Splendid Reclamation

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Splendid Reclamation


Return all land cards from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped.

Yesterday on Profane Prince interaction with Reanimate

2 weeks ago

Any double-faced card has only the properties of its front face while it's anywhere other than the battlefield (or in the case of Modal Dual Faced Cards like Blex, Vexing Pest  Flip, the stack).

The card will go back to being Westvale Abbey while it's in the graveyard, so it can't be targeted by Reanimate.

If an effect does reanimate a DFC, it'll only reanimate it on its front side unless that effect specifically says otherwise. Crucible of Worlds and Splendid Reclamation can each bring back out the Westvale Abbey, but it will only be a Westvale Abbey. You'll need to transform it again. Same principle with triggered reanimation effects like Marchesa, the Black Rose.

The card being treated as its front face is an immediate thing that doesn't use the stack. I.E., if Ormendahl dies, there is no moment before it flips back to Westvale Abbey in the graveyard where you are able to cast Back for More to bring it back first. Likewise if Ormendahl is targeted with a Cloudshift, it'll be exiled and immediately turned front-face up again, then reenter the battlefield as Westvale Abbey.

Profet93 on Sustainable Green Energy

1 month ago


Crucible of Worlds/Conduit of Worlds/Ramunap Excavator - Recursion for fetch lands. Those are your easiest ways to stack energy. Maybe even a Splendid Reclamation, but that's a bit much.

Lotus Cobra - Gas!

Azusa, Lost but Seeking/Exploration/Burgeoning - Extra land drops needed to utilize energy

Boseiju, Who Endures - Removal

Yavimaya Hollow - Regen/politics

Cryptic Caves - Draw, reuseable with crucible effects

Prismatic Vista > Terramorphic, budget permitting

Castle Garenbrig - Ramp

willmarkov on Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait EDH

1 month ago

Lumra, Bellow of the Woods seems good too, it's basically Splendid Reclamation on a body. What changes would you make to fit it in?

Balaam__ on Ramp Ramp Ramp

5 months ago

The idea of ramping into big creatures is perfectly valid, and a number of competitive decks fall under this umbrella. The issue I see here is there is actually very little ramping going on. Almost none. Traditionally, ramp decks run things like mana dorks (Llanowar Elves, Elvish Mystic etc) or established combos like Arbor Elf + Utopia Sprawl . With minimal effort you can generate loads of mana by Turn 3-4, enough to plop down a massive creature to essentially finish the game.

There’s nothing wrong with a fresh take on an old idea, but what you currently have here may be a bit unfocused. Splendid Reclamation needs a load of lands to be already in your graveyard to be viable, so it’s really a card you choose to build around rather than add to an existing list. Same with Conduit of Worlds. Without some mass-discard engine in place to force feed lands to your graveyard, they don’t do much here.

Life and Limb and Spelunking don’t really contribute much toward your goal of getting a gigantic monster in play as soon as possible, so those slots would probably be better utilized by other cards.

Amulet of Vigor and Summoner's Pact may be worth keeping, depending on how the rest of the deck shapes up.

Again, you can build whatever you want, and there’s little fun to be had in just copy&paste someone else’s established Tier 1 build, but I do think there’s room to improve here and streamline things toward your stated goal.

Asgeren on Damia Dredge

10 months ago

Cards that work nicely with Damia and with your dredge theme might be: Null Brooch, Null Profusion, Awaken the Erstwhile, Cabal Conditioning, Recycle, Manabond, Demonic Collusion, Splendid Reclamation, Empty the Pits.

fuster on Mana Flooding is a good thing?!?!?!

1 year ago

Profet93, Let's talk about these suggestions, because I have ran most of these cards in the past and just straight up cut them:

Yavimaya Hollow and Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth are definitely cards I've considered for a while, but I can't reasonably justify cutting any other lands for either of them. I don't feel like I really need the fixing that Cradle of Growth provides, and the only card I'd really want to protect with Hollow is my commander, and I already run plenty of counterspells to protect her anyway.

I don't run enough basic lands for the Eldraine castles to ETB untapped consistently, and I can't justify cutting any other utility land for either of them. Deserted Temple and Gaea's Cradle is such a good combo, but the temple doesn't help me much if I don't have Cradle out already, as there's nothing else in the deck it really synergizes with. Plus, that combo feels very win-more.

