Archetype of Aggression

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Archetype of Aggression

Enchantment Creature — Human Warrior

Creatures you control have trample.

Creatures your opponents control lose trample and can't have or gain trample.

Massacar on Cards Like Grand Cenobite?

1 year ago

Angel of Invention

You could also consider using the Archetype cycle, such as Archetype of Courage or Archetype of Aggression.

There's a lot of ways to go about these kind of buff effects, so a part of what matters is you budgetary constraints.

TheoryCrafter on Challenging Maarika

2 years ago

I noticed you only have a couple of artifact/enchantment hate cards. May I suggest adding Cindervines?

As much as I understand you don't want to add more green, Perhaps maybe make an exception for adding Rot Wolf? Not for the infect, but for the card draw it will bring. Another exception would be Ram Through. It does deal direct damage to a creature and offers excess damage. I would also suggest Archetype of Aggression for trample.

A card you should strongly consider is Everlasting Torment for indestructible creatures.

I hope this helps. Thank you for reading me out. Happy Hunting!

bushido_man96 on Gruul Enchantress

2 years ago

SleeplessPr1nce, thank you for those suggestions! I'll take some time and address them.

Kodama of the West Tree is indeed a fantastic idea. Anthem for modified creatures and provides ramp. Hard to lose. I will see about adding that one, for sure.

Archetype of Aggression is definitely useful, but I don't know if I'm as sold as finding a slot for it. I do like the trample it offers, and the fact that it will draw off my enchantresses. I'll see as I play along how much I think it could be useful. At only a few gumballs in price, it won't hurt to pick one up.

I like Shadowspear, but not it's price tag. I won't be adding it anytime soon. Emblem of the Warmind is ok, but not sure I need it here with the other haste enablers that I have. Curse of Predation seems useful, too, but a bit limited in being a curse that I'll lose upon killing a player. The fact that it is an attack trigger, and not a damage trigger, is intriguing, though.

Thanks for taking a look, and for the upvote!

SleeplessPr1nce on Gruul Enchantress

2 years ago

I love the versatility of this list, and how you're not just banking everything on Chishiro. I got some creatures for you: Kodama of the West Tree and Archetype of Aggression, give those spirit boys some trample.

I would also recommend Shadowspear over Blackblade Reforged. And a couple auras you might like: Emblem of the Warmind and Curse of Predation would fit nicely with your go-wide strategy.


Neotrup on English Linguistic Explanation

3 years ago

There isn't much of a difference, my understanding is that WotC prefers that formatting to avoid the confusion of whether the creature grants the ability to itself. Some creatures though do use the other formatting (Maelstrom Wanderer and Slivers for example). The functional difference is that Archetype of Aggression only has trample while it's on the battlefield, while Aggressive Mammoth has trample in all zones. This means Mwonvuli Beast Tracker would be able to search for the Mamoth, but not the Archetype.

Gidgetimer on Stomping Counters

3 years ago

See, the problem with specifically me suggesting cuts is that you and I seem to have much different playstyles. I am not big on Planeswalkers and like to keep my mana curve super low to the ground, especially with a mana hungry commander like Marath. I can tell you about objectively strong cards for your mana base though, and I tried to just do that.

If I were pressed and had to make suggestions; for just the first four sorceries I would say both 6-mana Ajanis, a basic Forest, and a basic Plains. For all 12 of my suggestions and in descending order from first card cut to last so that you can take any number and have my suggestions for cuts:

Ajani Unyielding


Ajani, Valiant Protector


Woodland Mystic

Zhur-Taa Druid

Domri, Anarch of Bolas

Druid of the Anima

Jiang Yanggu, Wildcrafter

Somberwald Sage

Incubation Druid

Alpine Meadow

Many of these other cuts are also ramp, but that is because your Land+Ramp number is pretty close to what I like after cutting the two Ajanis. Going with sorceries and artifacts will protect you a little better from sweepers since your mana base will be able to survive a Wrath of God and you would be more likely to be able to recover. The artifacts will still leave you weak to Austere Command, but you are less likely to be collateral damage.

Another switch I would just make straight up is Archetype of Aggression in for Aggressive Mammoth in keeping with me liking to keep a mana curve lower.

6TEME on

3 years ago

Archetype of Aggression is an underestimated card, people think it's best for aggro, but it is clearly better in that kind of deck with 1/1. I really like that, good pick.

I'm not really sure about the Divine Visitation, it is not a "may", it changes every tokens you make, so your little shrines too.

The Bears of Littjara is good but not the best in this deck (just my opinion), if you have chosen it for the blocker there are better ones, same if it is for the removal. If it is because the token has "changeling" then it doesn't work with "shrine", it is an enchantment type.

I see that you are not going pillow-fort despite doing an heavy enchantment deck, is that a choice or did you forgot about Propaganda, Ghostly Prison and especially Sphere of Safety? Shrines are good passive wins, so pillow-fort is a strong way to stay alive while waiting for that victory. I also like Tainted AEther to make the number of creatures on the board stagnate, and/or No Mercy which is awesome in p-f since your opponents can't attack you with all their creatures they will send you their best ones, so they can't do that every turn with No Mercy.

Last thing, why not the Honden of Night's Reach? It is one of the best, preventing your opponents to get card advantage AND taking advantage of their graveyard with Animate Dead, Dance of the Dead and Necromancy, since they can taget in any graveyard.

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