Nexus of Fate

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Nexus of Fate


Take an extra turn after this one.

If this would be put into a graveyard from anywhere, reveal this card and shuffle this into the owner of this card's library instead.

Xica on Reclamation of Fate

3 months ago

Hmm this is one of the few decks where Remand is better than Counterspell.

Remand can act as a cantripping fog effect on your opponent's turn 2, or be played on back of growth spiral's extra land on t3.

And well the deck's goal is to shrink your library to only Nexus of Fate *list* then win in combat. Which is made possible by tha absurd ramp created with Wilderness Reclamation - with such mana advantage, arguably remand is better.

In the current meta with over 35% of decks being RWx energy, you need some sort of way to hate on those decks, as they are naturally favoured against this type of deck.
I would recommend playing Sulfur Elemental in that role (for hating on white x/1 tribal), as it not only clears the board:
- it also keeps the board clean
- it doesnt harm your own Ice-Fang Coatls

Yes, i am aware, that you get caught in the flak with Orcish Bowmasters seeing common play thanks to the one ring - so concessions need to be made for that.

Neotrup on Remand vs. Approach

1 year ago

The text to put Approach of the Second Sun into it's owners library is part of the resolution of the spell, so if the spell is countered or otherwise fails to resolve it will not be applied and go to the appropriate zone (in this case the hand). Compare to a card like Nexus of Fate which is a replacement effect that applies when it tries to go to the graveyard, or Gaea's Blessing which is a triggered ability that triggers when it is put into the graveyard (though only from library, not from the stack). Nexus of Fate will shuffle in if it's countered by something like Counterspell.

Kyon on Chun - li countless tokens

1 year ago

Thank you for your comments there are some cards I will play test. My goal with the deck is to generate lots of tokens and try to win via combat. I already tried the combo with Nexus of Fate and I did not like it. You always win out of nothing with this loop and that is something we did not like in our playgroup. Do you see some cards that could be cut from the deck to get some more selfmill imside.

Azoth2099 on Chun - li countless tokens

1 year ago


Wow, not sure how I managed to misread Nexus of Fate like that smh, thank you for that correction haha. That's what I get for trying to Magic while sleepy.

Now that I'm rested, let's try to suggest things again...fingers crossed lol.

A really great one that comes to mind is Evacuation. Continuously wiping the board of creatures AND giving you a way to consistently recast Chun-Li for more value is super good. Curfew would be another great way to do this if you're trying to keep the curve low. Filter Out seems like a great way for this deck to consistently control the board very heavily, too. Since this is essentially a graveyard deck, Mesmeric Orb, Windfall, Brain Freeze & Tolarian Winds are all worth considering for sure. Chain of Vapor is ridiculous here too, considering the sheer multi-utility with the Commander imho.

Being dependent on Combat, I'd say Reconnaissance is potentially an auto-include. Grazilaxx, Illithid Scholar pulls weight here too, with it's baby cousin Cunning Evasion slotting in for 1 less mana if that matters.

Sorry if I goofed again with these further suggestions!

DreadKhan on Chun - li countless tokens

1 year ago

I think when you put Nexus of Fate in the graveyard their will be a replacement effect that shuffles it back in your library, so I don't think Chun-Li can exile it. The way I like to use Nexus of Fate in Chun-Li is to exile Mystical Tutor, which can find Nexus each turn for only U, but you'll still need to draw a card. You build up total mana by using cheaper extra turns spells that are one-and-done, once you've got Nexus going you should be able to take over. From testing the biggest issue is generating enough mana to go off, but I think you can technically get by with only 7 mana total, but you only have so many turns to find the lands needed to get you to 9 mana, which is the minimum iirc you can start looping Nexus (and have a way to draw it after tutoring). Azoth2099 I definitely have had to reread cards a bajillion times while trying to build Chun-Li, not only is she confusing but she also likes a lot of pretty confusing cards!

Since I always want Chun-Li to survive attacking I like Shadow Rift an awful lot, IMHO it's one of the better cards you can use with her. Leap is a nice backup option. If you are the kind of deck that can end up with a pretty full graveyard pretty easily I think Visions of Beyond can be pretty useful, at least it cares about all graveyards, drawing 3 for U is pretty sweet.

Azoth2099 on Chun - li countless tokens

1 year ago


Hey man! Traumatize & Nexus of Fate will add the level of spice that you're looking for with this one for sure.

You pretty much just Traumatize yourself, cast your Commander, exile Nexus of Fate and win via infinite turns/combats. Cheers!

Coward_Token on I'm Blue (da ba dee da ba daa)

1 year ago

More modal counterspells: Confounding Riddle, Supreme Will (also Blue Elemental Blast/Hydroblast, depends on your meta though)

Discover the Impossible

Merchant Scroll

Spellbinder doesn't work with Rebound, but since Pakpatiq has flying and curves directly from this, I think It's worth considering (also, Nexus of Fate)

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