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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Sacrifice any number of Mountains. Landslide deals that much damage to target player.

discipleofgary73 on
PURPHOROS!(work in progress)
3 years ago
I always find that monored EDH decks tend to have an issue getting enough cards in hand. I could see that being an issue here, especially with the "free" play abilities you have in! Some things that could help are cards like
Fire Prophecy
Stolen Strategy
Faithless Looting
Jeska's Will
Cavalier of Flame
Mask of Memory
, Neheb, Dreadhoard Champion, and
Valakut Exploration
Some non-creature cards that might have good synergy for the deck are
Commander's Plate
Whispersilk Cloak
Mirage Mirror
Aggravated Assault
Gratuitous Violence
, and
Sorrow's Path
Some other creatures that could help are
Breaker of Armies
Void Winnower
Marton Stromgald
Urabrask the Hidden
Legion Loyalist
Hellkite Charger
Flamerush Rider
Torbran, Thane of Red Fell
Soulbright Flamekin
, and
Siege Dragon
. Also, any eldrazi if you wanna be that mean, especially the original set with annihilator.
The sacrifice clause on Purphoros can also have some fun opportunity, especially with cards like
Blood Aspirant
Mycosynth Wellspring
, and
Ancient Stone Idol
Oh! And if you do end up with that many mountains,
Jaws of Stone
Spawn of Thraxes
, and
Spire Barrage
, could all be ridiculously powerful late-game!
Happy building!!!
EnbyGolem on
$10* Burn
4 years ago
Thank you so much for your insight, ellie-is!
My original decklist had 2 Guttersnipes but I actually just took them out earlier this week. In the games I've played so far, I've found that it very consistently gets removed immediately and at best, I've only been getting in 1 or 2 spells. This is even worse in multiplayer where there are 3 other people that prioritize getting rid of it as soon as it drops. Sinking 3 mana to get it out and resulting in little or no value has been really rough and has straight up lost me several matches. I tried sideboarding it but I ended up cutting them to afford that Searing Blood and an extra Incinerate.
The inclusion of Lava Dart is really interesting though and would pair very well with more trigger-based creatures like Guttersnipe. I do think that that build would have more explosive potential but it would also be easier for opponents to throw it off track. I will definitely have to think about it!
I agree, Landslide is terrible in multiplayer! I basically have to have at least 2 sideboard cards so I can swap them out for those matches. In regular 1v1 though, it can do a lot of damage and close out games in tight spots! I really want Flame Rifts instead of Searing Rays but they are just a little too expensive to include with this configuration. I do really like how the current build does not require any creatures to function. It is really nice if I can get an Electrostatic Field or Thermo-Alchemist out to chip in damage while also blocking any aggro creatures but the deck still functions fine without them. You are right though, adding 2 more alchemists might be really nice too...
I do reeeally like Rolling Earthquake and they have been an absolute bomb in the matches I have played! They used to be side-boarded for multiplayer only but they have actually been wrecking it in 1v1 as well. I would just swap them out for regular Earthquaketo save on money but they also actually run $.69 from the site we've been using which is the same exact price I got Rolling Earthquake for, surprisingly.
I do really like Satyr Firedancer as a sideboard option - maybe I can shift some card around to include it!
And thank you for your thoughts on the nonbasic lands. I agree as well - the price is just so tough to get as it is and I would rather spend anything extra on an adaptive sideboard :)
Thank you again for all the suggestions! I have a lot to think about!
ellie-is on
$10* Burn
4 years ago
Have you tried Guttersnipe Yet? I think it might be a solid addition, even if you only run a couple of them! On such a tight budget you're probably not going to be consistenly winning turns 4-5, so it's okay to spend turn 3 setting up by playing it if it means every spell you cast after that will hit twice as hard (and that's a huge difference if you're playing 3 or 4 burn spells the next turn!).
If you don't add Guttersnipe, I'd think about adding additional Thermo-Alchemists for the same reason.
But most importantly: I'd add 4x Lava Dart! Depending on how your playtest has been I'd remove either one of the sorceries or Shock. While Lava Dart's single point of damage is nothing amazing on its own, it's amazing for creature removal and as triggers for all your creatures. And once you cast it, you can flashback it by sacrificing the same mountain you've just tapped, getting twice the triggers (or you can flashback it later in the game when the opponent has already forgotten about it). It might not seem amazing but once you try it you'll probably never want to go back. It's an amazing tool for closing out a game in a deck that likes it when you cast instants! And killing all of your opponent's mana dorks early on will help you reach the turns you need to reach to win with your deck.
Also, the creatures, and Guttersnipe included will be great for multiplayer and it might be worth removing Landslide to focus on them :) Unless everyone is running the same color, Guttersnipe will deal a lot more total damage to your opponents over time than something like Searing Rays ever could.
Finally, if your budget allows for it I'd add more Searing Bloods! You can cut lightning strike for it, and if you need things to cut for budget reasons I think it'll be okay to let Rolling Earthquake go. And Satyr Firedancer from your maybeboard is a great sideboard card against creature-heavy decks!
Edit: Also, I wouldn't worry about adding nonbasic lands! I'd definitely recomend them outside of such a tight budget, but their advantage is really very small most of the time and such a tiny advantage wouldn't justify needing to cut other, more important cards so you can fit into the budget!
EnbyGolem on
$10* Burn
4 years ago
Thanks for the advice, ClockworkSwordfish!
Ramunap Ruins is more money than any of my other cards (my highest is Rolling Earthquake at $.69); I think it might just be too expensive to run if I want to keep a sideboard... I might play around with Barbarian Ring though. I am already at budget so I would have to take several things out for it to fit but it might be worth while. As you mentioned, I also just really don't want to shoot myself in the foot with a underpowered Landslide in the late game. Also, like landslide, it doesn't scale well in multiplayer matches so that's something to consider.
Thank you again! You've given me a lot to think about!
pedrogrossmann on
Ultra Fast Red
8 years ago
Dont know why not cretures, but if you dont have anything against:
Goblin Guide and Eidolon of the Great Revel are great cards to be in a Red Deck
i would replace Landslide for Shard Volley
those cards are good too:
and if you dont mind splashing a color:
Hobbez9186 on
Blood, Bridges, and Burn (Skred Variant)
8 years ago
I just noticed that Grim Lavamancer on the maybe board. I really like the possibility of that with Molten Vortex because you can't get the land back anyway so you can pitch the lands and then pitch them again all on the cheap.
I just remembered Landslide along those lines as a finisher option as well. You could chain a lot of those things together for very little mana.