Sonorous Howlbonder

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sonorous Howlbonder

Creature — Human Warrior


Each creature you control with menace can't be blocked except by three or more creatures.

Jopling on Menace to Society ($60 Menace Tribal)

7 months ago

Apollo_Paladin I played around with Sonorous Howlbonder on Arena initially and I did really enjoy him, but I replaced him with Shakedown Heavy for some extra card draw.

Apollo_Paladin on Menace to Society ($60 Menace Tribal)

8 months ago

Yeah, dealing First Strike damage with Goldhound makes it really easy to get a double trigger off the Face-Breaker in combats, and then being able to sacrifice the tapped Goldhound itself for card advantage after the treasures are created is just... < chef's kiss >

I definitely think the prowlers are a good one to drop for them too, namely since they can't be pumped with the Labyrinth Raptors.

You might also look at Sonorous Howlbonder. It's one I phased out of my build in favor of running the Pestilent Spirits full-time, but there still are a few games where I do miss him. Combined with the raptor triggers he lets you turn your board into a lethal attack extremely early, even against decks with massive creature (blocker) presence.

In any case, good choices thus far. Feel free to add me on Arena if you ever want to run some test games or even just discuss deck & meta tech. Info is on my profile here - Cheers!

MahBoi100 on I'm Gonna Didgeridoo You in the Ass

8 months ago


Thank you for your comment! I have been on the fence regarding both Sonorous Howlbonder and Labyrinth Raptor because they're not minotaurs. I am really happy with the density of minotaurs in the deck because it allows me to proc Sethron as much as possible (and for flavour reasons I guess, lol). I am unsure if I can give that up. The menace tribal aspect does seem quite powerful, though. Either way, it is good to know that capitalising on the menace aspect has worked out for you, so thank you for that! ^_^

cosmicseal on I'm Gonna Didgeridoo You in the Ass

9 months ago

i love to see another minotaur deck on here! and yours looks like a blast to play.

Though i wanted to let you know that maybe putting some menace tribal cards in here like Sonorous Howlbonder or Labyrinth Raptor could be a cool addition! I put these two in my sethron deck and i could say they work a treat and make defending my bulls a nightmare for my opponent, especially cause sethron can reliably give them all menace, along with Predators' Hour making it even cheaper to do so for one turn.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this and if you think this would be a good move to include.

Crow_Umbra on Alesha, who keeps playing cards

2 years ago

Sorry to spam another response, I just read your updated deck description, and I think your gut feeling on removing the +1/+1 counter sub-theme is correct. If you want your creatures to connect, you could use stuff like Spirit Mantle or equipment with Deathtouch or "unblockable", like Basilisk Collar or Whispersilk Cloak to help sneak damage through. Key to the City is a piece of tech used by many Alesha lists as a means to push damage through and also get cards into the yard.

Mark of Asylum could also potentially be a swap for The Wanderer. A bit more resilient to removal.

Another fun subtheme I played around with is to recur creatures that punch very heavily if they connect, like Virtus the Veiled, Raving Dead, and the infamous Master of Cruelties. At one point, I had a Menace subtheme with stuff like Goblin War Drums, Sonorous Howlbonder, and Labyrinth Raptor.

Alesha has a lot of tech available to her, to the point of being a bit overwhelming. I think by the time I retired my Alesha deck, I had tried out like 3-4 build variations. Towards the end, I realized the deck worked better (for me), when Alesha wasn't the primary aggro and reanimation option.

Apollo_Paladin on Rakdos Menace (MTG Arena Build)

2 years ago

@ enraged

Hey, glad you liked the build. It's quite a fun one to play.

On your suggestions, I've already looked over every single 1-mana burn spell legal in the format and End the Festivities, Blazing Volley, and Dual Shot are unquestionably the best options to pair with Pestilent Spirit (In that order, too). If I need Instant speed, I don't see a value in Spikefield Hazard when I could just as easily Dual Shot. Mana isn't even close to a struggle in this build as it's all quite low cost, and I already have 4x Goldhound in there just in case things get really dire, so I don't ever see the Land side being used either.

The Neonate isn't bad at all, but I don't know what I'd drop to put her in honestly. My other 1-drop Menace creatures all have pretty well-definited versatility within the build (Goldhounds for mana, Valentin for converting destruction to exile), compared to Card Draw - which while nice - is nowhere near as predictable a benefit overall.

Lastly, I toyed with Rampaging Ferocidon for a while when I first built the deck, but anymore he's just not anywhere near as threatening as other 3-drop creatures. I ended up with Pestilent Spirit as my 3-drop, but I used to run Sonorous Howlbonder, who for all intents and purposes makes large chunks of my deck simply unblockable. So, that's the standard I'm comparing against currently for 3-drops. Figure in the fact that the Ferocidon punishes Creature spells (and I run mostly Creatures myself) and this feels like it'd just be working against my own Lifelink most of the time. I can fill the same overall function with Knight of Dusk's Shadow now; for less mana, and no downsides to me.

I do appreciate the interest and suggestions though, and I'd be happy to hear if you have some additional thoughts that maybe I've overlooked.

Either way, Cheers!

Metroid_Hybrid on Need help rebuilding an old …

2 years ago

Several years ago I put together a strictly Rakdos-themed Aggro deck built around Fists of the Demigod, Psychotic Fury, Ashenmoor Liege, and having a "transformative" sideboard. Many users on T/O at the time seemed to like it as much as I did. But unfortunately, one day I accidentally left it at an LGS shortly before it permanently closed, and was never able to get it back...

Now half a decade later, I'm looking to rebuild. However, over the past 5 years many new creatures have been printed that have rendered my old list, quite frankly, obsolete..

I'm probably going to keep all of the non-creature spells (except maybe Madcap Skills), but I'm likely to replace all of the creatures except the playsets of Rakdos Cackler & Spike Jester, and the singles of Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch and (of course) Ashenmoor Liege.

With so many new options, compounded by the fact that I haven't played any Modern in years, I find it difficult to settle on a particular direction...

Please advise...

Rakdos Sligh Beats - RakdosDeckWins..

Modern Metroid_Hybrid


(As far as the sideboard is concerned, I'm probably going to replace Blightning with Sovereign's Bite)

Crow_Umbra on

3 years ago

If you're going for a more aggro & attack based Alesha build, I highly recommend using a Menace sub-theme. My Alesha deck was more aggro-focused at first, but I recently rehauled it to be more Aristocrats/Combo. Menace can help your creatures get through for damage. I'd suggest checking out:

For evasion help

For creatures that "hit heavy" despite their power, especially if they have Menace or other evasion:

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