Kite Shield

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Kite Shield

Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature gets +0/+3.

Equip (: Attach this to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery. This enters the battlefield unattached and stays on the battlefield if the creature this card is attached to leaves the battlefield.)

Unlife on Equipment with higher toughness boost …

1 year ago

Accorder's Shield, Slagwurm Armor, Kite Shield, Screaming Shield, Healer's Headdress, Manriki-Gusari

You could also look at some anthems like Builder's Blessing and Lumithread Field if you want a wide-state toughness boost.

ClockworkSwordfish on Rasaad Likes Big Butts

2 years ago

Looks like a great start! I like the idea of combining Rasaad with Raised by Giants to potentially attack for 20... not to mention the mess the rest of your critters will do. I sympathize with having to make cuts. I'm seeing a few cards that I think you could safely cut without missing them too much, though!

For one thing, I think you're a little too heavy on the auras... and of the ones you have, most are kind of subpar. The real problem with auras is that if the creature they're on is killed by anything, you're suddenly down two cards to their one, just like that. I'd say Carapace, Chosen by Heliod, Ritual of Steel and Web are all just very piddly effects. You should aim for enchantments that really make a difference (like Stoneskin!) if you're going to run them... 2 or 3 more toughness isn't really worth a card.

Likewise, I don't really think Animate Wall is worth running. You have seven possible targets which isn't bad, but the problem is that you need to draw a wall and a way to make it able to attack and a way to let it use its toughness for damage. That's kind of a lot of steps. For that reason, probably you could cut most or all of your walls while you're at it. Meanwhile, Treefolk Seedlings will probably never get that big in a two-color deck, and Shield Mate and Snubhorn Sentry don't feel like they'll do enough by the time Rasaad's out and they're usable.

As far as instants go, I'd venture you probably have too many pump spells. Tower Defense is probably strong enough to warrant using, but Solidarity, Iron Will and Bar the Door are mostly overpriced. Your deck's curve isn't so bad, so Great Defender will usually be weaker than you might think, too. If anything, you'd probably prefer having more removal and ways to deal with stuff rather than combat tricks!

Lastly, a lot of your equipment just feels too underwhelming. Slagwurm Armor seems respectable, but Kite Shield, Endoskeleton, Paladin's Shield and Warmonger's Chariot don't do much considering how much mana they ask for.

Overall, the theme is solid and the commander choice is a neat one! I hope these cuts help make your deck the best it can be.

BrassLord on Eldrazi ♡ -dream edition-

3 years ago

Hey! Sounds like you have two cool decks brewing!

I'd recommend playing around 37-39 lands in a deck like this! Your average mana curve is between 5 and 7 mana, meaning that you really want to play a land every turn for the first 4-5 in addition to your ramp so you can start playing your big creatures!

On the first look, I'd suggest cutting the following:

Short Sword Kite Shield Astrolabe Ruin Processor Gorgon's Head

Also some minor budget upgrades: I'd switch out Manalith for something like Pristine Talisman or Darksteel Ingot , as it acts like a manalith with an upside. And Trading Post is an awesome utility card that just does a little bit of everything!

Also, with your abundance of big mana producing rocks, Voltaic Key and Manifold Key accelerate your plan further, so maybe cut some of the more expensive creatures that produce mana for a few of these smaller cmc stuff!

Good luck with your brew!

TheDidacticD on List of all infinite combos 2.0

3 years ago

Destroyerbirb how about instead of Mardu Ascendancy, we go with Puresteel Paladin and any shield such as Kite Shield or Accorder's Shield. We just have to sac Cauldron Familiar with the shield once to get enough artifacts, artifact lands like Ancient Den and Vault of Whispers, and Mox Ruby, Mox Opal, Mox Pearl to accelerate the combo.

EnbyGolem on A Knight's Tale

4 years ago

Have you considered adding Sram, Senior Edificer in? While not a knight, they can get you some great card draw!

For equipments, generally Cranial Plating looks like it could be good for this deck.

If you specifically want more equipment/artifact triggers, adding in free-to-cast cards like Accorder's Shield, Cathar's Shield, Kite Shield, Bone Saw, or Spidersilk Net are something you could look at. While they don't give amazing abilities, the free triggers can be amazing!

My personal favorite equipment though has to be Explorer's Scope. I think it is really underrated in aggressive decks as it essentially adds ramp potential to your already aggressive/artifact matters strategy.

Flooremoji on Cheerios

5 years ago

There is a functional copy of Cathar's Shield (Grants Vigillence) but Kite Shield dose not :)

Accorder's Shield

jtstick35 on Cheerios Storm

5 years ago

Kjartan Thank you so much for your feedback! I will take it into account, I do like having simian spirit guide in the deck for a speedy Grapeshot turn one or two. What if they counter the Grapeshot? I thought it would be valid in case the first one failed.

Also, what do you think about adding a Spellbook for a Kite Shield

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