Psychic Corrosion

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Psychic Corrosion


Whenever you draw a card, each opponent mills two cards. (To mill a card, put the top card of your library into your graveyard.)

TheoryCrafter on Mill

1 year ago

From the looks of this deck you've done a good job with mana efficiency.

Also, its important to remember the color identity rule. I'm a little spotty on multi-colored lands, but Nihil Spellbomb and Simic Locket could be seen as a violation of the rule.

With Bruvac as your commander, redundancy in instant win plays is important. Which is why I recommend adding Cut Your Losses and Fleet Swallower.

You've done good putting in cards that mill each opponent. This will help get around spells and abilities that give your opponents hexproof. With all the draw spells, may I recommend adding Psychic Corrosion? This will mill each opponent as you draw. In fact, if you add Jace's Archivist it will not only feed into Psychic Corrosion, but Fraying Sanity as well. In which case you may also want to consider adding Mystic Redaction to your deck.

Also, with your desire for Counter spells, you may want to look for spots for Countermand, Didn't Say Please, and Thought Collapse. While you cannot counter a card like Carnage Tyrant, you can still target the spell and force the spell's controller to mill.

At this stage keep Into the Roil in your deck for as long as you can. Outside of counter spells, this will be your best defense against Wheel of Sun and Moon. May I also suggest Nevinyrral's Disk? Not only is it another way to deal with Wheel of Sun and Moon, but also serves as a board wipe.

Also, I'd highly recommend Drowned Secrets since you're running a mono blue deck.

If at some point you choose to shift some of your deck towards more creatures, may I recommend Persistent Petitioners? With Bruvac also being an advisor, you can give him something to do other than sit around and be a target. And at 3 toughness, each copy can buy you some time against a battlefield of 4/4 tramplers. It would also give you the added bonus of giving your commander some protection from spells that would cause it to goad.

I hope this helps. Thank you for reading me out. Happy Hunting!

NV_1980 on Scarabian Nights

1 year ago

During play-testing, I noticed this deck is relatively slow. In most tests, I couldn't cast anything meaningful before turn five. Not sure if this is an issue in your meta, but it would be in mine.

My advice would be to:

Good luck with the build.

NV_1980 on Sneaky Ninjas

1 year ago

The idea of combining ninjas and removal makes sense. However, I fail to see the connection between the ninjas and the deck's milling cards (which seems to be your main source of removal). If you're dedicated to combining ninjas and mill, I'd recommend adding cards that allow you to draw cards based on ninja's damaging players (examples include Bident of Thassa, Coastal Piracy and Reconnaissance Mission) and then using other cards to force mills based on your draws (Jace's Erasure, Psychic Corrosion and Sphinx's Tutelage).

If you're interested, I've built more of a toolbox ninja deck with the same commander: (Stealthy Interchangeables)

CopperheadCA on Therapy failed because I kept putting up Walls

1 year ago

Kyyoo, I'd suggest removing any sorceries/enchantments that that focus on milling a player, such as Mind Funeral and Psychic Corrosion and Mind Grind. While your goal is a mill victory, these cards are acting separately from your commander. I'd go hard into being able to tap your creatures to mill, as they are a reusable action as well as.. well defenders. At the very least, the balance should always be tipped towards getting your commander out and tapping creatures, and these effects should be secondary (less of them in your deck).

Duskmantle Guildmage is a bit expensive to mill two cards for 4.

legendofa on New hubs to be added

2 years ago

Mortlocke Toxic should be added as a checkbox item. yeaGO or whoever directs the checkbox list, could you please add Toxic, if it's not in progress already? (Also Saga belongs there, too, in my opinion.)

Dakenboy "Second Draw" would be a tighter fit than simply "Draw." I know there are cards that take advantage of pure drawing, like Psychic Corrosion or Thundering Djinn, but I need to research how much those cards are used, and how much variation there is. Could you please link a couple of deck lists that you think would use this hub?

Necrosis24 on Infinite combo too slow

2 years ago

If you do want to just end the game the moment you go infinite without having to go to combat you could always just use Jace, Wielder of Mysteries or Thassa's Oracle.

Or since you want to mill a bit you can use Psychic Corrosion with 50 cards in deck you win basically.

I actually built a test deck for Alaundo when he dropped to see how quickly he could actually churn out creatures. Thus, I didn't put too much thought into the deck but I did find Intruder Alarm to be a fantastic card. The general idea was use a bunch of low cmc mana dorks which would let you play out a good chunk of creatures in one turn.

Then close out with Champion of Lambholt + Overwhelming Stampede this works because Alaundo the Seer gives haste so with Intruder Alarm in play you can swingout with all the creatures you got out that turn.

Mana Severance and Trench Gorger were also nice for getting rid of my lands once the engine started going so I would always hit a spell.

Michigone on Trigger Warning

2 years ago

Change Log 05-02-2023

Move to Maybe Board:


Michigone on Trigger Warning

2 years ago

I've been wanting a little more protection in this deck, as it is highly vulnerable to removal. As noted in a previous post, I was thinking about either Heroic Intervention or Tamiyo's Safekeeping. I've decided on Heroic Intervention as it can save my big threats from a board wipe, and I only have a few, so protecting all of them is very necessary. As for the cut, in talking with iceberg_slim, I realized that Psychic Corrosion is really just salt in the pods wound, and doesn't really promote my game plan, it just severely disrupts the other playersr and breaks their wills, which might be a good enough reason to include it I suppose, but I'm not really that vindictive (Or am I? I mean, I am playing a heavy and expensive permission suite...). So with that in mind, I'm cutting Psychic Corrosion and putting in Heroic Intervention.

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