
Infect is a great deck that is able to kill as early as Turn 2, while also being able to outgrind other decks if things go wrong. Yes, it goes all-in, but sometimes it'll chip away at your opponent, and kill over a few turns.

MB explanation coming soon

Sideboard Plans

Below is a list of what I would do when sideboarding. I'll update it regularly, so that you have an idea as to what to do against certain matchups.

 -2 Repudiate // Replicate
 -1 Scale Up
 -1 Dryad Arbor 
+1 Spellskite +1 Dismember +1 Liliana, the Last Hope +1 Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
This matchup is all about racing and being able to kill quickly. However, you also need ways to stop your opponent from winning. Remove your opponent's threats, keep yours alive, and don't be afraid to wait a few turns before you kill.
 -1 Dryad Arbor
 -3 Thoughtseize
 -2 Repudiate // Replicate
 -1 Rancor 
+2 Scavenging Ooze +2 Leyline of the Void +1 Ashiok, Dream Render +1 Liliana, the Last Hope +1 Nature's Claim
You're going to lose 90% of game 1's here. But, with varied GY hate, you're able to grind through and win Game 2 and 3. Just make sure your opening hand has at least one piece of GY hate, and can get it down and working ASAP!

Liliana, the Last Hope and a copy of Nature's Claim come in to act as more removal. Liliana picks off most creatures in the Dredge deck, while Claim is there in case of a Blood Moon

 -2 Abrupt Decay 
+2 Nature's Claim
Tron is an easy matchup, so you should always win Game 1. Act fast, counter any triggers you don't like, and use Nature's Claim to either keep them off Tron, or to prevent the lock.
 -4 Glistener Elf
 -4 Plague Stinger
 -4 Vines of Vastwood
 -1 Scale Up
 -2 Blossoming Defence 
+1 Ashiok, Dream Render +1 Bitterblossom +1 Dismember +1 Kitchen Finks +2 Leyline of the Void +1 Liliana, the Last Hope +2 Nature's Claim +1 Nissa, Voice of Zendikar +1 Phyrexian Crusader +2 Scavenging Ooze +1 Spellskite +1 Thrun, the Last Troll
This may sound crazy, but trust me, it'll work. The idea is you want to overload their removal with threats that either don't die to targeted removal, or are hard to kill. You play as a stompy deck, and can kill in a few combat steps thanks to your pump spells. Stay calm, remember that you're likely going to lose, and make their job as hard as possible.
 -1 Scale Up
 -1 Dryad Arbor
 -1 Groundswell
 -3 Mutagenic Growth
 -2 Glistener Elf 
+2 Nature's Claim +1 Spellskite +1 Kitchen Finks +1 Nissa, Voice of Zendikar +1 Dismember +1 Thrun, the Last Troll +1 Bitterblossom
A good question you should ask in this matchup is "How good is Chalice of the Void on 1"? In the MB, it's Very Good because half of the deck is 1-drops. So, in post-board matches we need ways to vary our 1-drop spells. Sure, going down to 25 1-drops isn't the best plan, it's relevant. We also want to keep both Abrupt Decay and Repudiate / Replicate to help counter Chalice, and in Repudiate's case countering Thought-Knot Seer and Matter Reshaper triggers.
 -4 Glistener Elf
 -4 Plague Stinger
 -1 Scale Up
 -3 Mutagenic Growth
 -2 Blossoming Defence 
+1 Ashiok, Dream Render +1 Bitterblossom +1 Dismember +1 Kitchen Finks +2 Leyline of the Void +1 Liliana, the Last Hope +2 Nature's Claim +1 Nissa, Voice of Zendikar +2 Scavenging Ooze +1 Spellskite +1 Thrun, the Last Troll may notice a pattern - we hate interactive decks. Luckily, this is a good matchup to try and grind. Bring in most of the cards, and we're able to set up for either a kill with Inkmoth Nexus , or kill with Regular Damage. We're not fussed.
 -4 Glistener Elf
 -4 Plague Stinger
 -2 Scale Up
 -3 Mutagenic Growth
 -2 Blossoming Defence 
+1 Ashiok, Dream Render +1 Bitterblossom +1 Dismember +1 Kitchen Finks +2 Leyline of the Void +1 Liliana, the Last Hope +2 Nature's Claim +1 Nissa, Voice of Zendikar +1 Phyrexian Crusader +2 Scavenging Ooze +1 Spellskite +1 Thrun, the Last Troll
Like The Rock, Jund and Abzan decks have too much removal for us to compete normally. However, thanks to the fact Phyrexian Crusader has Protection from Red and White, we're able to bring it in as another way to kill our opponents. I mean, it dodges unrevolted Fatal Push, Terminate can't kill it, Path to Exile is rubbish, and Lingering Souls can't make tokens to block it. Prepare for a grind, and don't worry if you have to split the damage - the pump spells are able to shore up the difference.
 -4 Glistener Elf
 -4 Plague Stinger
 -1 Rancor
 -2 Blossoming Defence
 -3 Mutagenic Growth 
+1 Ashiok, Dream Render +1 Bitterblossom +1 Kitchen Finks +2 Leyline of the Void +1 Liliana, the Last Hope +2 Nature's Claim +1 Nissa, Voice of Zendikar +1 Phyrexian Crusader +2 Scavenging Ooze +1 Spellskite +1 Thrun, the Last Troll
UW control is a pain in the rear end, with how reactive they are. Luckily, we have a very good transformation sideboard, which allows us to compete against them well. You should be able to catch them off-guard with this plan.
 -1 Dryad Arbor
 -2 Thoughtseize
 -3 Mutagenic Growth 
+1 Ashiok, Dream Render +1 Kitchen Finks +1 Liliana, the Last Hope +1 Phyrexian Crusader +2 Scavenging Ooze
As you guys may or may not know, I tend to watch a lot of Jim Davis' streams. And with him at Mythic Championship IV this weekend, and him piloting Goblins, I had a think as to what he would bring in against me. While I don't know how the matchup would go, I feel these changes would make things better for the Infect side. Rancor is the most important card in this matchup if you want to win with Glistener Elf, given the Goblin deck plays loads of creatures and will likely have a T1 play. Ashiok, Dream Render will shut down Goblin Matron so the versatility of her is gone, and Phyrexian Crusader should just read "This creature cannot be blocked, or be the target of spells your opponent control".
 -3 Thoughtseize
 -3 Mutagenic Growth
 -1 Dryad Arbor 
+1 Kitchen Finks +2 Nature's Claim +1 Phyrexian Crusader +2 Scavenging Ooze +1 Spellskite
Burn is another race-like deck for this deck. Game 1 wins depends on if we can survive their burn spells. Game 2 is still a race, but with us dealing less damage to ourselves we should be able to last longer. Don't be afraid to Nature's Claim your own things if it means surviving another burn spell or two - it may mean you win because of it.


