Lurebound Scarecrow

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Lurebound Scarecrow

Artifact Creature — Scarecrow

As Lurebound Scarecrow enters the battlefield, choose a color.

When you control no permanents of the chosen color, sacrifice Lurebound Scarecrow.

yumharu on Dysnomia's Spooky Scarecrow Shenanigans

5 years ago

I recommand you to take out :

Thornwatch Scarecrow and Blazethorn Scarecrow big mana cost but not really great creature.

Lurebound Scarecrow it's maybe too difficult to make him survive in this deck.

you can also go down to 34 land easy with all the mana artifact you have.

ManiacalET on

7 years ago

Hey man! I love the idea, thanks for the mention in the description by the way!

Just wanted to let you know though, Transguild Courier has a WUBRG colour identity so you can't run it in anything besides 5-colour.

Similarly, Painter's Servant is banned in EDH.

I really like the use of the skulkin cycle to mess with the board state but I feel like Lurebound Scarecrow (despite the obvious flavour win) isn't really worth a slot. It doesn't do anything besides be a 3 mana 4/4 and there are a lot of better 3 mana creatures you can run in EDH. Though I do understand completely if it's a pet card of yours, we all have them!

Snickles@EDH_only on See The Rainbow, Taste The Rainbow

7 years ago

yup. original concept was Blind Seer + Douse and go from there, with things like Chameleon Spirit and Lurebound Scarecrow

DragonFaceEater on

9 years ago

Yeah, the AEther Figment does seem like the best choice, especially with AEther Vial in the deck, keeping it on 2 counters seems like the best play, so now there's another 2-drop you can get with it! Concerning the Door of Destinies, I do think it would be a little slow for the deck, but there's just so much power packed into it, I just had to suggest it. Oh, and speaking of suggesting things, you should add Crystalline Nautilus and Lurebound Scarecrow. They're pretty much just for a 4/4. The problem is that they're not illusions, so they won't be buffed by your tribal cards.

uskie on Modern Knights

9 years ago

Wall of Omens, Adaptive Automaton, Path to Exile, Hall of Triumph, Lingering Souls, Cavern of Souls, Lurebound Scarecrow, and Marsh Flats and a singleton Godless Shrine for deck thinning and flashing Lingering Souls back.

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