Manic Scribe

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Manic Scribe

Creature — Human Wizard

When this enters the battlefield, each opponent mills three cards. (They put the top three cards of their library into their graveyard.)

Delirium — At the beginning of each opponent's upkeep, if there are four or more card types among cards in your graveyard, that player mills three cards.

Travenura on Mono Blue Merfolk-Based Mill

1 year ago

Thank you for commenting! Which cards do you think I should replace for one or both of those cards?

I was so focused on making it creature based that I didn't realize the creatures would only mill a max of 3 cards by themselves. Only the desert mills more. If I do put in sorceries, perhaps I could fit in Manic Scribe so I can pull off the wizard's delirium!

PirateCptAstera on Lord Xander Taxing your Deck

2 years ago

Okay, so having a look at your current list I can see a few things that I would do:

Definitely agree with king-saproling with adding Syr Konrad, the Grim as it pairs extremely well with Mindcrank often getting multiple triggers

Even though you're going for an aggresive style deck. adding a little bit of pillowfort could benefit in the form of Riddlekeeper and Memory Erosion

Nightscape Familiar to make Lord Xander, the Collector easier to play (and other cards)

Manic Scribe for a cheap creature that you can get out early that gives you consistent mill on each opponent

Didn't Say Please is a brilliant counterspell for you, especially in use of protecting combo pieces

And of course if you're considering going for draw strategies, there's plenty of cards for that

RDWDTR on General Mills

2 years ago
  • Ruin Crab loses a lot of its punch without Hedron Crab and fetch lands backing it up. It's still worth the playset but I just thought I'd let you in on this since the other guy didn't. The optimal version of this deck is heavily based around running both crabs with fetches (it also typically runs a second color, either white or black). You could try Evolving Wilds and/or Terramorphic Expanse to mimic this, but you're going to really slow the deck down. The optimal version is also heavily based around an expensive card called Archive Trap. Something like Sphinx's Tutelage could help fill this void.

  • Glacial Grasp, Thought Collapse and Vedalken Entrancer are terrible cards, you don't want them in your deck, trust me. I'd mainboard Dismembers for removal, use plain ol' Counterspells, and play literally any other blue creature respectively.

  • You could play the full 4 of Sanity Grinding.

  • Very spicy Sword of Body and Mind, but I really think this slot could be put to better use, especially given the $ value of the card. You don't have many good creatures to even equip it to. Now, if you had a few Jace's Phantasms, that might be a different story. A 5/5 flyer for 1 mana is already nuts, but now it's a 7/7 that mills for 10 and makes wolves.

  • You need some stronger control elements. I'd play more counterspells in the sideboard... Mana Leak, Negate, and Essence Scatter are all worth experimenting with. You'll get way more mileage out of those cards than something like Thought Scour or Jace Beleren. You could experiment with Unsummon effects too, they pair nicely with counters.

  • You should consider an alternate win condition. I know this is supposed to be a mill deck, but there are going to be matchups where this won't work (at least not in the budget version). You could accept that and not care, or you could make some concessions. To that end, I would propose just playing like an honest control deck and running 1-2 Prognostic Sphinx or Sphinx of the Final Word. It doesn't have to be mainboard.

  • Manic Scribe, Overwhelmed Apprentice and Wall of Lost Thoughts are low quality cards that happen to fit your theme. They're not as bad as the other three I singled out, but these would still be among the first places I made cuts.

Mechanon on

3 years ago

Well, if you're going with mainly milling and control, try to stick with mainly cards that do that. Thought Collapse is another counter spell with mill. Manic Scribe is another good card. Cards you have such as Induced Amnesia , Platinum Emperion , Howling Golem , Giant Scorpion , and Fetid Imp probably aren't as useful as other cards could be.

WhrThRdFrnGr0w5 on BRUVAC Mill in Commander!

4 years ago

Hey love the deck + video. Just curious about a few cards and your thoughts on if they make the deck: Vantress Gargoyle Riddlekeeper Undead Alchemist Jace's Archivist Manic Scribe

Also you will probably likes these :) Court of Cunning Maddening Cacophony

Snickles@EDH_only on Mirko's Machinations

4 years ago

depending on how many opponents you plan to take on at once, I'd recommend dropping etrata, the silencer and traumatize for Maddening Cacophony, along with Ruin Crab, and / or Manic Scribe

SentinelElf2711 on blue black mill

4 years ago

Hi friend :) If your goal is to win at turn 5 I suggest you to remove Consuming Aberration is too mana expensive, you probably can cast her on turn 5-7, so it's a "win more" card. I suggest you to play creatures that just mill more, like Manic Scribe or Ruin Crab. If you have not fetches you can play Field of Ruin instead of Ghost Quarter, very strong to activate Archive Trap and to proc landfall. Another good card is Thieves' Guild Enforcer that is a removal and a good body creature, that mills too! I see that you play Fraying Sanity so I suggest you to play Maddening Cacophony, great combo to close late game :) If you want you can check my deck too :) Competitive UB mill modern (2020)

Balaam__ on Trouble at the Old Mill!

4 years ago

@ThisIsMyAccount makes sense. Do you think it’s an idea worth considering to remove 4 crabs in favor of 2 Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver and 2 Manic Scribe? I’d rather not fiddle with my lands, and I also just realized that any turn I play a fetch land the crab would mill twice for 6 cards anyway.

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