Timeless Lotus

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Timeless Lotus

Legendary Artifact

Timeless Lotus enters the battlefield tapped.

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king-saproling on The Progenitus Project.

3 months ago

I really dig your intention to focus on Progenitus as the win-con. Personally I would swap out some of the "goodstuff" and tune the list more toward getting Prog out early. If you play a dork T1, a 3-cmc rock that can generate 2 mana on later turns e.g. Coalition Relic/Component Pouch/the "__ of Ramos" rocks on T2, and follow those up with a couple more ramp pieces that create 2+ mana, you can consistently get Prog out on turn 5. Then T6 could be dedicated to giving him double strike/double power and +1 to his power so you can start taking out opponents. You also wouldn't need removal with a strategy like this since you can just remove the player that controls the worst threats.

Personally I would make these swaps:

Pyrohemia -> Utopia Sprawl (you'd ideally run fetch lands so that this will always have a target, e.g. Marsh Flats into Temple Garden)
Squall line -> Deathrite Shaman (also wants fetches to be effective)
Greenseeker -> Avacyn's Pilgrim
Vraska, Relic Seeker -> Elves of Deep Shadow
Sylvan Ranger -> Sakura-Tribe Scout
Curse of the Swine -> Skyshroud Ranger
Hull Breach -> Hunting Wilds (can find nonbasic forests like Stomping Ground)
Magus of the Mirror -> Skyshroud Claim
Pongify -> Dawn's Reflection
Rapid Hybridization -> Berserkers' Onslaught
Chaos Warp -> Firemind Vessel
Generous Gift -> Relic of Sauron
Path to Exile -> Prismatic Geoscope
Blasphemous Edict -> Timeless Lotus

legendofa on

1 year ago

TFCamaro12 I agree that Leyline of the Guildpact isn't a "bad" card. The main problem is that it's such a build-around card. If you can hardcast it, you probably don't need it, and if it's not in your opening hand, you're stuck playing super slow until you get it out. It doesn't have any redundancy, so backing it up is hard. Basically, either you have it, or your deck chokes.

What exactly is the role of Leyline of the Guildpact in this deck? As I see it, the most efficient line is to set up the Urzatron, cast Morophon, the Boundless or Timeless Lotus, and cast Tiamat from there. The Leyline + Scion of Draco line is good long-game synergy, but it seems to me that dumping some big hasty smashy Dragons out might be a better payoff. There's no reason for the creature color spreading outside of Scion, and I'm not sure how much the basic land ability helps.

If I may suggest, try reworking this deck to focus more on the Morophon-Lotus-Tiamat line, and save the Guildpact for a different deck. Unless I'm missing something obvious, of course.

The More We Work Together is my shot at a Leyline of the Guildpact deck, if you're interested in seeing a different angle.

nbarry223 on Viga-BOOM! (Primer + SB Guide)

1 year ago

Timeless Lotus version, there's actually quite a few directions the deck could go, thanks to Storm the Festival.

nbarry223 on Viga-BOOM! (Primer + SB Guide)

1 year ago

It was a little too greedy, so I reverted to something less greedy. However, after cutting all the fat, I found myself with enough room to play around with the main support color, and is basically the best currently.

We get access to one of the best turn 2 cards when we don’t quite have all the pieces, in the form of Eladamri's Call and one of the best hate cards in the format, Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines.

There’s also plenty of other cards like Dragonlord Dromoka or Yasharn, Implacable Earth that could fit, but I’m not in need of what they provide the deck currently.

Right now, with our higher than usual Forests and other mainboard cards that let us play through Blood Moon easier (went for consistency over greed) we don’t really need to dedicate slots to improving those matchups as much. This let me slot in Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines which is arguably an improved Torpor Orb and Defense Grid since we mainly want it against the mirror and evoke elementals.

I’ll have to update the decks description a bit, since this is what I am happy with for now.

I did toy around with the Timeless Lotus idea though, and I have gotten that pretty close to where I like it through playtesting, although that’s a far cry from this deck’s initial iteration, so I’ll make a separate iteration for that.

nbarry223 on Viga-BOOM! (Primer + SB Guide)

1 year ago

I don't know, 3 Azusa's is a bit much, you'd be surprised how often that legendary rule comes up. Even with 2, I saw the second copy more often than I wanted to. Dead / Gone also seems a bit strange instead of Dismember. Relying on an early red so much seems odd, especially since the 3 CMC of the split isn't even permanent removal. You're weakening your position against a multitude of decks to have a slightly better edge against things like Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines that are unable to be removed otherwise. If you are going for an off-color answer anyway, there's definitely better options. Sure you can still answer Magus of the Moon with it's front, but almost any form of creature removal kills that.

