Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx

Legendary Land

: Add .

, : Choose a colour. Add an amount of mana of that colour equal to your devotion to that colour. (Your devotion to a colour is the number of mana symbols of that colour in the mana costs of permanents you control.)

Goldberserkerdragon on The Big Black Succ

14 hours ago

Hey SniperFrog (cool name)! Nice insight and recs! I do try my best with keeping up with sets, I'm aware of them all at least. But it's hard doing that when you're building a deck from the last set and a new set drops and who has time for all these sets?... Anyway, I believe I just pulled a polluted cistern last night at my LGS, so that's funny. May have to add upon further review! The hound is legit, need to scoop. Not sure what could be swapped atm.

However, as I have built and rebuilt and tweaked and tuned Konrad more times than I can count over the past 5/6 years, he's always wanted to do what he's doing now I feel. A lot of people use the "good cards" in reference to Pitiless or Gravecrawler combos and Cabal and Bloodchief, but I always found those too "precious" or fragile if you will while ALSO having a gattling gun, Konrad, chillin' abroad. Konrad is generally seen as a threat, not a kill on sight, but near it. So any piece i can put in where it's almost an insurance policy is really good for Konrad. Going to block and kill my creatures? Good. Going to take the damage? Good. Going to board wipe with Konrad on the field? Good. Going to phase him/exile him/shuffle him? Good... respond with milling, respond with sacrifice, respond with a vamp tutor and grab Kozilek and mill everyone and return all ours back, etc., etc.

To answer the Cabal question--eff that card. A land that doesn't tap for mana?!?!? Get out of here. And we need TWO mana to get mana out of it?? AND we have to have more swamps than we already have bc CABAL IS ALWAYS IN HAND EARLY GAME. Not to mention, you have to almost always pair it with Urborg and it's just meh. You want mana in a mono colored deck? Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx.

plakjekaas on How Can Mono-Colored Cards be …

1 week ago

The problem with printing cards that are rewards for monocolor decks, is that they're either just not good enough, like Slaying Fire or instant expensive staples, like Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. Because if the effect is good enough, the two-color decks will consider playing it too, think Cabal Coffers+Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth. Monocolor decks make the sacrifice of devoting to that color, and accepting its weaknesses. The best way to combat those weaknesses, is to add a color. The payoff is the manabase consistency, and leveraging the strength of the color you picked. There's a few Caged Sun or Throne of Eldraine-type cards that possibly could slot in every monocolor deck. But the fun of building a monocolor deck (I'm talking commander here) is to deepen out your limited cardpool to get the job done in a way most multicolor decks won't expect because it uses cards you normally wouldn't see in multicolor decks.

To get back on topic, in the OPs examples, if the monocolored option for similar effect is actually better, it's probably printed more recently and therefor more powerful. That's the case with Psychic Strike vs Thought Collapse and for as similar as they are (differences were already pointed out) for Merciless Eviction and Farewell. Final Judgment in its turn is older than that, and therefor more limited in application than Merciless Eviction, which is the newer card out of the two.

Aurelia's Fury vs Rolling Thunder is a bad comparison. The silence- and tap effects make the card a lot more versatile. With Aurelia's Fury you could ping a player to stop them from comboing, tap down three blockers to swing in for lethal, where Rolling Thunder only offers straight up removal or burn to the face, which Fury can do as well. Still, Rolling Thunder was printed in 1997 where Aurelia's Fury was printed in 2015.

What OP's describing is powercreep, and it's not restricted by colors.

SufferFromEDHD on Obby’s Mono Black Landstorm

1 week ago

Profet93 is constantly suggesting this card in my decks and I think it would be appropriate here: Buried Ruin. Excellent alongside Crucible. Recycles the ramp this deck depends on.

Urza's Saga you have some juicy targets.

Amulet of Vigor speaking of juice, this solves a major problem for the land strategy.

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx > Nyx Lotus

Profet93 on Simping for an Emo Girl [Ayara]

1 month ago


What kind of suggestions are you looking for? Any budget in mind?

I'm unsure if you have any basics to warrant cabal stronghold. You need 4 basics to break even, 5 to ramp a little. Rather than run it in a deck whose commander is , have you considered swapping it for another utility land? Something like Deserted Temple can be used to untap your coffers (or untap opposing land for political tool) or even a Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx which seems perfect here. Thespian's Stage is another potential consideration to copy coffer or opposing utility lands.

