Squirrel Wrangler

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Squirrel Wrangler

Creature — Human Druid

, Sacrifice a land: Create two 1/1 green Squirrel creature tokens.

, Sacrifice a land: Squirrel creatures get +1/+1 until end of turn.

Simerix on Mr Sandman, Man Me a Sand

1 year ago

Dud cards: Conclave Guildmage Conclave's Blessing Rallying Roar + a lot of the convoke cards

Why is Katilda, Dawnhart Prime in the deck?

I've seen Outlaws' Merriment flop a lot in Alex's deck

Consider conspire cards like Gleeful Sabotage and Wort, the Raidmother

Have you considered Plargg, Dean of Chaos  Flip Augusta would ball in this deck?

I always suggest a little bit of creature sacrifice in a deck like this. Here's some suggestions: Perilous Forays Martyr's Cause Goblin Bombardment Fanatical Devotion Evolutionary Leap Tooth and Claw Makeshift Munitions Barrage of Expendables. When you swing out, shit's gonna get killed so it's nice to make the most of your creatures. Plus these cards do great against board wipes.

Consider these land sacrifice cards: Sylvan Safekeeper Squirrel Wrangler Goblin Trenches Constant Mists Aura Fracture

Also consider adding anthems to drive the win home if you think you will struggle with winning.

Prosperous Partnership slaps and I suggest you reconsider it.

Additional card suggestions: Neyali, Suns' Vanguard Roar of Resistance Arasta of the Endless Web Intangible Virtue Divine Visitation Inspiring Leader Legion Loyalty

GrimlockVIII on I Don't Like Sand...

2 years ago

Maybe you can run more stuff to sac and return deserts to the battlefield to continually trigger Hazezon's Desertfall ability. You already got Crucible of Worlds, Ramunap Excavator, and Ancient Greenwarden for the continuous recursion, but what about stuff like Scapeshift, World Breaker, Squirrel Wrangler, Hammer of Purphoros, and Turntimber Sower?

The Hammer and the Wrangler also contribute to the token synergies, so there's that too.

If you really wanna be a bastard, just add some group hate land destruction that only you can benefit off of since you can always recur your lands more than your opponents.

TheSlowestBro on Titania, Queen of Ents

3 years ago

Hello fellow Titania player. From my experience I'd highly recommend a few cards:

Your list looks really strong, stronger than mine (I keep the power lvl a bit lower due to the general lvl my playgroup is at), but I think a few of my suggestions can push yours even further. If your interested, here is my own list: The Entmoot. We have similar themes! :) +1

I_Want_To_PlayAllTheDecks on Squirrels in legacy

4 years ago

MagicMarc, yeah the gruul idea seems nice and interesting to play. I was also thinking that UG would be the best for a durdly value engine if I didn't care about the $$ involved. Cards like Squirrel Wrangler and Ramunap Excavator would be the backbone supported by the classic blue shell of Ponder, Brainstorm and Force of Will. I could also include the new card Hullbreacher to hate out other blue decks. Which idea do you think would be the most powerful?

I_Want_To_PlayAllTheDecks on Squirrels in legacy

4 years ago

MagicMarc, Thanks for the advice! While I do think UG would make the best deck, it is basically just a combo deck that happens to win with squirrel tokens, there is no fun squirrel synergies and also half the deck would be devoted to the classic blue legacy shell. I like Squirrel Wrangler Ramunap Excavator synergy and it seems fun to exploit. If you don't mind can you please explain the RG version more? I'm not sure I understand what your saying. I do sort of understand how it could work it just seems a little convoluted and ends up not helping that much without black drainers.

MagicMarc on Squirrels in legacy

4 years ago

I would think Squirrel Wrangler combined with stuff like Ramunap Excavator and ramp, or token bonused cards might make for some powerful "go wide" gameplay. With stuff like Deep Forest Hermit and Deranged Hermit. Or anthem cards like Coat of Arms and a lot of squirrel production.

Personally, an idea would be to go UG, find an infinite mana combo protected by counterspells and then kill a Liege of the Hollows on your opponent's end of turn to make an endless amount of squirrels and kill them on your turn.

If you are going to uber protect a Squirrel Mob then dropping Druid's Call on it lets you go big really fast if they have blockers.

Last idea, going RG for stuff like Squirrel Mob, Druid's Call and Goblin Bombardment or Terror of the Peaks style cards. Then just pebble them to death or smash face with your Squirrel Mob. If you go the RG route you can throw a Volcano Hellion at any creature with Druid's Call on it and probably instant win with the pebbles cards.

Dienekes on Unsanctioned: non-Squirrel squirrel art?

4 years ago


Mark Rosewater isn't answering many squirrel questions, so we have to use our best judgement. I included Argothian Enchantress in my deck. Looks like a weird flying squirrel.

When I built my squirrel deck I started looking through squirrel art alot and its very loose and each artest is different. Many different shapes and sizes from Acornelia, Fashionable Filcher looking like a Rat imho (with the darkened tail hard to see in low light) to Chatter of the Squirrel looking like a chipmunk, to Squirrel Wrangler looking like beavers imo. So just gotta roll with it and have fun.

You can check my deck if you'd like. No matter how you build squirrels it won't be commmander legal so its backup fun deck for me with my friends.

Acornelia Squirrel Themed

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