Creeping Mold

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Creeping Mold


Destroy target artifact, enchantment, or land.

legendofa on Would City of Solitude Be …

3 years ago

TL;DR: It would not be mono-green.

It might have been a green effect in the past, but it's not anymore. The aforementioned Dosan the Falling Leaf is already more than fifteen years old. Manglehorn and Root Maze affect artifacts, and the latter also affects lands. Root Maze also was originally printed in Tempest and hasn't seen any reprint in almost fifteen years.

Mono- control, at this point, seems to be largely limited to:

Every card that forces discard in Pioneer is also , and two of those three are split/aftermath. Every counterspell in Pioneer also includes . Even specifically stuff like Plow Under is long gone.

Cards like Dragonlord Dromoka and Marisi, Breaker of the Coil say that maybe there's space for casting restrictions, but the confuses the issue. I believe that if City of Solitude were printed today, it would require somewhere in its casting cost, and any would provide an additional effect.

PlanetBob on Eat. Sleep. Slime. Repeat.

3 years ago

Wow, those are great suggestions. I have Creeping Mold in the deck for thematic purposes as I feel it meshes well with the other Ooze cards, though Bramblecrush is an obvious improvement. As for Inscription of Abundance I think that it is a clear upgrade from Hunger of the Howlpack and I will be including it when I get my hands on some. I may actually have one since I got a couple packs from Zendikar Rising when it came out and if not I can get some next time I pick up a couple singles.

BEDECK on Eat. Sleep. Slime. Repeat.

3 years ago

I'm glad you liked it. I took a second look at it and saw some things that may improve it.

I just noted you are running Creeping Mold. I think you can easily switch it for Bramblecrush (lets you target planeswalkers).

Also noted you are running Hunger of the Howlpack. While it is a one mana spell I think Inscription of Abundance is overall better (more versatility).

I tried to focus on changed that wouldn't affect the deck in its essence :V

Hunter_brooks on Is this card worth?

3 years ago

I have a Japanese Creeping Mold from mirrodin. Is it worth anything?

berryjon on None

4 years ago

I'm a Plant? A PLANT?

Look, just because I'm an Old Fogey and thus, don't get out much, doesn't mean that I get an infestation of Creeping Mold on me! Yeesh.


abby315 on Pattern Recognition #149 - Fight!

4 years ago

Love the description of the flavor of Creeping Mold :)

DuTogira on Modern Horizon

6 years ago

PlatinumOne "'modern counterspells cost 3 mana, or 2 mana with a downside' and 'wotc is anti-land destruction', I'd have to see sources before I believe those."

Bro... do you even play modern? Even the lands that blow up other lands either replace the destroyed land with a basic ( Ghost Quarter ) or have a cost of at least to activate. Tectonic Edge is an exception, but that qualifies more as "land management" than "land destruction" considering that you have to leave your opponent with at least 3 lands. Smallpox / Boom come in at , but they're symetrical, and Assassin's Trophy replaces the destroyed land with a basic (which sort of defeats the point), so again, not exactly in the spirit of "wotc supports carte-blanche land destruction for 2 mana". Fulminator Mage lets you destroy non-basics for and Cryoclasm / Blood Moon / Choke are all hate cards against certain kinds of lands, but again your opponent gets around it by playing not the kind of land you're hating on, so it's not "true" land destruction. True land destruction (of the "Destroy target land. That's it." variety) TYPICALLY comes in at with cards like Craterize , Creeping Mold , and Avalanche Riders , but Molten Rain and Rain of Tears do exist at . Even with that, modern doesn't have any COMPETITIVE lists built around pure land destruction, which should tell you something about the support (or lack thereof) that WotC has been giving land destruction as a strategy compared with other strategies since 8th edition.

As for counter-spells, the first counter magics you can play which can target ANYTHING (meaning aren't faced with some restriction such as Spell Pierce , Spell Snare , or Stubborn Denial which all fit the slot) are Mana Leak , Remand , Delay , Logic Knot and their ilk in the slot. The ONLY exception to this is Mana Tithe , but that's in white and sees next to no modern play, even in U/W control.
The first point blank "counter target spell and it goes to the yard" spells come in at with cards like Cancel , Dissolve , Dissipate , and their ilk.

If you would still like a source, here is mtgtop8's modern breakdown, which you will notice features no land destruction, and exactly 0 decks which use any "unconditional counter spells" which cost or less. The reason is that Land Destruction isn't competitively viable, and no carte blanche counters exists for less than ! If they did, the modern community would have found them by now, but instead, we find that WotC doesn't support these concepts and has been very careful not to print any cards that violate these patterns!

Welcome to modern by the way.

Inkmoth on Yeva! Give me Ludicrous Speed!

6 years ago

Whoa, this is sick! :D I dig it!

Would you consider adding in Nature's Claim in place of Creeping Mold ? It's instant speed and 3 mana less. I'd also consider finding room for Eternal Witness , since in a deck like this it's basically a Snapcaster Mage . Last but not least, what is Elvish Clancaller 's purpose? I may have missed something.

All around awesome!

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