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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
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Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Fists of the Anvil
Target creature gets +4/+0 until end of turn.
teafresch on Balaam__
3 years ago
It should apply to whatever its pumped up power is. I have a similar deck that uses cards like..
MrXilas on Advertise your COMMANDER deck!
4 years ago
Izzet Over: A Pauper Commander Deck
Hope this is okay to drop here. It's a PEDH based around Stormchaser Mage . If not, just pretend it's a really bad, super budget Adeliz, The Cinderwind deck. Been trying to put the finishing touches outside of lands and was hoping someone could answer one of these for.
- What should I cut for Blighted Agent ? I plan on using it as plan B if my command tax becomes too much I was thinking Vodalian Arcanist just because my mana curve is so low and it will be very rare for it to have haste.
- Should I cut Fists of the Anvil for another 1-drop +3/+3 type of instant akin to Built to Smash or is that +5/+1 after prowess that devastating?
- Anything worth taking out for Inside Out. I just think it's really neat.
- Seeing how the deck is so offense-based, does the vigilance from Bladed Bracers matter? Should I focus on evasion such as Vorrac Battlehorns or straight combat like Bonesplitter ?
Thanks for reading. I picked up refining this deck after two years of not looking at it, so getting help with it and then bringing it to code has been a deck building priority for me.
TheMazter13 on
5 years ago
Play fewer cards that do nothing. Beacon of Immortality , Pyroblast , Red Elemental Blast , Rebuff the Wicked , Bar the Door , Approach of the Second Sun , and Emerge Unscathed don't do much to buff your Commander and none of them draw cards. Cards like Expedite and Brute Force are both fine because they draw cards and buff your commander repeatably. But cards that drag the game out aren't what Boros Aggro wants
The reason the cards that do almost nothing and draw cards are good is because they draw cards. In this deck, that should be more pump spells. You draw a Brute Force , cast it, get it back, then draw Fists of the Anvil , cast it, get it back and cards like Expedite let you draw even more cards to start looping. The bottleneck of this deck is the card draw. Sure, you can dump your hand, but that's 7 cards at most. What if it were 9, 10, or more?
~ Cards I think don't do enough ~
Helm of the Host - Very slow on its own and 5 mana to equip; Payoff is more creatures that you don't need because your commander is a 3/4 flyer and copying any other creature is not as good as your commander. However, copying your commander is bad because all of your instants and sorceries are single target
Approach of the Second Sun - You're never casting this twice. If you even cast this once you've probably already lost. In this deck, it's a 7 mana Angel's Mercy do NOT play Angel's Mercy, it doesn't do anything you will lose
Aegis of the Heavens - Only gives +1 to power. Toughness does not matter when you have a) an aggressive deck and b) a flyer
Isochron Scepter - Everything goes back to your hand anyway, why imprint anything?
Caged Sun - a 6 mana artifact that lets you cast spells you could already cast. It's a "win-more" card, I don't see a need
Rings of Brighthearth + Basalt Monolith - Only in for the infinite mana combo, which does nothing. Instants are Sorceries have colored costs (and are mostly a majority colored in fact) that still need to be paid, so there is no loop or anything. If anything, it's worse because you need to put 2 mana into the thing (which in this deck, is usually your colored lands)
Dark Depths - Why? There's no Thespian's Stage . Also, (and I've never thought I'd say this) a 20/20 doesn't do much here. Your goal is to attack with Feather, so do that!
Reverberate and Doublecast - These cost more than the spells your casting from your hand anyway. Also, neither of them goes back to your hand so it's a one time use and it's a bad one time use
~ Strictly Better ~
mal099 on Weird U/W Pauper Combo
6 years ago
Looking at the decks, I feel like the combo you do where you can tap a creature to do one damage does not work very well with infect. Still takes 10 rounds to win, and any lonely 2/1 unblockable creature can do the same, and cheaper, if we ignore the possibility of lifegain. It's nice to be able to put -1/-1 counters on creatures I suppose, but that means you take even longer to win. I'd probably just forget about that combo and just go for speed.
I feel like white is not really doing much for you - there's some creature removal, which other colors, including blue, can do as well, and there's some more creatures with infect, which again, other colors have too. But white is bad at making creatures stronger, a weakness it shares with blue. Comparing the other colors:
Red: Bad with infect, Ogre Menial really is too expensive, Razor Swine seems decent. But very good at doing damage! Start with a mere 1/1 with infect, pump it up with Fists of the Anvil (or Blood Lust / Blood Frenzy , then double the damage with Assault Strobe , Double Cleave or Temur Battle Rage , and BAM! 10 damage with infect, all you need is some enchantment to make it unblockable, which blue can easily provide. Also provides creature removal through direct damage.
Green: Lots of ways to make your creatures stronger too. No Double Strike, but more creatures with infect. Very little creature removal.
Black: Also quite a few good creatures with infect, also good at making creatures stronger. Lots of good creature removal. Can make the opponent discard cards, so it's good at control.
DemonDragonJ on Unintentionally Hilarious or Suggestive Cards
6 years ago
Gattison, the thing hanging from Glory Seeker is the scabbard of his sword, not his actual "sword."
I also forgot about Rakdos Keyrune, which again ahs suggestive flavor text, and there is also Fists of the Anvil which is entirely self-explanatory.
Furani on
Fling In The Ice (MODERN)
7 years ago
Brute Force +2 // Uncanny Speed -2 // Fists of the Anvil -1 // Temur Battle Rage -2 // Undying Evil +2 // Soul's Fire -2 // Spell Pierce +3 //Cryptborn Horror -2 // Goblin Electromancer +2 // Jeskai Sage -2 // Vampire Hexmage +2 //Fate Foretold -2 // Skin Invasion -2 // Cathartic Reunion +2 //
Quite the rebuild but, you have so many different cards at different mana-speed-levels that the deck won't perform very consistent
munky702 on
Shu Yun's Jeskai Dojo
7 years ago
Throw in Fists of the Anvil then it could be Shu Yun the fister!
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