Mind Stone > Felwar

How do you deal with artifacts and enchantments? Feed the Swarmfoil is a versatile tool which can deal with the latter.

How is mox amber treating you? You only have about 6 legendaries.

Flarhoon13 on Uril, the Miststalker Destroys Everything

2 months ago

Jared took down the final game of the evening with his Elfballing Abomination of Llanowar. Uril, the Mist Stalker got to be 18 power; Bear Umbra got him through a boardwipe but Eldrazi Monument proved to be too much. Jared's made me a believer in Elvish Guidance. He only had three lands most of the game, albeit one was Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx.

Flarhoon13 on Erebos' Totally Devoted to Death

3 months ago

Dec 7

Erebos' Totally Devoted to Death . Lost again. I missed a land drop. Cody's Heliod Heliod, the Radiant Dawn  Flip went off and killed us all pretty quickly. I was setting up for some good plays, played a Phyrexian Obliterator and as I was digging for a land with Erebos and a Nihil Spellbomb, found a Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx but without enough mana to activate it. I never got to as Cody killed us after he untapped.

Flarhoon13 on Multani Beat Down (Budget)

4 months ago

May 3, 2024 I started a new quest. Having built 52 decks, I endeavoured to play them all, in roughly the same order as I created them.

Jul 21, with Rich, Ella Marie, Neil, Joseph, Alan

Multani Beat Down Win, Selvala's Stampede was great 15-21-1.Garruk, Primal Hunter drew 32 cards, played Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, tapped for 13, cast Overwhelming Stampede for 62, had 5 creatures to attack five opponents. GAME OVER. Win percentage up to .417

TheVectornaut on Rise of the Griffins

4 months ago

While I like the idea of the current enchantment combo, I don't know that it's really necessary. Privileged Position already protects your stuff without the need to get out 2 cards. Further, turning all of your lands into enchantments opens you up to instantly losing the game to something like Spring Cleaning, although players are more likely to play mass wipes that will also destroy or exile their permanents due to Enchanted Evening's symmetry. Speaking of, you can try to take advanatge of that symmetry in other ways like playing Azorius First-Wing as an unblockable griffin, assuming you don't mind going into blue. Otherwise, I'd still try to upgrade the griffins here to be a little faster and more impactful. Diving Griffin and Resplendent Griffin have the potential to be better than Sunspire Griffin, depending on the final build. Fearless Fledgling and Griffin Rider are both aggressive options to shore up the 2 slot in a way I think would be more impactful than Crashing Drawbridge or the currently underwhelming Pearl Medallion. Finally, Wanted Griffin may be better than Senate Griffin at 4, again depending on what your game plan ends up being. Mutavault and Metallic Mimic are some less budget friendly options that could help the tribe's limited card pool.

As for anthems, I usually prefer the 2 cost options to the 3, although I do like Always Watching. Honor of the Pure is the vanilla option while Rally the Ranks or even Obelisk of Urd could fit in a tribal shell. One thing I thought of while looking at the high number of white pips making the Medallion worse was that you could lean into that and go for a mono-white devotion build. Some anthems like Flowering of the White Tree and Benalish Marshal already fit well in such a deck. You'd definitely want a playset of Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and some sort of payoff for the extra mana like Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, Walking Ballistafoil, or whatever other bomb you prefer. You'd also want something to play on 1 for that strategy. War Falcon has some synergy with Griffin Rider, Esper Sentinel is a generically powerful draw engine, and Weathered Wayfarer is a classic way to find Nykthos. War Falcon also brings to mind the idea of leaning more into broad flying support like Sephara, Sky's Blade and Rally of Wings, although I acknowledge going down that path could severely dilute the tribal identity of the deck. One final approach I can think of is pivoting to focus on lifegain to use the Griffin Aerie in your maybeboard. You'd definitely need cheaper ways to gain life than True Conviction, especially since I think it's already one of the weaker cards in the deck. The reality is that you'd probably be nudged towards splitting the griffins with angels to take advanatge of Angelic Accord, Bishop of Wings, Speaker of the Heavens, and even Archangel of Thune. Outside of that, the options are more limited. Maybe mass lifelink could be made cheaper with Metallic Mimic plus Envoy of the Ancestors or Abzan Battle Priest. This is the only route where I actually see Path of Bravery being worth it.

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