Tasha's Hideous Laughter

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Tasha's Hideous Laughter


Each opponent exiles cards from the top of their library until that player has exiled cards that have a combined total converted mana cost/mana value 20 or more.

wallisface on U/B Mill

1 month ago

Mill decks only ever want to be running Hedron Crab and Ruin Crab as creatures. Any other options are just not helpful or conductive towards winning. Specifically:

  • both Consuming Aberration and Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker cost such a high amount of mana that the game should already be over (mill decks should be aiming to win by turn 4). and both barely does any amount of actual milling for their egregious costs.

  • Duskmantle Guildmage is only useful as a combo card with Mindcrank. On its own it's basically useless. If you are doing the Mindcrank combo then there's no real reason to run any other mill cards.

  • Fog Bank does nothing and gives your opponent more time to overwhelm you or assemble their combo.

Other cards that i'd suggest are bad choices:

I would suggest looking at cards like Fractured Sanity, Maddening Cacophony, and Tasha's Hideous Laughter *list*. Archive Trap is also a mill-must-have, but may be less-useful if your playgroup isn't using fetchlands. Jace, the Perfected Mind is also serviceable as a planeswalker.

Your deck also really needs some interaction - mill decks are typically too slow to out-race aggro and combo, so you need options to make sure you slow those decks down enough to win the race. Options normally include Drown in the Loch, Fatal Push, and Surgical Extraction

doc_frank_18 on A mill-ion

2 months ago

Get rid of Deep-Sea Kraken and put in Tasha's Hideous Laughter *list*

wallisface on Jace, the Fox Cutie Mill

6 months ago

Some thoughts:

If you’re looking for an example competitive mill deck, this one here is a good baseline to build from.

UltimateRoxas40 on [Zellix] Kill with Mill (unlikely)

1 year ago

Fun looking deck! I've got a similar Mill deck too.

Something to note though. Tasha's Hideous Laughter exiles those cards, so if you're trying to capitalize on the Mill keyword to work with Zellix, Sanity Flayer, that won't work. Same with Mind Grind, it technically isn't Mill, so Zellix, Sanity Flayer won't trigger.

I'd suggest Court of Cunning. It's a good way to hit multiple opponents at the same time, potentially getting you three to four Horror tokens each upkeep. And it introduces Monarch, which can cause all kinds of shenanigans haha.

Apollo_Paladin on Sea of Attrition [Arena] [Beta]

1 year ago

I don't think Hullbreaker Horror is doing much for you here. He's way too high a mana cost to just have floating around in a 22 mana deck that has no mana ramp or some way to cheat him into play or reduce his cost.

I'd look at more mill-based stuff like Fraying Sanity, Tasha's Hideous Laughter (though, this doesn't work with Fraying Sanity - important note), Drowned Secrets, or things of that nature.

Hope this helps! Add me on Arena if you ever want to deck tech or run some test games (info on my profile).

Balaam__ on Power cut at the source

1 year ago

If I were to chime in and offer any advice, it would be to double down on refining this into 100% pure mill. The archetype is most viable when literally every non-land card contributes toward milling out your opponent in some way.

For instance, a card like Profane Memento might seem good on paper but ultimately doesn’t push you any closer to a win. Then there’s the simple fact that some cards are better than others—Curse of the Bloody Tome is very poor compared to something, like, Tasha's Hideous Laughter.

Take all of the above with a grain of salt, since you did tag this build as Casual. I don’t know how your playgroup functions, maybe the ‘quick decisive win’ isn’t what you’re after for maximum fun. In any case, there are many people on this site more than willing to offer suggestions for improvement (this was a great help to me when I built my own Modern mill deck).

wallisface on Modern Mill

1 year ago

Some thoughts that you can take or leave:

  • Fraying Sanity is a card that can only really be justified as a 1-of at-best. Drawing a second copy will almost always lose you the game as you’ll never get time to play it, and mill games can easily be lost by one useless draw.

  • Running 4x Jace, the Perfected Mind seems excessive. 2-3 feels like the most a deck can justify before its high mana cost impedes deck functionality.

  • I get what you’re aiming for with Scheming Symmetry, but it’s far more gimmick-than-useful. The fact this card puts you down 1 card in-hand means its almost always hurting you more than helping you - it might help with one strong turn, but the card disadvantage will ruin your ability to close-out games. Imo just run the full playset of Field of Ruin and aim for more ”individually strong” cards.

  • imo your mainboard feels lacking in quantity of both interaction (Fatal Push, Surgical Extraction) and mill-spells (Tasha's Hideous Laughter). I think Fraying Sanity, Scheming Symmetry, and Trapmaker's Snare are all taking up a lot of space in your deck, and taking away your ability to compete.

wallisface on Mill deck

1 year ago

Lord_Olga I should add that Tasha's Hideous Laughter is strong enough to be mandatory in top-tier competitive mill decks

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