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Dictate of the Jeskai Pyromancers (RTR-THS)

Standard Burn Competitive Control RUW (Jeskai, America) Tempo




This deck started off as a tempo/control deck running close to 20 counters. It did a great job of locking opponents down early but failed to leverage that into a lasting advantage. With only a couple win conditions and few ways to pressure the deck had a hard time finishing. That is not my preferred style of play and have spent the past couple months looking for a more proactive way to construct this deck. I had a lot of fun running R/W/U Burn at the beginning of this year and had ambitions of merging the decks. The burn deck used Sphinx's Revelation and Supreme Verdict to control the game until I could throw numerous burn spells at the opponent's face and recycle with Elixir of Immortality. That deck suffered from terrible mana, bad tempo, and was tedious to play. Well I have finally found a build I like and it appears to be effective and efficient.

For a primer on how to play Howling Mine effects read Understanding Turbo: Dictate Of Kruphix by Adrian Sullivan.

Let's jump into the strategy!

Dictate of Kruphix is a foundation of the deck. Without this card the deck does not function well and tends to run out of gas. Knowing that there's a chance we can be drawing more than one card a turn lets us craft our deck in a way to take full advantage. Many times even though the opponent has a full hand and things to play they end up playing one spell a turn because they build their deck to curve out that way. Burn spells are very efficient and it's common for us to be casting 2 spells a turn taking out chunks of life in 5-8pt increments.Keranos, God of Storms draws cards and provides free damage. Free spells combined with a multitude of cheap spells snowballs fast. Can and does become a creature.Young Pyromancer makes dudes providing card advantage. Great at stalling opposing creature decks and pressuring empty boards. Is key to casting Stoke the Flames for free, resulting in a huge tempo boost. 22 ways to trigger.

Boros Charm 4 to the dome for 2 mana. Value!Warleader's Helix results in an 8pt life swing for 4 mana. Once again: Value!Stoke the Flames is nuts. I've cast this spell by taping 4 lands maybe three times since it's release and over 10 times without taping a single land. Best burn spell in the deck.Magma Jet hits for 2 and finds your other pieces. Proactive resource management is something we're in the market for.Lightning Strike 3 damage wherever we want it for 2 mana is more than alright.Chandra's Phoenix provides repeatable and recur-able damage. Can be pesky for some decks to handle.Trouble tends to hit for 5+ damage. Respectable. There are matches where it under-preforms and others where it shines hence the 1mb/1sb split. Less of a worry hitting for 0-3 damage with Dictate of Kruphix in the deck.Skullcrack (side) is a common sideboard card. We definitely don't want opponents gaining life.

Chained to the Rocks answers fatties for 1 mana. Hits problem children Master of Waves and Fiendslayer Paladin.Izzet Charm burns little dudes and can counter other problem cards. Some opponents forget about it's counter mode and make it easy to nix key spells. Others will play around it and gift you tempo.Searing Blood punishes early creature drops. too good of a card to no include a copy. Fairly analogous to Izzet Charm and Lightning Strike.Boros Charm can protect our key engine pieces from removal.Satyr Firedancer (side) allows us to direct all capable burn at the opponents face so we can race and control creature decks simultaneously.Nyx-Fleece Ram (side) is a speed bump that gives more cushion against aggressive decks.Banishing Light (side) provides catch-all removal. A little fragile and expensive for the deck but solid none the less.Polymorphist's Jest (side) seems like it could be valuable against midrange decks. I have visions of turning dragons and hydras, then chumping them with elemental tokens. Haven't tested this yet.Render Silent (side) was an absolute all-star in the previous versions of this deck. It still has value I think and the silence part of the spell brings more to this deck than a scry from Dissolve. In limited play with this list it has countered a sphinix's revelation and Stormbreath Dragon proving it belongs.

Izzet Charm in addition to being removal and a counter it also can cycle cards when looking for answers or lands. Probably it's most used function.Ephara, God of the Polis is a card I'm trying out here. Elemental tokens are plentiful and she will give us even more value out of our engine. can turn on with Dictate of Kruphix, Keranos, God of Storms, and Chained to the Rocks in the deck. Worth a shot I think and if it doesn't pan out Chandra, Pyromaster is ready to step to the plate.

This is my fun brew I'm working on currently, hopefully it turns out solid. If you have any suggestions or comments feel free voice them. Here's to burning 'em with style!


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Revision 15 See all

(9 years ago)

+1 Toil / Trouble side
+2 Turn / Burn side
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #9 position overall 9 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

36 - 6 Rares

20 - 9 Uncommons

2 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.76
Tokens Elemental 1/1 R
Folders other decks, Decks_To_Check, Deck Ideas to Work Off Of, Control, Sexy decks, playtest, dictate control, Chasm Skulker Decks, opposing playtests, RTR-THS Standard
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