Resplendent Marshal

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Resplendent Marshal

Creature — Angel Warrior


When Resplendent Marshal enters the battlefield or dies (is put into the graveyard from the battlefield), you may exile another creature card from your graveyard. When you do, put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control other than Resplendent Marshal that shares a creature type with the exiled card.

orcopollo on Akroma & The Valkyrie

7 months ago

Cool deck, I do love a nice Angel tribal! Have you considered adding Odric, Lunarch Marshal? He is just so good in any Akroma decks! I could also recommend Resplendent Marshal and Luminarch Aspirant for the counters theme, they're both low mana and Resplendent Marshal works especially great in tribal decks!

Noire_Samhain on Cheap cards for Kaalia

1 year ago

Since you mentioned you're pretty on a budget, most of these (at least according to my knowledge) are at or under a dollar.

For some cheap angels- Angel of Finality, Resplendent Marshal, Angel of the Ruins, and Angel of Serenity.

For some cheap dragons- Drakuseth, Maw of Flames, Terror of Mount Velus, Piru, the Volatile, and Glorybringer.

For demons- Infernal Sovereign, Dreadfeast Demon, Overseer of the Damned, Nightmare Shepherd, Abhorrent Overlord, and Indulgent Tormentor.

zapyourtumor on Ang-Hellic

1 year ago

I'd lower the curve a bit if you want the deck to be more competitive. If you want to keep Brisela in for the fun that's obviously your choice, but the chances of you getting her on the battlefield are pretty slim.

I 100% think you should move the 4 Youthful Valkyries from the maybeboard to the mainboard.

Sensei's Divining Top is not legal in modern (or legacy for that matter).

I'd probably run more Path to Exile, or maybe a couple Fatal Push over some of the other more expensive removal spells you have.

Resplendent Marshal may be worth considering, since it buffs all your angels and also gives a ton of value even if it gets removed.

Segovian Angel is obviously nothing fancy, but you don't have many proactive turn 1 plays.

Serra Avenger could be funny if you go for 3-4 Aether Vial, else probably not worth including.

Not sure if Angelic Curator is worth it as a sideboard card against artifacts, but it is pretty funny. Heliod's Intervention or Kataki, War's Wage might just be more direct though.

Linvala is pretty garbage in the current meta but always a sideboard card to keep your eye on. Currently the only deck she's good against is Yawg.

Niko9 on Have you ever discovered a …

1 year ago

I had opened a few Savage Swipes in booster packs and thought, there might be something to this, so then built a deck around 2 power creatures that can use swipe, remove creatures, and also get buffs before attacks. Monastery Swiftspear wasn't my first choice for the deck, but when I realized that prowess will trigger her to 2 power, then she became maybe the best target for Savage Swipe. A turn 1 swiftspear into turn 2 swipe to remove a dork, and then attack for 4, and then still have mana to use, that sometimes just sets a pace that the opponent can't catch back up from.

Also, I built a deck that uses Resplendent Marshal to put counters on flying creatures and then Oona's Blackguard to all at once dump hands. It's not the most effective deck, but when it works, it works very well : )

mx439 on Torens's Onslaught

2 years ago


Sakura-Tribe Elder, Tireless Provisioner, Shanna, Sisay's Legacy, Yasharn, Implacable Earth, Abundant Harvest, Gilded Goose, Lotus Cobra, Scale Up.


Jiang Yanggu, Wildcrafter, Armorcraft Judge, Resplendent Marshal, Kyler, Sigardian Emissary, Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider, Enduring Scalelord, Hamza, Guardian of Arashin, Sigarda's Summons.

The +1/+1 counter theme mixed with the token theme looks good on paper but I think it's bad in practice. Although I haven't played this against people yet, doing shuffle and hand tests felt clunky and some cards wouldn't have much value when it came time to play them. So I took much of the +1/+1 counter theme out and replaced it with ramp (or cards that draw me lands) and a few threatening cards that are just cheaper but possibly better.

Rainthezangoose on My Party Time Precon

2 years ago

Phule451 Coveted Prize seems pretty good party pay off and casting either the Cloak and Dagger or the Obsidian Battle-Axe off the top would be pretty fun. I dislike the Irregular Cohort, but I might add the Mage's Attendant back in just for being half a party in a can, and my current list is waayyy to heavily leaning to clerics. So I'm also considering picking up Resplendent Marshal, Dragonscale General, God-Eternal Oketra, a Disciple of Bolas and I think a Nullpriest of Oblivion is a automatic inclusion for the deck. Ya know outside of obvious generic stuff I will want to pick up like Godless Shrine and Marsh Flats.

Niko9 on

2 years ago

What's more fun than playing a lot of creatures? This looks like an awesome deck. There were some really good additions to white creature strategies in the Ixalan sets if you were looking for things.

Legion's Landing  Flip plays so well in low cmc creatures. It gives you a token, becomes ramp, and gives you something to do with your mana late game if it's flipped.

Adanto Vanguard always feels more powerful than it looks. Sometimes this creature can just beat up your opponent, and it becomes an excellent blocker if you have lifegain somehow.

Castle Ardenvale can a lot of the time be just a better plains. It's way overcosted to activate, but every now and then it actually does something.

Benalish Marshal is a great pump effect on a big body.

Resplendent Marshal Can sometimes be better and sometimes be worse than benalish. Getting flying is really nice, but it depends on your opponent having killed some of your stuff.

Just some random things I thought of. Your deck looks great, and I love seeing some of those cards from the pre-made decks.

zapyourtumor on Orzhov Warrior White/Black Deck

2 years ago

I know it's a retired standard deck, but I think there are some decent budget options in modern that you could upgrade the deck with (don't get me started on modern manabases though ugh).

For warriors, there are a few decent options in BW colors. Gatekeeper of Malakir is a removal option. Hero of Precinct One makes soldier tokens instead of warriors unfortunately but it could be built around in a build with more multicolored spells. Korlash, Heir to Blackblade is one of my all-time favorite black cards but would require you to build a more expensive manabase. Resplendent Marshal is an interesting lord. Solemn Recruit can get big.

For hand control, if you want discard I think it's worth swapping out Duress for 4x Inquisition of Kozilek (around $3 each). Honestly, I don't think discard is needed in this deck since it's more aggressive and less of a midrange deck.

For removal, there are definitely better options. Fatal Push isn't that expensive, and neither is Path to Exile. Vindicate and Vanishing Verse are some higher costed removal choices.

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