Burning-Tree Emissary

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Burning-Tree Emissary

Creature — Human Shaman

When Burning-Tree Emissary enters the battlefield, add .

BotaNickill on Rakdos Speed Aggro

2 months ago

I Love a good Red Aggro Deck! Ash Zealot is one of my personal favorite creatures. If you run her along with Madcap Skills, a fun card to add is Thunderous Might. It can really lead to some explosive turns. It helps to have some other red devotion along with this of course. Which is why I run another of my old favorite hotties, the Burning-Tree Emissary. Razorkin Needlehead seems like it might be worth considering. Monstrous Rage is also really really good. Probably better suited for Monastery Swiftspear and Slickshot Show-Off, but you already have a handful of other buff spells in there, so yeah. Anywho, Good Luck!

Icbrgr on Modern Horizons 3

9 months ago

I just had Amped Raptor pointed out to me... when I saw the spoiler I just saw the symbol and my eyes glazed over amd dismissed it... but holy cow this thing seems good... almost like Burning-Tree Emissary in a way.

Icbrgr on Break out

10 months ago

Omg Burning-Tree Emissary into this seems awesome... literally the only reason I haven't been running that card has been because I have been so used to running Jegantha, the Wellspring.

Balaam__ on Mono Red Burnt Goblins

1 year ago

Well ramp is really a separate topic. wallisface already mentioned the pseudo-ramp Goblin Anarchomancer and I see you have Manamorphose already. There’s also Burning-Tree Emissary but I’m not sure it’s a good fit. My initial comment was more about just shoring up the mana base you currently had.

TristanTaylorsVoice on 8 Whack 2024

1 year ago

I think Pact of the Titan is seriously slept on in this deck, Battle Cry Goblin doesn't turn it on but the other 8 whack effects do. Back when this deck ran Burning-Tree Emissary Pact could enable some crazy turn 2 kills, or my favorite would be to bolt your opponent in response to your own pact triggers.

I would also recommend cutting Manamorphose, Orcish Bowmasters is pretty punishing as is so there's no need to enable extra triggers

legendofa on Summon Mechanic - Help?

1 year ago

Is this primarily going to be a triggered ability ("Whenever this creature attacks, summon 2"), an activated ability (", : Summon 2"), or something else?

It does basically give all your creatures dash, or act as a more repeatable Sneak Attack. At minimum, I would make it so the summoned creature couldn't attack, making you rely on abilities, and keep X fairly low, generally 3 or less. Even then, it still feels powerful--some creatures just weren't designed to enter the battlefield potentially every turn. Off the top of my head, Burning-Tree Emissary becomes free mana, Stoneforge Mystic becomes "search for an equipment and play it for ", and there's probably better ways to break it I'm not thinking of. And then there's the idea of using more than one Summon ability per turn.

I assume you would build your Commander deck to the power level you want, and this ability is interesting. I'm just concerned some unforeseen interaction could pop up that would break it. It needs some sort of restriction or limiter.

lespaul977 on

1 year ago

Dana_in_Love845, I agree with you that Goblin Anarchomancer would be great in this deck. I’ve never seen that one before, and it looks like a solid card.

I use Burning-Tree Emissary in my deck because my deck is mono-red (not Gruul like this one), it needs to get wide fast since I’m playing Embercleave, and devotion to red is very important for my primary win con. In my use-case, it’s very effective. Here’s my deck if you want to check it out: Budget Mono Red Embercleave

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