Built to Smash

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Built to Smash


Target attacking creature gets +3/+3 until end of turn. If it's an artifact creature, it gains trample until end of turn.

DadHumanPraetor on Feather, the Cruel Striker

1 year ago

So I play stuff like Zada, Hedron Grinder and Mirrorwing Dragon so that when I cast Brute Force or Built to Smash and then cast Gods Willing targeting them, ALL my creatures are unblockable (from the protection) and pumped. I think the equipment and a lot of the creatures you selected are fun value cards, but its gotta be hard to close the game. Making things big, hard to kill, and unblockable...well that can close the game easily. Young Pyromancer and Leonin Lightscribe and probably better than Electrostatic Field and the spell recursion seems to go against the current, since your spells are rarely going to the graveyard. If you want I could upload my feather deck list when I get home later and you could sort of see the direction I decided to take it. Yours seems to want to grind out value, mine is more about killing your opponents

Balaam__ on Slippery Rush

1 year ago

Solid idea to build around. I have a similar deck somewhere, but one thing I’ve found is that Instants generally perform better than Sorceries. Less restrictive to cast, opening up opportunities to hold it in reserve after attacking in case your opponent has any tricks up their sleeve. Also gives the option to play them on the defense as you’re blocking, potentially turning the tide.

I recommend Brute Force, Built to Smash (extra benefits for Goldhound), or Dynacharge. Stuff like that.

Alcolitox on Mono Red Elemental

2 years ago

I'd go something amongst the lines of this, on a simpler Mono R version

Creature Base

  1. 4x Brighthearth Banneret
  2. 4x Fire Urchin
  3. 4x Kiln Fiend
  4. 4x Lavakin Brawler
  5. 4x Goblin Smuggler
  6. 4x Pyre Hound

Spells Base

  1. 4x Built to Smash
  2. 4x Brute Force
  3. 4x Titan's Strength
  4. 4x Infuriate

There's a cheeky combo you can throw in if you'd like as well with Brighthearth Banneret + Brighthearth Banneret + Grinning Ignus for infinite mana, and use Fiery Hellhound or Igneous Cur or Inner-Flame Igniter or any of those Pay : gains +x/+x

MrXilas on Advertise your COMMANDER deck!

4 years ago

Izzet Over: A Pauper Commander Deck

Hope this is okay to drop here. It's a PEDH based around Stormchaser Mage . If not, just pretend it's a really bad, super budget Adeliz, The Cinderwind deck. Been trying to put the finishing touches outside of lands and was hoping someone could answer one of these for.

  1. What should I cut for Blighted Agent ? I plan on using it as plan B if my command tax becomes too much I was thinking Vodalian Arcanist just because my mana curve is so low and it will be very rare for it to have haste.
  2. Should I cut Fists of the Anvil for another 1-drop +3/+3 type of instant akin to Built to Smash or is that +5/+1 after prowess that devastating?
  3. Anything worth taking out for Inside Out. I just think it's really neat.
  4. Seeing how the deck is so offense-based, does the vigilance from Bladed Bracers matter? Should I focus on evasion such as Vorrac Battlehorns or straight combat like Bonesplitter ?

Thanks for reading. I picked up refining this deck after two years of not looking at it, so getting help with it and then bringing it to code has been a deck building priority for me.

Pabs4444 on Every Day I'm Pummelin'

5 years ago

vortical42 Thank you so much for commenting! Let me try to address your comments.

Rhonas actually does not seem as good in my list as I would rather pay RG for +4/+4 Trample than 2G for +2/0 and Trample. Rhonas is a good card and all, but I like it more in bigger midrange decks.

I don't know if not having trample is that big of a problem for Become Immense . I have 6 ways of guaranteed trample on Ghor-Clan and Rampage. I also have 4 Brawler which I can basically always give trample to in this deck if need be. And then Battle Rage is often giving trample as well. Similar concept with my Built to Smash . It doesn't often give trample, but the creature is often either unblocked or already given trample in some means. With that said, I may cut it down to 1 copy.

Embercleave is a sweet card. I personally worry about it as it feels clunky in the deck. We either don't have enough cheap creatures to get this out early enough and by the time we could be casting it to make a difference, the game should be over.

As for the PW's, I'm open to suggestions. I just know that with this deck, we need a critical mass of pump spells, creatures, AND energy cards. To see this deck truly form into a midrange deck seems very hard based on the pure style of the deck with pump spells and such. I do see this deck after Sb becoming slightly less aggro with more removal. Also note: often side out Pummeler. It dies to everything, lol. But do keep it in in MU when racing.

Apologies on the long answer. Really do appreciate the feedback. Hope this helps understand my reasoning on some things. I am down to here why I may be wrong.

Courtney43 on R/W Midgro

5 years ago

If your plan is to go as fast as possible, then wouldn't Built to Smash make for a better addition to the deck than Integrity / Intervention ?

Also can't help but feel like Inspiring Vantage would make for a better choice over Clifftop Retreat .

Brutal_B on Manapunk

5 years ago

I play a vehicles deck as well but mine has a stronger emphasis on bonuses from crewing. Creatures like Hateflayer and King Macar, the Gold-Cursed might be worthy of your consideration. Also Aethershield Artificer , Veteran Motorist , and Weldfast Engineer all give a vehicle or two a little boost. Sai, Master Thopterist , Pia Nalaar , Efficient Construction , and Thopter Spy Network are all decent servo/thopter creators; and Master Trinketeer pumps all those creations for better crewing! Then add in Anointed Procession , Parallel Lives and/or ! Doubling Season ! for even more tokens. Start Your Engines and Aerial Modification are good inclusions as well. Some cards that we both need to put in our decks are Padeem, Consul of Innovation , Aeronaut Admiral and Built to Smash . Atraxa, Praetors' Voice and Breya, Etherium Shaper would be great in your deck! Mirrorworks ? Mirage Mirror ?

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