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Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
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Vintage | Legal |
Niblis of Dusk
Creature — Spirit
Prowess (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, this creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.)

DavidLikesPeaches on Are Niblis of Dusk |Prowess …
8 years ago
Bone Saw says that it can be equipped "...only as a sorcery." Does that mean that equipping it is like casting a sorcery, and creatures such as Niblis of Dusk or Mercurial Geists would benefit from it each time it was equipped? I'm trying to build a standard prowess deck, and that would be a really sweet combo, but I don't know whether or not that would work.
oMass_Assassin on
Enigmatic Riddles
8 years ago
I only recently put in Niblis of Dusk for one Bedlam Reveler that just hadn't been useful in many games and one Niblis of Frost, just to get a turn 3 creature. Frost is definitely worth the one mana, but having six 2-drop and six 4-drops puts me in a weird spot. I have the high land count because the deck wins with 5 lands out and hopefully a Mercurial Geists with just one pump spell and Uncaged Fury. Hopefully some dual-lands will help get a land out and the Prophetic Prism and I think I'd want those Niblis of Frost back! I was avoiding cantrips or pure card draw such as Take Inventory, because one prowess trigger really doesn't do much and I have trouble playing that slow. Anticipate is pretty good though, and gives us the card selection needed, especially on turn 2-3, digging for what's needed. I will keep this all in mind, and the deck is very much in a constant state of flux, so it'll change soon after some more games I'm sure haha. Thanks for the suggestions!
Tremblayk19 on
Budget Standard-Legal "Draw Burn"
8 years ago
I think in general you want to use less creatures and lower your mana curve. Other than those two general suggestions, Stormchaser Mage definitely needs a spot in here as a 4of and you should take out all of your Niblis of Dusk for it. I think you should also look to improving your instants and sorceries, Take Inventory into Anticipate etc.
AgentBlur on
Izzet Spells
8 years ago
I hope you like reading. Here's the cards I found for shells you may consider.
fast as f*** boiiii (if you want to prowess to your heart's content)
your noncreature possibilities
- Borrowed Hostility - auto-include
- Brute Strength - not very good, probably last to go in if you have to
- Dispel - 2 in main, 2 in side. protect your important spells
- Expedite - traditional cantrip, only 3-of because you don't want to get flooded with them
- Fiery Temper - auto-playset
- Galvanic Bombardment - auto-playset
- Lightning Axe - auto-include as a 3-of
- Negate - 1 in main, 2 in side
- Tears of Valakut - 1 in side
- Uncaged Fury - 4-of. you know why
- Collective Defiance - auto 3-of
- Declaration in Stone - OK removal, little slow but fine. 2-of probs
- Tormenting Voice - auto 4 of in any shell
- Quarantine Field - sideboard against midrange planeswalkers or ramp
your creature possibilities
- Stormchaser Mage - auto 4 of
- Niblis of Dusk - auto 4 of
- Umara Entangler - if you have to
- Bedlam Reveler - 1 or 2 of AT MOST if your deck has AT LEAST 16 instants/sorceries
- Goblin Dark-Dwellers - in a slower shell
- Mercurial Geists - 3-of if you have AT LEAST 18 instants/sorceries
- Mirrorwing Dragon - 2-of if you have AT LEAST 16 instants/sorceries
- Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper - 1-of, probably sideboard, against mirror.
- Weaver of Lightning - 2-of in sideboard maybe
the other thing you can do is token-ish go wide. with lodes of creatures
your non-creature possibilities
- Anticipate - if you go slower, best card draw in standard
- Borrowed Grace - traditional team pump. use only if you go tokens/go-wide
- Catalog - card draw, madness enabler. dece, not as good as tormenting/cathartic
- Dispel - 2 in main, 2 in side. protect your big spells
- Eerie Interlude - if your deck is less part tokens and more part creatures, good way to protect em
- Fiery Temper - auto-playset
- Galvanic Bombardment - auto-playset
- Grip of the Roil - is good
- Just the Wind - is also good
- Lightning Axe - auto-include as a 3-of
- Negate - 1 in main, 2 in side
- Outnumber - 2 in main if you are go-wide
- Tears of Valakut - 1 in side
- Unsubstantiate - lil' remand, 1 in main 2 in side
- Collective Defiance - auto 3-of
- Collective Effort - auto-2
- Declaration in Stone - OK removal
- Magmatic Chasm - love this card, probably 2 or 3 of.