Updates Add

So this was an interesting event. 15 players, and half the meta was either on Phoenix or Dredge. I took this deck (obviously), and here is how it went:

Round 1 vs Dredge 0-2

I...don't wanna talk about this match. Mainly because you'll see me do much better against these decks later. Anyway, they say Dredge wins Game 1, and it was true there. And I didn't find my GY hate on a mull to 4. Both games were close, but sadly no cigar.

Round 2 vs Bye

Yeah...this was an easy win. Nice lunch break too.

Round 3 vs Tron 2-1

Before I talk about the matches, we had a deckcheck. Pretty simple, really, only the Head Judge thought I had a fake Verdant Catacombs, which turned out I didn't. With that panic over, we got a 15 minute time extension. And tron is one of the best matchups for me. So much so that we didn't need the time extension. Game 1 was pretty simple, just kill quickly. Game 2 I was locked out before dying. Game 3 also went quickly.

Round 4 vs Dredge 2-1

Again, Dredge wins Game 1. I did, however, get them to 8 infect before my death. Game 2, they had a good sized GY by turn 4, and would lethal me next turn. Ashiok, Dream Render stopped that, and I cleaned up quite quickly. Game 3...well it was quick.

Round 5 vs Dredge 2-1

Choosing to play this match instead of IDing and likely not making it to playoffs, I lose game 1. Game 2 was...grindy. Scavenging Ooze did some work, becoming an 9/9 eventually and removing most (if not all) the dredgers and Conflagerate. Resource management was needed, and I managed it well. I was also tempted to call the judge for stacked deck when my opponent ripped 3 Creeping Chills in a row off one dredge. Game 3...let's just say the judge was shocked when I killed on Turn 2 on the draw. I was hoping he didn't have any removal, and he didn't.

Semi-Finals vs Tron 2-1

Another decent match for me. I had the play Game 1, and got a fairly quick kill. Game 2, I kept a bad hand, and he Lattice Locked me when I couldn't remove the Karn. Game 3, he died quite quickly on Turn 4, after blowing up an Expedition Map to stop him making tron.

Finals vs Phoenix 0-2

Phoenix is my worst matchup by a lot. While they were both close games, I wasn't able to break through his removal. However, my opponent didn't realise that Plague Stinger is a Horror, so Thing in the Ice  Flip doesn't flip it.

Changes for next time

So, I've made a few changes so that my Phoenix games are better. Here is what I have done:


I took out the MB Nature's Claim, and the Murderous Cut, and replaced them with Repudiate / Replicate. I feel the Stifle effect will help me in my weaker matches.


Fatal Push has gone from my Sideboard, as has my Collective Brutality. The one's role is done by Abrupt Decay, and the other was too slow. Instead, the MB Nature's Claim is in there, and I've added another Scavenging Ooze to help when I need to be a lot more grindy.


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100% Competitive

Date added 6 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 4 Mythic Rares

26 - 6 Rares

11 - 3 Uncommons

18 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.50
Tokens Copy Clone, Emblem Liliana, the Last Hope, Faerie Rogue 1/1 B, Plant 0/1 G, Zombie 2/2 B
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