Narset, Enlightened Master
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Narset, Enlightened Master

Legendary Creature — Human Monk

First strike, hexproof.

Whenever Narset, Enlightened Master attacks, exile the top four cards of your library. Until end of turn, you may cast noncreature cards exiled with Narset this turn without paying their mana costs.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Efreet Weaponmaster
Confront the Assault
Forsaken Crossroads
Leaping Master
Wind Sail
Failed Fording

Flarhoon13 on Narset, Enlightened Master, Creatureless Wins

3 months ago

Oct 11

Narset, Enlightened Master, Creatureless Wins. Win. Turn 5 Narset, Enlightened Master, Turn 6 Karn's Temporal Sundering, Turn 6 again, 6 extra turns with Time Stretch and two copies via Fury Storm.

Flarhoon13 on Narset, Enlightened Master, Creatureless Wins

3 months ago

Having completed my quest to play all 52 of my decks, I decided to try getting a win with all of my decks

Oct 5

Narset, Enlightened Master, Creatureless Wins... Lost to Treebeard, Gracious Host, which, if you haven't played against, is tremendously powerful. Missed a couple land drops. Did have Fervor for a Narset, Enlightened Master attack, equipped with Explorer's Scope, which revealed Mystic Monastery, then Narset revealed Surge to Victory (empty graveyard) and three lands. I have cut Surge to Victory from the deck. My losers' drop to 8-20.

Icbrgr on Top ten most toxic commanders.

4 months ago

Basically any commander that is kill on sight or we can't let it resolve or turn 0 its 3 against 1 because we know if you are allowed to breath we won't breathe.

I have never been in a pod with someone playing Narset, Enlightened Master and it be fine.

Noxid05 on Top ten most toxic commanders.

4 months ago

Good list, but Atraxa, Praetors' Voice I feel needs an asterisk as +1/+1 counters builds or even super friends aren't nearly as toxic to play against as infect.

Personally, I think Narset, Enlightened Master deserves a spot on the list, just free casting extra turn, and extra combat steps repeatedly.

I also think there could be a debate for Toxrill, the Corrosive on this list

builderboy7 on Can I buyback a spell …

6 months ago

If attack with Narset, Enlightened Master and exile a Reiterate, Opt, and 2 lands, if I had 3 lands I could tap for mana, could I cast Opt, hold priority, and cast Reiterate and pay for buyback?

Niko9 on How is the New Voja …

11 months ago

You know, I just realized that with red in it's colors, Voja is probably nuts with extra combat step effects. Just untapping creatures like Priest of Titania and Marwyn, the Nurturer multiple times a turn is big, whil also drawing

I mean, I used to play an elfball deck that would go infinite turn 4 very consistently, and thinking about it, I worry what Voja would do to that kind of deck because if you can try to go infinite as fast as possible, get interrupted, then cast Voja, then try to draw into another infinite, all in a way that synergizes, this could be pretty rough for the other 3 players at the table.

Really though, I don't think Voja will be some cEDH powerhouse or anything, but it may be too much for casual, something like Narset, Enlightened Master

ZVCKK on Guild Tribal Superfriends

1 year ago

Udpate 18-07-2023: Trying to lean into more two colour for the theme. also d=trying to lower curve, focus on protecting PWs to actually get ultimates off, as the deck struggles to close games. Idea before was almost that any of the good stuff I find can run away with the game (assemble the legion and narset), but I don't think winning that way will be as satisfying. I think it would be good if I can get a PW out, get them to ult, and if that fails, niv to refresh hand and then give it another go.

Icbrgr on Lore of the Dragonlords

1 year ago

Also love the Dragonlords.... Dragonlord Ojutai is my favorite! *by the way did you ever notice the "decoration" around Dragonlord Silumgars neck? lol i love it!) nobody liked Tasigur, the Golden Fang anyway :p

If memory serves me right there was a gathering of the kahns at a mountaintop and there is a moment here/there which determined the future of the plane of Tarkir.... led by dragons or led by the humans.... In the future where dragons rule i believe it was Ojutai who tipped the scales in the dragons favor and the "fall of the humans"... granted it comes off as a bad thing but overall was the better future for the plane.

Dragonlord timeline Ojutai is connected to Narset Transcendent having her spark ignite by the discovery of Ojutai's role in the alternate timeline of Tarkir.

Kahns timeline Narset, Enlightened Master was leader of the Jeskai clan.... I believe there was some sort of major battle and due to timeline/magic/distraction she was felled in combat by Zurgo Helmsmasher.

and that pretty much everything i remember storywise regarding Tarkir/Ojuatai/Silumgar

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