- Tormenting Voice - auto 4 of in any shell
- Always Watching
- Cathartic Reunion - better tormenting voice, 2 or 3 of
- Chandra, Torch of Defiance - monies
your creature possibilities
- Dragonmaster Outcast - how to bait removal 101
- Hanweir Garrison - auto 4-of
- Angel of Invention - auto 4-of
- Aviary Mechanic - good way to re-trigger dark-dwellers and fabricate triggers
- Glint-Sleeve Artisan - dece
- Master Trinketeer - have fun with your bears
- Servo Exhibition - more bears
- Visionary Augmenter - more bears
- Combustible Gearhulk - boi
- Pia Nalaar - grill
- Whirler Virtuoso - boi
- Chief of the Foundry - brill
- Skysovereign, Consul Flagship - best commander
- Goblin Dark-Dwellers - in a slower shell
The former strategy is more stable, but the latter is cooler. Do as you wish. I may have missed cards, but they'll turn up eventually.
Tortuous_TG18 on Standard Tokens Decks (That aren't …
8 years ago
It's a decent deck! I would suggest some creatures that allow you to build off of the spell casting, such as Niblis of Frost or Niblis of Dusk. It's not a populate deck, but it's a deck that I think that could inspire you in any way you deem appropriate. Let me know what you think of it.
Trashmaster on
Spellslinger U/R Standard
8 years ago
First off I would cut some of your land for Goblin Dark-Dwellers, as you don't need 26 for a curve that low. Probably cut about 3 land for 3 Dark Dwellers. Also, I would remove the creatures you have the same thing, such as Niblis of Dusk and Niblis of Frost. You gotta pick one when it comes to those and in that situation I would recommend the Niblis of Frost over the other. In my opinion, you could also cut out both of the Weaver of Lightning's, and both of the Pyre Hound's. I say this because Weaver of Lightning does the same thing as Thermo-Alchemist and is somewhat redundant. I would recommend adding in 2 Fiery Impulse's for these. As for the Pyre Hound's, I give the same reason as the Weaver of Lightning, but in relation to Niblis of Frost. In place of the Pyre Hounds, I would add in 2 more Fiery Impulses, so you have some burn and because you can easily achieve spell mastery. Next, when it comes to spells, cut the 2x Drag Under and the 2x Grip of the Roil for 4x Exquisite Firecraft. I say this because those two spells same the same function as Unsubstantiate, but are strictly worse. Plus the firecraft adds more removal options. Next, I would take out the 2x Unsubstantiate because quite simply, that kind of removal isn't that great in standard. In place of that I would add in 1 more Geistblast and 1 more Mercurial Geists. Another good prowess card for these decks is Stormchaser Mage, however I am not entirely sure what I'd cut for him honestly. Also it occurs to me after writing this that you may not be looking for suggestions, and if not feel free to disregard this. If not, hope you can find some of those suggestions useful.
Aeidon on
8 years ago
Olivia doesn't seem to fit very well here, because while she would give Tree haste, that also puts a +1/+1 counter on it, making its toughness 14,and giving your opponent an extra turn to answer your wincon. A better choice, imo would be either Sin Prodder, Niblis of Dusk, or Stitched Mangler. Liliana, Heretical Healer Flip could also be a good, albeit pricey, alternative, as she can bring Tree back in case it gets removed.
ocary13 on
Flashing the Spirit's
8 years ago
Here are the changes we made today StillMultani and everyone else who commented. Mainboard...+1 Uninvited Geist Flip. +3 Bygone Bishop. +4 Moorland Haunt. -1 Reflector Mage. -2 Plains. -2 Island. -3 Niblis of Dusk. SIDEBOARD... +3 Immolating Glare. -3 Negate. Unfortunately the shop didn't have any Drogskol Captain
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