Nylea's Colossus

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Nylea's Colossus

Enchantment Creature — Giant

Constellation — Whenever Nylea's Colossus or another enchantment enters the battlefield under your control, double target creature's power and toughness until end of turn.

Profet93 on Thrun Voltron-His Silence is Violence

11 months ago

MysticSnake, thank you for your patience. Since you didn't mention budget, I just put what I thought could work regardless of price point. You should add some non-basics to provide utility, also, add maybe 1-2 more lands just to ensure you don't miss land drops.

Rishkar's Expertise - Draw, either as a replacement or in addition to soul's majesty. Same with Garruk, Primal Hunter

Nylea's Colossus - Big Guy

Bear Umbra - Works well since they can't 2 for 1 u in response to cast. Nice buff and the "ramp" aspect is good, all while being an enchantment

Song of the Dryads - Removal!

Nyxbloom Ancient - Supe ramp!

Herald of the Pantheon/Cloud Key - Ramp

Season of Renewal - Recursion

Composer of Spring and Weaver of Harmony - Potentially worth considering

Rofellos's Gift - I actually don't like this card but worth mentioning.

Creeping Renaissance - Crystal chimes #2 but can be used twice and is more flexible

Overgrowth - Ramp

Sylvan Library - Draw/utility

Greater Good - Draw that is also a sac outlet to prevent theft and exile.

RoarMaster on Jodah, the Enchantress (Shrine Tribal)

2 years ago

I must admit that when Jodah came out I immediately considered switching out Sissay for him as my Shrines deck commander(Im not the biggest fan of Go-Shi). Haven't gotten around to trying it out yet, but I can definitely see the potential. My only worry about doing so might make the deck simply win accidently through the legendary creatures who are in it. Jodah makes 'em buff mighty quick, and I didnt want them to overshadow the Shrines. Im not sure if that matters to you, but if it does, I might consider running a lower number of legendary permanents other than shrines in the deck in order to both retain a high chance of cascading into a Shrine, and to stop beefy creatures from becoming your default wincon.

I would suggest a little more ramp/fixing in the deck. Cultivate And Kodama's Reach are easy on the budget and make for pretty reliable T4 Jodahs. I'd take out Kestia and Arasta/Alela. Most of your enchantment creatures are your tech, which you generally dont want to risk often by attacking with them, so Kestia may not get much in the way of triggers. Arasta is super situational and will usually just be a feel bad moment when you cascade into her. Alela is making you a couple lil magic bugs a turn which is sorta meh, and the deathtouch on her is arguable as relevant as her token making ability.

If you are going to go balls-to-the-walls enchantments though, Id suggest getting rid of almost all of your artifact ramp and replacing it with enchantment equivalents. Wild Growth, Overgrowth, Fertile Ground, Market Festival, and Dawn's Reflection. That way your Estrid might be sort of useful, otherwise she could probably get cut. Her totem armor is nice, but it is the only thing she is really bringing to the table right now.

If you do go with the green source ramp, you will probably have to tweak your landbase a more to the green side. "Mono-Green Five-Colour" is a trope for a reason ;)

As an aside, you could drop a few of the card draw enchantresses with the double mana pips and In Bolas's Clutches and you could run Jegantha as a companion, which would almost guarantee you to get your colours for Jodah. Just a thought. Not sure if you want to remove the draw for it, but Jodah provides a lot of card advantage as is and you may not need it all.

If you dont care about winning through non-shrine means, cards like Steel of the Godhead, Nylea's Colossus, Ancestral Mask, and maybe True Conviction would be good adds.

As I am a purist I would also remove the instant and sorcery removal and replace it with enchantment alternatives, but I understand the loss of instant speed removal can hurt a deck a lot, haha :P

SpammyV on Your Favorite Plays

3 years ago

A friend playing Enchantress was storming off on his turn, counting off Nylea's Colossus triggers for several minutes, all the while ignoring me as I pointed at one of my creatures and said, "Spike Weaver." at least four times.

Lanzo493 on SwingForTheWin Deck-Idea

3 years ago

Sublime Archangel, Unnatural Growth, and Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion have good repeated use.

Some good one time instants are Berserk and Hatred. Exponential Growth for kicks and giggles. There’s also Thromok the Insatiable who could fit depending on the deck style.

The best equipment/aura boosters are Colossus Hammer, Eldrazi Conscription, and Colossification.

Pathbreaker Ibex and Craterhoof Behemoth can make a creature bigger, as well as lots of others. Throw God-Eternal Rhonas in with this group. And maybe Nylea's Colossus, too. Let’s also add Kalonian Hydra.

SpammyV on Win Con for Gruul Enchantress?

3 years ago

On-topic for what you're planning, you can use Ancestral Mask and Nylea's Colossus to get something really big before you rumble in. There's also passive damage you can stack up with Overabundance , Mana Barbs, Sulfuric Vortex , Court of Ire , et cetera to whittle people down. Sandwurm Convergence makes a lot of beef. It's mana intensive but Pyrohemia and Rite of Passage means you can have a thing that lives while you keep pinging everything. There's also the aforementioned Helix Pinnacle if you're looking at having a lot of mana.

Of course, if you think some thing demand a more personal touch, you could slam a Form of the Dragon and off someone yourself.

Xykame on Pharika, the Enchantress

4 years ago

Sorry I'm a year late SFCD, but I almost always tutor for an enchantress to draw more cards or protect the ones I already have. Nylea's Colossus and Nylea herself are good, but cater more towards creatures which I steered away from since adding more value creatures I found makes the enchantment engine less seamless. Rancor I also tried, but same issue with it not doing much without the right creatures. I personally prefer Aspect of Mongoose .

LivingThing on Amareth, the Lustrous

4 years ago

Looks like a super fun, casual deck! Nice brew, though I would cut back on the creature count to make room for more enchantments. Kruphix, God of Horizons, Satyr Enchanter, Herald of the Pantheon, Alseid of Life's Bounty, and Nylea's Colossus are all good cards, but they're either redundant or are goodstuff cards that have other enchantment applications (Though you may want to consider cutting other, as the cards mentioned are powerhouses. Just a couple suggestions). Good build, I like where it's headed

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