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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



: Gain one mana of any colour.

wallisface on Jace, the Fox Cutie Mill

6 months ago

Some thoughts:

If you’re looking for an example competitive mill deck, this one here is a good baseline to build from.

TheRoaringRegisaur on Standard - Niv Supreme

6 months ago

No judgement-- this looks like a great deck. I personally don't see the hype with Ancient Cornucopia. It seems like a run-of-the-mill Manalith but costs a green mana and you will prob gain 2 life each turn. Standard has Relic of Legends, Bandit's Haul, Sunbird Standard  Flip, etc. I'm not saying that these are strictly better, but I am genuinely wondering why it's so popular.

bobbyboo on Abdel: Blink and You Miss Him.

2 years ago

Changes to be made:

Aviation Pioneer for Aspiring Aeronaut : Same effect for lower CMC. Flying blockers can be a weak point for this deck.

Burdened Aerialist for Wall of Runes : Trading filtering for treasure production, adding another potential combo piece to the mix.

Inspiring Overseer for Skyscanner : Same effect for same CMC with lifegain attached.

Mulldrifter for Search Party Captain : Better digging option with the upside of being able to be evoked if in a pinch. SPC being dependent on attackers is good for when Abdel has made enough tokens, not great in your opening hand though.

Soul's Attendant for Dwarven Priest : Better long term lifegain option with a lower CMC.

Stonehorn Dignitary for Watertrap Weaver : Why tap an opponents creature when you can stop them from attacking at all? Yes they will be able to use their remaining creatures as blockers, No Abdel doesn't care when he attacks with 100x 10/10 soldiers.

Watcher for Tomorrow for Augur of Bolas : Better digging option with less chance to whiff.

Pristine Talisman for Manalith : Can give infinite lifegain when Abdel is in a blinking loop, and this deck doesn't necessarily need the mana fixing.

Ephemerate for Teferi's Time Twist : Far better value, lower CMC, and returns Abdel immediately rather than at the end of the turn.

Settle Beyond Reality for Voidwielder : Another blink loop option with a hard exile mode for opponents creatures, better all around for the same CMC.

Reality Acid for AEthersnipe : Hard removal for less mana.

Fellwar Stone and other two cmc rocks will replace the three cmc ones over time to lower the curve even further.

Housegheist on Go-Shintai - Shrines, Gods & Gates [Primer]

2 years ago

Interesting take on Shrines and Gods.

I took a different approach for this. Maybe you can take sone inspiration.

You better worship! Meet the Gods on Shrines!

Commander / EDH* Housegheist


As for Manalith… aren‘t Arcane Signet or Altar of the Pantheon straight upgrades?

Mox Amber or Faeburrow Elder would fit perfectly, too.

TypicalTimmy on legendofa

2 years ago

I'm a little confused as to your values for AL-AN?

Okay, a 1/1 for , sure. But his next recasting is . Where are you coming up with the additional colored pips from?

Do you mean your total investment over the course of the game?

Also, I believe the idea for the Ion Cubes is that they are token copies of Manalith, so he actually pays for half of his own tax with each recasting.

DeinoStinkus on What Custom Commander Should I …

2 years ago

Hello, everyone!

I've been mulling about for a bit now, trying to figure out what custom commander of mine I should build next.

I've already done an Abzan tokens deck, a strange little Izzet modular-esque deck, a Kirby commander, and a bounty counters deck.

I'm trying to decide between the following decks:

enter image description here

This commander would be your typical Temur goodstuff deck, looking to mobilize a lot of creatures at high speed and ramp at the same time.

enter image description here

This deck would attempt to harness the power of wither and proliferate to make my armies larger by the minute. If you're wondering what assembly is, it's like modular but for all kinds of creatures.

enter image description here

This deck would be, as shown, an Ooze tribal deck, with a subtheme around providing a lot of variety as to what types of cards we play. This is also going to be one of the cards at the helm of one of the Commander decks for the Commander set accompanying my next custom set release.

enter image description here

This commander would be centered around artifact-based ramp, as Ion Cubes are token Manaliths. Ramp into big burn spells and copy them for the win, I suppose. Or maybe I could do something else with the theme?

Let me know what you all think, either of the designs or as to what commander I should pick for my next deckbuilding!

I'm personally leaning towards Ummator, but I have a bit of a bias to be honest and I wanted to get some feedback from the community!

TheEvilWizard on Am I seeing doubles?

2 years ago

You should cut Manalith for Thran Dynamo because it may be 1 cmc greater and creates colorless mana, but it creates 3x the mana

Coward_Token on Streets of New Capenna

2 years ago

Smuggler's Stash: Feels like a do-nothing card. T6, tap out to cast it, go. T7, only tap for Treasures, go. T8 cast an X spell with 15 mana, then try to hold back the tears when it gets Negated.

Glittering Stockpile: This is more like it. Even if it gets blown up when you've assembled like 5 counters, it'll have still generated some value as a Manalith. I'm not sure if it has the regular Treasure sac ability inately trough the rules.

Patch Up: Mmm yes I would actually like it if white had more efficient reanimation cards for small creatures

Ognis: Congratulations, Gleeock.

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