Glory Seeker

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rules Q&A

Glory Seeker

Creature — Human Soldier

legendofa on Spectra Ward

5 months ago

5.Same setup as #3. I have Eager Cadet enchanted with Spectra Ward, Glory Seeker enchanted with Holy Strength, and Bruna, Light of Alabaster. I attack with Bruna, and move only Spectra Ward onto her. Next turn, I attack with her again, and move Holy Strength onto her. What happens?

legendofa on Spectra Ward

5 months ago

How about some specific scenarios? From basic to advanced:

  1. I have Eager Cadet enchanted with Spectra Ward. I cast Holy Strength targeting Eager Cadet. What happens?

  2. I have Eager Cadet enchanted with Spectra Ward and Glory Seeker enchanted with Holy Strength. I cast Aura Finesse to move the Holy Strength to Eager Cadet. What happens?

  3. I have Eager Cadet enchanted with Spectra Ward, Glory Seeker enchanted with Holy Strength, and Bruna, Light of Alabaster. I attack with Bruna, and move Spectra Ward and Holy Strength onto her. What happens?

  4. Opponent casts Warp World. I reveal Eager Cadet, Spectra Ward, and Holy Strength. I put down the Eager Cadet, then put Spectra Ward and Holy Strength on it as Warp World resolves. What happens?

Rhadamanthus on Spark Double and Helm of …

5 years ago

Use double-square brackets around a card's name to create a pop-up. It's the best way to make sure everyone understands what's going on in your question: Spark Double , Helm of the Host

It copies the same card as the original. When you make a copy of something, you also take into account whether that thing is a copy of something else. For example: if Spark Double is currently a copy of Bear Cub then any copies of that creature will also be a Bear Cub (with no +1/+1 counters), if Quicksilver Gargantuan is a copy of Glory Seeker then any copies of that creature will also be a 7/7 Glory Seeker, etc.

DemonDragonJ on Unintentionally Hilarious or Suggestive Cards

6 years ago

Gattison, the thing hanging from Glory Seeker is the scabbard of his sword, not his actual "sword."

I also forgot about Rakdos Keyrune, which again ahs suggestive flavor text, and there is also Fists of the Anvil which is entirely self-explanatory.

Gattison on Unintentionally Hilarious or Suggestive Cards

6 years ago

I found a few lists that are on-theme for this thread.

Check out MTG controvercy plz look at it, it must be spread. & Sexy Women Collection.

Just in case you don't feel like clicking, the important ones are Glory Seeker, which has some unfortunate placement of something "down there," and Ekundu Cyclops in which the tree seems very... erect...?

And also... Invoke Prejudice is not funny, so much as one of the most inappropriate cards, ever. Intentional or not, the card is just a total "oops!"

Madcookie on Storm crows revenge ($600,000 budget)!!!!

6 years ago

Sorry mate, I hate budget decks like this, especially bad cards like Ancestral Recall, that are simply below my level. I only run bling cards like Grizzly Bears and Glory Seeker, mostly because they simply make my opponents tremble in awe and concede by turn 2.

DemonDragonJ on MTG controvercy plz look at it, it must be spread.

6 years ago

In the art of Glory Seeker, that object hanging from he man is not his penis, it is the scabbard of his sword.

What about the Island from the Theros block that has an extremely phallic rock in the artwork (not off the the side, but exactly in the center)?

JerichoDarkstar on Simic guildmage

7 years ago

Hey proterran98.

(1) Yes, you can move Frozen to Hill Giant before it is destroyed and still have its effect destroy Squire. Here's how you make it happen.

(2) If Glory Seeker blocks Squire enchanted with Frozen, you may choose to activate Guildmage's second ability before combat damage and move Frozen. However, if damage is dealt, then it is too late and you can't do this.

(3) I'm not entirely sure on this one, so Epochalyptik please correct me if I'm wrong.

  • Flux's trigger is put on the stack during the beginning of the upkeep.
  • At this point, you may choose to respond to the trigger and move it with Guildmage's second effect.
  • Assuming no one has any other responses, Guildmage resolves first and moves Flux to Hill Giant.
  • Flux's trigger resolves independent of its source, and your opponent may either pay Squire's mana cost or sacrifice it because it was the object of the ability when it first triggered.
  • Because Flux has already triggered once, it will not trigger again this upkeep on its new target, Hill Giant.

(4) At this point, I think you might be catching on to the pattern.

Hope that helps!

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