As far as your non-land suggestions, I have run Abundance, Snapcaster Mage, Splendid Reclaimation, Tireless Tracker, and Courser in this deck in the past and just ended up cutting them all. Abundance just proved to be too expensive at 4CMC, and I cut it for extra ramp because it would either be a dead card in my hand, or I'd cast it and constantly forget its trigger since I have a lot of other triggers going on too.

I cut Snapcaster Mage because I actually have an easier to tutor, more efficient (and repeatable!) way to recur my instants/sorceries in Mystic Sanctuary. In the context of this deck, Mystic Sanctuary is just straight up a better card for that purpose.

I cut Splendid Reclamation for Ancient Greenwarden because Reclaimation is a dead card if my graveyard is either empty or only has 1-2 lands, while Greenwarden adds consistency even if my graveyard is empty by giving me a blocker for fliers, as well as doubling my landfall triggers.

I cut Tireless Tracker pretty early in my deck's development because it was too slow, too easy to remove before I racked up clue tokens, and I almost never had the spare mana to crack clue tokens anyway.

I went with Dryad over Courser just because the extra land drop is just that valuable to me, and I prefer it over playing lands from the top and gaining life, both of which I can already do with other cards anyway. It being easier to cast and allowing my fetches and colorless utility lands to tap for any color I want is just icing on the cake.

I've never considered using Horn of Greed not just because it's symmetrical, but also because I have no other cards or synergies that can make Horn's effect one-sided aside from Narset.

Realistically the only card I actually do want to try out from your suggestions is Finale of Devastation, and even then, I'm not sure what to cut for it. Craterhoof would be the obvious choice, but it would cost an extra 4 mana if I want to close out a game Craterhoof style using this card.

Profet93 on Mana Flooding is a good thing?!?!?!

1 year ago

fuster +1 It's hard to provide meaningful suggestions to a deck so tuned but I'll do my best.

Yavimaya Hollow - Protection

Maybe Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth - Or do you not need colorfixing/helping opponents?

Castle Garenbrig - Ramp, or is it considered a tap land?

Castle Vantress - Scry, or is it considered a tap land?

Deserted Temple - Untap cradle

Swap half your basic for snow-covered to more easily trigger field of the dead

Maybe Abundance - Synergy with sylvan library and a decent filter.

Snapcaster Mage - Recursion

Maybe Splendid Reclamation - Although you might not have enough land saccing to justify it's cost/too narrow. Works well with scapeshift and all your fetchlands.

Finale of Devastation - Tutor/alt wincon, especially with avenger and cradle.

Horn of Greed - Or is it too symmetrical?

Tireless Tracker - Or is it too slow/not needed given you draw enough?

Courser of Kruphix > Dryad of the Ilysian Grove ? - Can you explain your thought process behind Dryad > Courser? On the one hand, dryad doesn't reveal your draws, provides an additional land drop and is slightly easier to cast. I don't see any significant benefit to it's other ability. On the other hand, Courser gains you additional life (while not needed), is harder to cast but allows you to cast from the top of your library. It does reveal your cards so perhaps that's the reason? I just assume when I'm against the blue player they always have a counterspell. Been thinking of swapping out Dryad for Courser in my azusa list.

Profet93 on Titania, Perfection of Argoth

1 year ago

Ravaonna +1

Living Plane/Nature's Revolt - For shits, giggles and much more.

I agree with ThyNemesis regarding Splendid Reclamation. Even if you don't sac your lands until you want to win, it can recur your fetchlands to help you ramp. Or you think you might win and this is a good backup to get back lands incase shit hits the fan.

Conduit of Worlds - Recursion

Collector Ouphe - Artifact hate

Lands to consider....

Mirrorpool - Not necessary but fun!

Cryptic Caves - Draw. Goes well with oracle of mul daya

Castle Garenbrig - Ramp

Field of the Dead - With all your lands and fetches, this should be very easy to trigger. Token army of the dead!

Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth - Not necessary but works well with dark depths, ancient tomb and cradle.

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