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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
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Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Nightveil Predator
Creature — Vampire
Flying, deathtouch
Hexproof (This creature can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control.)

Scoodi_ on
2 years ago
Went really well, first time builders really favour voltron strategies and so being able to just tap down/freeze their commanders was very effective, but struggled with Nightveil Predator because of hexproof, also huge fan of having the giant "cycle", the 6 mana 4/4 with nega-islandwalk and pseudo-bushido Giant Shark really carried my games hahahahah
berryjon on Targeting my own hexproof creature …
3 years ago
Yes. You are only targeting your own Nightveil Predator , which Hexproof doesn't cover, and theirs is the result of an each clause, not a target clause, meaning that Protection/Hexproof doesn't affect it.
RedPillRageMage on Targeting my own hexproof creature …
3 years ago
Cards in question are posted here Detention Sphere Nightveil Predator If we both have a nightveil predator on the field can I target my own copy with a detention sphere and exile my enemies nightveil predator as well?
GsG_Esel_YT on
The Many Facets of Rayami FINAL
4 years ago
First of all please put a CMDR Behind your COmmander :) I would recoment Nighthawk Scavenger its a better Vampire Nighthawk. Soulflayer as a backup would be possible. Carnage Tyrant and Nightveil Predator are also a nice cards to give Rayami Keywords. Mistcutter Hydra will protect you from blue
Red_X on
Late Bloomer
4 years ago
So, you're deck is a bit confused right now. Decks with cards like Gray Merchant of Asphodel want as many black mana symbols as possible, which leads those decks to generally by mono black. Bond of Revival works with really big creatures like Demon of Loathing, but your deck isn't set up to quickly get one into the grave so you can use it. So I think you have a few options.
Turn into a mono black devotion deck. These decks run cards like Gray Merchant, Ayara, First of Locthwain, and Cauldron Familiar to drain your opponent's life one or two points at a time. There's a current list in this article, but you obviously can customize: https://articles.starcitygames.com/videos/core-set-2021-standard-round-2/
Turn this into a control deck with a revival finish. I'd recommend a different finisher (Massacre Wurm has impact immediately on board and does damage, Pursued Whale protects itself and makes combat awkward for your opponent, play around with this one), but something that has immediate impact on board and/or can protect itself is generally best bet. You could even run Drakuseth, Maw of Flame since you're never going to cast it. I'd recommend either the mill route with cards like Mire Triton or the discard route with more Thirst for Meaning. Here's a version to get the idea: https://mtgazone.com/deck/dimir-reanimator-by-brewers-kitchen-standard-artisan/
Make this full on Dimir control. You'll remove a lot of the creatures in favor of planeswalkers like more Narsets or Ashiok, Nightmare Muse, more removal spells like Eliminate or Heartless Act, and win conditions like Lochmere Serpent or Nightveil Predator. This deck can potentially get very expensive (they generally run at least 1 Ugin, which is $35 by itself), but you can switch out those cards for lower power cards and still do decent at a local level. Here's an example: https://mtgdecks.net/Standard/dimir-control-decklist-by-peter-joensson-1009881
You can obviously customize as much as you want. Additionally, I wouldn't spend a bunch of money right now. Rotation is in September, so you don't want to spend $16 on a Liliana, Dreadhorde General and only get to play it for 2 months. Finally, I'll leave a couple of resources I give to anyone just starting out.
How many lands: https://www.channelfireball.com/all-strategy/articles/how-many-lands-do-you-need-to-consistently-hit-your-land-drops/
If you need some clarification on how to build control vs. midrange vs. combo, vs. aggro: https://www.channelfireball.com/all-strategy/articles/magic-the-gathering-has-three-major-archetypes-aggro-combo-and-control/
After you decide on a deck type, there's a lot of ways to go, but it's hard to give much other advice without knowing that.
ilovemydoghisnameistuna on
4 years ago
Uuuh, what is the goal with this deck? Constantly chaining together equal CMC cards over and over won't really tutor anything, and a graveyard strategy would seem pretty hard in PDH. Speaking of which, you have several illegal cards in this list: Aura of Dominion, Pemmin's Aura, Baleful Strix, Nightveil Predator, Nightveil Specter, Siren of the Silent Song, Lightning Greaves, and Swiftfoot Boots.
multimedia on
Otrimi Sultai Mutato Potato
4 years ago
Hey, nice budget upgrade of the precon.
You should avoid the mentality of thinking the manabase will come later. Sure, more expensive land upgrades could come later, but you still want to configure the manabase to reflect the rest of your deck. That's not something you can leave for later. The manabase is one of the worst parts of the precon and you haven't changed it to reflect the upgrades you've made.
The upgrades you've made are good, but they don't help much if you don't also change the precon manabase. Predator Ooze while a good card with Otrimi is not worth playing so many Forests. That's the reason for the high number of Forests compared to all other basic lands in the precon to satisfy one card which is not good deck building by Wizards. Ooze is the only card in the precon and in your upgrades therefore it's not worth hurting your ability to cast Otrimi who needs to cast turn four or sooner.
Priority should be to able to cast Otrimi since he's the Commander who can do Commander damage with and that's your best chance of winning. There's many other creatures than Ooze that have much easier mana costs to mutate too. I would cut Ooze until you can consistently cast it while also being able to consistently cast Otrimi. 11x Forest does not give you consistency of casting Otrimi which is more important than casting Ooze. Nightveil Predator is also not worth it while it may be a good creature to mutate too the casting cost is not realistic with the manabase.
You want a close to equal ratio of each color which comes from basic lands and from dual lands. Until you can upgrade the manabase with more expensive dual lands then use a closer to equal amount of basic lands. More Forests then the rest is fine since a Forest helps to cast early game mana dorks and land ramp spells which can then help to color fix for blue and black, but 11x Forest is way too much. Adding a Farseek and Zagoth Triome, Farseek can search for a Triome, would help with ramp and color fixing in one.
Some budget lands to consider adding:
Jarad's Orders lets you tutor for two creatures; put one into your hand and the other into your graveyard. It can tutor for a creature to mutate to and put a mutate creature into your graveyard to recur with Otrimi. Final Parting also does this except the two cards you get can be any cards. Neoform is sac a creature you control to tutor for a creature with one more CMC and put that creature onto the battlefield. It's powerful for a two drop and less than $1. Of course you don't want to sac a mutate creature because then all the creatures are put into your graveyard, but sacing a creature to upgrade the creature before you mutate could be a strong play.
Vivien, Champion of the Wilds lets you mutate at instant speed with flash. With vigilance she also makes the mutated creature able to attack and then also block on opponents turns. Her last ability can be repeatable way to potentially find a creature to cast. She interacts well with Vivien, Monsters' Advocate who've you've added since then you can cast the creature cards you see on top of your library at instant speed.
Crystal Shard is another repeatable bounce effect for the mutated creature. Having more of this effect is helpful to save the entire mutate pile from removal especially removal that exiles or lets you change the first creature that's mutated.
Good luck with your deck.