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I just want to say this once!

Oathbreaker Casual Competitive GWU (Bant)


In the journey of trying to play new styles in order to keep things fun, this is my build on Tamiyo, Field Researcher Oathbreaker deck. Of course the idea is pretty simple, ramp out mana, build up planeswalkers quickly, put big creatures on the board.

Now the second and most underlining idea about this deck is trying to make one goal happen. Getting my wife to not only play Magic against me, but to play against me while I'm playing this deck. I just want to get some certain creatures out on the board and tell her, "swing at your face with my BBC (Big Blue Creatures of course)." She will probably think that funny and never play again, but this is the dream!

Any help or suggestions on this deck are greatly appreciated as it will be going up against some friends that are some pretty amazing deck brewers.


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Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years
Exclude colors BR
Splash colors WUG

This deck is Oathbreaker legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 0 Mythic Rares

19 - 0 Rares

10 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.82
Tokens Emblem Elspeth, Knight-Errant, Emblem Kiora, Master of the Depths, Emblem Kiora, the Crashing Wave, Emblem Tamiyo, Field Researcher, Emblem Teferi, Hero of Dominaria, Kraken 9/9 U, Octopus 8/8 U, Soldier 1/1 W
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