thanks for the ideas. I forgot about open the armoury. Any suggestions for cuts?

Blade of seleves is kind of an unofficial sideboard card for me. I slip it in for games with 4+ players. I just don't like that in a 1v1 situation it does absolutely nothing.

Emzed, Thanks for taking a look. You make good points about arcane lighthouse. I have an overgrown tomb on the way that ill slip in there. I didnt know the storehouse existed! I need a copy for sure. I might keep the mire though.

Conscripts isn't a bad suggestion either, I'll look into making room.

November 29, 2016 3:02 p.m.

Steelspike says... #13

Blitzak, For cuts I would say Nature's Lore. First off, it gets you a forest, but it costs green so you already have a green source if you're casting it.

Secondly, Open the Armory would be used to go get a Sword, Batterskull, or Breath of Fury. More of a "win" than tutoring up a forest. I know it can hit duals, but a Sword would be much more powerful and useful.

November 29, 2016 4:37 p.m.

Emzed says... #14

Nature's Lore is great, it can find nonbascic forests like Stomping Ground and fix your mana that way.

November 29, 2016 5:32 p.m.

HonkStonk says... #15

You might find some things you find fun for this in Heroes never die

December 20, 2016 4:33 p.m.

Blitzak says... #16

Hey squirlfood! Thanks for the ideas. You have a couple damage doublers I didn't know about. I'll be keeping them in mind.

I actually have a couple suggestions for your list too! This Saskia deck is actually built largely from my old Iroas deck. Two of my favourite cards that you aren't using are Repercussion and Lightmine Field. Painfully one sided with Iroas.

December 21, 2016 1 p.m.

HonkStonk says... #17

Blitzak Thank you. I like Lightmine Field for Daxation is theft However I am giddy with how Repercussion Plays off or Iroas, God of Victory and damage doublers.

December 21, 2016 4:03 p.m. Edited.

Gleeock says... #18

So if you had Hellkite Charger & Nature's Will you could just attack your entire table (switching combat targets each combat), & tap all their lands??? Assuming they can't block you? Sounds like a 1 round sweep. I should probably throw that combo in to my Saskia deck... And Bear Umbra if I am worried about fogging affects

January 1, 2017 10:12 a.m.

Blitzak says... #19

Hey Gleeock! Yeah, Charger and Sword of Feast and Famine is my only infinite combo.

Aggravated assault also works instead of charger. I used to have it and Bear Umbra in here but I had to make some hard cuts.

Nature's will is a new card to me! That seems like a great way to protect against counterspells. Just cast everything second main phase. I think I need to find room for it.

January 1, 2017 10:32 a.m.

Gleeock says... #20

Yep, I have used it to shut down instants/flash/split-second in the past... Nice little addition to the usual untap lands... Except with more guarantee of not having your permanents all snuffed out/cancelled after you free up all your lands

January 1, 2017 11:21 a.m.

Emzed says... #21

That choice of words is quite funny, since the literal card Snuff Out can hit you even if your opponents are tapped out :P

January 1, 2017 11:59 a.m.

Gleeock says... #22

Yeah, that is a weird coincidence. I tend to speak/type in phrases. But the point is that Nature's Will accomplishes a similar feat to the other untap lands cards with the addition of a little bit of a control element and it affects any attacking creature you control instead of a single equip/aura... but there is that combat damage caveat which is susceptible to fogging, I usually find it to be worth it though

January 1, 2017 10:07 p.m.

TrevaTheCleva says... #23

Are you getting enough mana when playing? I notice relatively few mana rocks/dorks/ramp.

I don't like to run 3 drops with 1xx cost because sometimes I don't get 2x of one color. So I would look at cutting Solemn Recruit, Brimaz, King of Oreskos,Drana, Liberator of Malakir. I run less creatures in my Saskia deck in favor of instants, I can see an argument for either option.

-Gaddock Teeg helps against wrath
-Burning-Tree Shaman can be punishing for many opponents like Breya.
-Sram, Senior Edificer since you run SFM, Looter Scooter...
-Selfless Spirit for wipes
-Goblin Welder, low on the curve can really slow opponents starts, might be better in certain meta's. I get a lot of infinate artifact shenanigans here.
-Tireless Tracker just draws you cards and carries swords
-Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip with your creature count could do some work.

-Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile
-Hide/Seek plays well with Sunforger
-Kolaghan's Command
-Austere Command

I will try to post my list soon as I get time :)

March 5, 2017 10:45 a.m.

Blitzak says... #24

Hiya TrevaTheCleva, thanks for taking a look! I actually haven't had much issue with getting two any given colour, my mana is pretty solid at this point. Three was where I started having issues, which is why Archangel of Tithes is gone.

Of all your suggestions Burning-Tree Shaman is actually new to me. That especially seems like a great fit!

March 6, 2017 12:59 a.m.

Airaa says... #25

I am currently making a Saskia deck myself. One combo I noticed while making it that u may want is Hydra Omnivore and Blade of Selves. Then a copy of the hydra hits each opponent, but then all 2+ hit all players. It's great for big battles.

March 26, 2017 2:06 p.m.

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