Racecourse Fury

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Racecourse Fury

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant land

Enchanted land has "{T}: Target creature gains haste until end of turn."

9-lives on Racecourse Fury and Land Mana …

2 years ago

If I enchant a Plains with Racecourse Fury, if i tap it for either mana or the effect of Racecourse Fury, will it activate both abilities, or just one of them?

achilles777 on Narset, Master of Chain Reaction

5 years ago

I wanted to see what your thoughts were on some alternate haste enablers in exchange for maybe some of the creature based haste such as Bloodlust Inciter and Goblin Motivator . The two I was thinking of are Racecourse Fury and Messenger's Speed ? I appreciate your time and this sick deck list

Coward_Token on Giving narset, enlightened master haste

6 years ago

Some more or less obvious options that haven't been mentioned yet: Racecourse Fury , Ring of Valkas (if you don't care about creatures other than Narset, it's better than Swiftfoot Boots since she already has hexproof), Dragon Breath , Lightning Mauler , Fervor , Anger . (I personally prefer my haste sources to not cost additional mana.)

elgosu1337 on Let's do the land warp AGAIN

6 years ago

Swiftfoot Boots could be a decent addition to protect Vaevictis and give haste. Hanweir Battlements and Flamekin Village are also good lands that give haste for Vaevictis. Hall of the Bandit Lord only gives haste. Need for Speed fits the land sacrifice theme. Mass Hysteria is also low in mana cost. Maybe also Racecourse Fury.

Creatures that work are Xenagos, God of Revels, Surrak, the Hunt Caller, Urabrask the Hidden which also taps opponents' creatures, Anger if you discard or sacrifice it, or Garna, the Bloodflame to also bring back your dead creatures.

TheRedGoat on

6 years ago

Well, in regards to the control-type spells, your first priority is political effects. As in interacting with the players as a player. Vow of Lightning is an easy example of this, but also Racecourse Fury could be a bargaining chip to get others to fight each other. Most recently there's even Frenzied Fugue, which lets you nab anyone's creature, at least for your turn. These type of "forced aggression" and "theft" effects are fairly specific to red (at least when you forget Mind Control and its ilk). That vow card is part of a cycle for good reason though, as white of course has access to numerous Pacifism and Arrest variants, so don't forget those either.

What also isn't unique to red or white, but is certainly prolific in the colors, is land hate. You have access to things like Apocalypse and Razia's Purification to give you some perspective. Now these spells are not aura's, but Destructive Urge is and Custody Battle, when placed on the right creature, might as well be land hate too. You've got Conquer too, but that one's a little high priced mana wise (but it is pretty janky too.

Now as far as the voltron/tokens build, I can say to you the same thing I mentioned to someone else: "the amount of evasion you need is inversely proportional to the amount of removal you intend to play". If you'd going wide with tokens as well as tall from suiting up one creature, it is inherent that you won't play as much removal or need evasion I would think. Really what you need at that point is the recursion and protection effects, because your aggression will demand opponents play their own removal or lose to aggro (which that recursion and protection acts like redundancy for your commander Tiana to boot).

In any case, I would suggest keeping in mind the mana cost of the cards you play, versus the amount of "cheat" spells you have (like Nomad Mythmaker and Replenish). If you want to only cheat out Eldrazi Conscription (or similar cards) then you could build around that, but having the back-up plan to hard cast it with ramp is also a safe bet.

As another small thing, curses are auras too. wink*

landofMordor on HELP: First Cube

7 years ago

LeaPlath, that makes a lot of sense.

You're right that my efforts to make the cube work mechanically also pushed out a lot of the flavor. Additionally, you're spot-on that I almost never draft with 12 people; in fact, I barely ever draft with more than 4. To that end, I'm greatly considering cutting out 90 cards altogether, which would also increase the probability of drawing the archetype enablers (and it would also let the flavorful cards shine, since they would show up more frequently).

I really like that idea of pushing the lands-matter cards. Between the Auras of RTR like Debtor's Pulpit/Racecourse Fury/Urban Burgeoning, the Desert-matters of AMK, and the Retrace stuff you mentioned, I think that could be very cool.

As for flavor, I totally agree. The Trap instants and Quest enchantments point that direction a little bit, but I think doubling down on those themes would really help the overall cohesion of the cube.

I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate your insight and advice. It's easy to get tunnel vision without outside input, so I really appreciate some blunt feedback from an expert. Cheers! I'll let you know, if you like, when my next round of revisions is complete.

Snacrifice on Grixis Tap Dancers

7 years ago

Looks neat!

Are you using Garza Zol, Plague Queen for any reason? The new legendary Inalla, Archmage Ritualist is pretty easy to get right now, and taps for effects(and lets you get copies of Trinket Mage and Inspired Sprite to get more draws/artifact search.) Praetor's Grasp is always an amazing card to find something in an opponents deck.

Since you have a combo you want to get out, you might like cards like Whir of Invention, Artificer's Intuition, the more expensive Fabricate to get paradise out, and for getting the Freed from the Real try Drift of Phantasms and Dimir Machinations. You can also run the other transmute's like Dizzy Spell or Clutch of the Undercity etc. to find other things in your deck too.

Racecourse Fury is not especially high on the threat list, so you can have essentially free haste-enable on the cheap.Quicksilver Dagger enables tap+damage+draw a card for cheap. Unscythe, Killer of Kings is a silly card that might find a place.Hematite Talisman and Lapis Lazuli Talisman let you untap other creatures to boot.

I'd lose some of the instant/one-off untaps- they're cheap but only good for one motion, whereas you want to be doing it over and over again. Same with ETB like Breaching Hippocamp. Chain Stasis is fun because you could pay 2 to do it again on another creature, making it 2 - trigger inspired. Tidal Bore can let you get out an extra untap or tap when you're strapped for mana.

Niblis of the Breath and Puppeteer are really good(and are 3-drops for things like phantasm and machination searches), as are Stonybrook Angler.

Thassa's Ire isn't the most mana-effective option but it's a one-drop that lets you do it over and over again as long as you have mana. You also may want something like Fortuitous Find to bring back things. Recurr is always good! :D

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