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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Creature — Human Wizard
When this enters, you may return target enchantment card from your graveyard to your hand.

Apoptosis on
Smile all the way
2 weeks ago
Based on some great feedback on Reddit and some of my own ideas, I made some edits (cards removed to sideboard so I can keep track).
In: Restoration Specialist, replaces Treasure Hunter and Auramancer.
In: Reveillark, replaces Pinnacle Monk Flip
In: Panharmonicon, replaces Blade of Selves for ETB triggers
In: Felidar Guardian for infinite token combo with Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker. Replaces Athreos, God of Passage as it makes recursion conditional.
In: Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker. I wanted to test drive it.
In: Grand Abolisher (protection). Out: Boros Charm (cry! I love this card, but it's not the right kind of protection for this deck).
In Murderous Redcap infinite damage win-con with Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit. Out: Figure of Destiny, feedback is that it is too slow, although to be fair it helped me win the first time I ran this deck.
Will also be updating Maybeboard based on feedback, some of the cards I don't have or haven't worked in yet.
Flarhoon13 on
Victor's Enchanting Resurrections
3 months ago
Dec 20, updated 12 cards but lost again. Thomas took me out first, after dominating with Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools and Lagomos, Hand of Hatred. He had a huge Mob Rule, borrowing a Korvold, Fae-Cursed King. Thomas reminded me that it was my suggestion to add Mob Rule to the deck. He tutored in each of about four turn cycles with Lagomos, Hand of Hatred before sacrificing Juri, Master of the Revue to kill me--28 damage was just a point or two over my life total.
Victor, Valgavoth's Seneschal finally won in its fourth game, its second game with 12 cards updated. We all removed Kalamax, the Stormsire's permanents in a two-hour game. I had Extinguish All Hope and several turns later, Life's Finale targeting Will, on Sovereign Okinec Ahau, was enough for him to concede. Starfield of Nyx returned a ton of enchantments. I stocked my graveyard by drawing 17 with an early Necropotence in response to Ben targeting it with removal. Elspeth Conquers Death made multiple appearances and got an Auramancer to recur the Starfield of Nyx very late game. Legion Loyalty and moreso, Dictate of Erebos, made a huge contribution, thanks also to the Fanatical Devotion. I attacked with my enchantments for the Starfield of Nyx win at 5 life.
Crow_Umbra on
1 year ago
No prob, happy to help! I enjoy your build style and your discussion contributions around the site when I see them.
If you're in need of Enchantment or general recursion, I'd recommend adding Hall of Heliod's Generosity. I've found that I don't encounter much land removal in my metas beyond Generous Gift/Beast Within, so utility lands get a bit more mileage. I'd also recommend checking out Noxious Revival, as it can be cast for a measly 2 life, and has the added flexibility of being graveyard or top-of-deck tutor hate.
There's also Auramancer, Monk Idealist, and Heliod, the Radiant Dawn Flip (to name a few enchantment specific recursion effects)
Lol I was so focused on the triple white pips on Hour of Reckoning, that I totally missed the Convoke. If you'd want another board wipe, I'd recommend Promise of Loyalty, since it can get around indestructible.
Not sure if you'd be interested, but my best friend recently put together a Brennard deck if you'd want to check it out. He's no longer active on Tapped Out, so this would direct you to his Moxfield list. For additional context, my friend is someone that typically plays aristocrats, and Jund-adjacent strats
Thomaswallismoore on
Modern Hedron Alignment
1 year ago
There's a creature called Auramancer that does the same thing except chump blocking
DreadKhan on
Zur is head of this prison
1 year ago
My Zur Prison was inspired by the little synergy pile of Solitary Confinement and Court of Cunning, Court pays for Solitary, so it's very hard for you to lose your Monarch status, so everyone else just keeps getting Milled for 10. You'll need another effect to draw, but Zur can find lots, and Zur can also find Greater Auramancy, it's not as pricey as it once was, but it might get reprinted at any point. Not sure if all that's fast/strong enough, but Zur can find the pieces (and if you get the Court second you are automatically Monarch, so it's a pretty solid set up).
Have you thought about running Hall of Heliod's Generosity over Auramancer? I've tried to use Auramancer, and it is so hard for it to be in the right situation I find, maybe your mileage varies. If you do use the Hall, Zur can find Necropotence and Second Chance, which will give you turns (but it can be hard to draw more cards without life gain), but since Zur can still attack you just Voltron up first, this is a nice way to finish a game so they don't drag on forever, there are lots of ways to find Hall when you're ready to set up the combo, it also works as long as your life is low enough on your upkeep to trigger Second Chance, you can then use Hall to let you draw Chance and replay it, cast it and have Zur find a Voltron piece, a nasty surprise if people thought you were almost finished. Second Chance can also be perpetuated with Estrid's Invocation and either Copy Enchantment or Mirrormade, recently found out about it.
If you're ever looking for a Prison feeling creature I have a lot of fun with Fatespinner, this holds one of your opponent's phases hostage each turn. Spurnmage Advocate is pretty hilarious if people like to attack often, you can give any one opponent 2 cards back to blow up potentially another attacker's creature, it's a sneaky card that plays well with prison type effects (lots of cards become situationally very bad with Rule of Law, you can give these back to them).
TheMeadiator on
1 year ago
Auramancer gives you another trigger with Elesh Norn, and is also a baby version of Starfield.
Agent of Erebos helps control your opponents graveyard, as I noticed you don't have any graveyard hate in here. (Though I wish he had less than 4 cmc). Maybe add him in the sideboard?
DreadKhan on Is the New Heliod Justified …
1 year ago
I used to run Auramancer in a deck that ran a bunch of Auras that add a huge amount of power, I quickly had to pull it because it's ability is so timing sensitive that it usually was a worse Bear. I think you need TONS of enchantments, and they need to be the only way your deck wins or that ability is not very helpful.
The flip side is a lot more interesting, it seems good in a highly interactive deck that plays mostly at instant speed, you can also play Eldrazi for cheaper, fueled with all of the symmetrical card draw you can find (there is a fair bit, including lands). I suspect either way you want this as your Commander, not as much in the 99. Just had a thought, once it's flipped (pretty steep cost in Azorius) you do have one really good thing, all of your 2 or 3 mana rocks suddenly become mana positive? That seems at least neat, I'm not sure it really matters, but I like the idea of having a free Thran Dynamo now and then, I guess if you've got enough card draw you can snowball out of control pretty badly? Azorius Storm is a weird place to be thinking about.
Last (and weirdest) thought, you can run Heliod with Stax I guess, so you can overcome things like Thalia/Thorn of Amethyst/Trinisphere. You cast at a discount while everyone else has to pay 9 for an Ad Naus you can just counter for U.
Seupeonji on
Enchanted Faerie Tail
2 years ago
Zur, Eternal Schemer, Leyline Binding, Wedding Announcement Flip, Auramancer