Anyway, Altered Ego sees play in quite a few top 8 decks already, just in their sideboards. It is a fetchable answer to Archon of Cruelty and an uncounterable threat you can dump excess mana into (you can also copy an opponent's hexproof/shroud creature if that ever comes up). However, I like it mainly because you can copy your own Primeval Titan to chain into 2 titans with a singular amulet (can still usually only haste 1) or pretty often 3+ titans with double amulet. Being able to make a second titan so easily is really nice, and it happens to help with 2 of the deck's weaknesses. In fact, it is so powerful, that it devalues Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion quite a bit, essentially making it unnecessary in a lot of situations you would lean on it otherwise - to the point where I cut the win-more card.

It is possible to play into removal with the clone, but you shouldn't be playing that aggressive against an unknown deck, decks where you suspect Solitude or an opponent with open mana for removal. Always play for an actual second Primeval Titan first before trying to copy against those types of decks. Playing into something you shouldn't is what I would call a misplay, not a bad card.

Atraxa, Grand Unifier is a bit situational, but it is similar to Cultivator Colossus in what it does for the deck. It's recently seen top 8 play (which is what inspired the recent changes), albeit alongside Dramatic Entrance to cheat it into play. Instead of that, I am playing Timeless Lotus which I feel has arguably more synergy with the deck and the way I want to play it (as more of a midrange deck). It is capable of fixing our mana to cast Atraxa, Grand Unifier, and we also have Eldritch Evolution or Scapeshift to bring it or the land dependant Cultivator Colossus into play, depending on which is best.

Elvish Reclaimer is admittedly a bit slow, but it does almost everything you could possibly want (albeit slightly worse than other options). If you are capable of paying an extra mana at some point in the game, it is worth it as turns go on, being a psuedo-extra land card, mana fixing, better Expedition Map which puts the target into play, or a decent sized body (can even threaten pumping it and never actually investing mana into it to deter attacks). Hell, you can even pact for it when missing a bounce and unable to pay for pact, using its ability in response, returning that bounce to hand) provided you can actually pay for the pact AFTER the ability resolves).

The inclusions make the deck far less linear and complicate the lines a lot more (because amulet titan isn't complicated enough already...) I'm not saying they are a strictly better upgrade, as I am trading a little bit of consistency for resilience/explosiveness.

That being said, I think just dismissing all of the changes as "bad" because it "isn't what the pros are doing" is a little laughable. Am I stretching the limits of the deck a little right now? Absolutely. Is every new card you've never seen in an amulet shell automatically bad? Absolutely not. We'd still be playing with Hive Mind if that was the case (never liked the concept of combo pieces which do nothing on their own - so glad people moved away from that archetype).

notjinzo on 5 Color Artifact Deck

1 year ago

Second post because I forgot to look for 5 color mana ramp spells like Timeless Lotus or Channel the Suns. Alternatively you have the makings for a Door to Nothingness deck here too.

PlebKingX on Wurld Tweeee

2 years ago

Yes lol

World tree costs 10 colored mana to activate. the combo is we ramp out into Timeless Lotus or Jegantha, the Wellspring. we tap for 5 WUBRG mana then use one of our untappers (Kiora's Follower or Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner) to tap again for a total of 10 WUBRG mana. Activating The World Tree is almost always an instant win unless you get very unlucky and have too many gods in your hand.

The Purphoros, God of the Forge's will then enter the battlefield as creatures and before they legend rule themselves to death, they send a maximum of 28 triggers of 2 damage each to the dome. (thats 56 damage for my fellow smooth brains out there)

SufferFromEDHD on Exalted Progenitus's Pro Boxing Ring

2 years ago

Cool concept!

Cascading Cataracts, Crystal Quarry and Vesuva for filter.

Cathedral of War only land with exalted.

You have the Noble why not the Ignoble Hierarch?

Silent Arbiter Dueling Grounds #2

Timeless Lotus self explanatory.