Exquisite Firecraft

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Exquisite Firecraft


This deals 4 damage to target creature, player or planeswalker.

Spell mastery — If there are two or more instant and/or sorcery cards in your graveyard, this spell can't be countered.

psionictemplar on BIG RED PRISON

1 year ago

I play a different version of this and here is what my experience suggests.

  1. A couple more lands, maybe 2-3 tops. I know you are running rituals but the card disadvantage matters in grindy games.

2.Demon bolt just seems bad to me. I would try an Exquisite Firecraft instead since it can get through a chalice on 3 if that ends up happening.

  1. I dont like the demigod plan for finishers since I dont think the recurring can happen often enough. A lot of the removal nowadays is exile based and even if it came back into play somehow you wouldnt get the cast trigger. I will suggest Chandra, Awakened Inferno instead since it cant be countered and gives you a board wipe option in the main.

However I will say I have never tested demigod before. Have you and how well did it perform?

PikaPete22 on Boros Land Taxes

2 years ago

I'm interested in reading more about the Heliod and Enchantress match-ups?

Maybe you could apply strategies from your wins to mitigate your weaknesses.

Suppression Field in the side board seems like a reasonable response to planes walkers, but Magus of the Moon is redundant in my opinion.

If you just need a few extra points to either bolt a PW, or to target an opponent FTW, then Heated Debate or Exquisite Firecraft could be used in the side board.

For more powerful post board games: You could consider splashing a third color towards very contentious lines of play like Slaughter Games or Wreak Havoc.

It looks like Boseiju, Who Shelters All might be the smartest addition.

MagicMarc on HELP ME!!!

3 years ago

Red's answers to control are racing and LD. With that being said, Maybe run all of the red spells that can't be countered? Stuff like Lightning Mare, Rending Volley, Urza's Rage, Akroma, Angel of Fury, Chandra, Awakened Inferno, Banefire, and Exquisite Firecraft.

Run copies of red counterspells and blue destruction like Red Elemental Blast, Pyroblast, Burnout, Reverberate and Guttural Response.

Run a suite of protection from blue and protection from white creatures.

Run tons of card advantage to outrace their ability to keep countering you. Stuff like Risk Factor, War Room, Skullclamp or even run wheel effects so every time you empty your hand you refill and make them dump what they holding.

If he has a lot of nonbasics, Blood Moon will slow down their deck too.

I don't know their decklist or yours but some of these should help speed up your tempo. And you can stop bounce running protection from blue or hexproofing your creatures.

Lanzo493 on Voidbirth: A Custom Set (Renamed)

3 years ago

We've got some cool new cards here. I just have a few comments.

I'm not sure about the real rulings, but I think Eclectic Engine has a potential problem. When the ability resolves, you resolve one of the chosen ones at random. The only problem here is the "deal 3 damage to any target." When the ability triggers, nobody knows what it will do. By the time it resolves, it already does 3 damage to something that nobody can respond to. I don't know about how timing works with these kinds of triggers, but this just seemed like a red flag to me. That's assuming you care about having cards as realistic as possible, though.

I love the convoke you've got on. Broodmother Wurm reminds me of Dragon Broodmother. And that ramping convoke common seems really cool.

Firebolt Mage is incredibly powerful. Having a Exquisite Firecraft on a creature can't be overlooked. I heard once that Flametongue Kavu was a dominating card when it was in standard. Firebolt Mage would be even worse. It can kill most creatures, most planeswalkers, and do a significant amount of direct damage to a player. It's abusable with flicker and reanimation strategies. I think 3 mana for 4 damage and a 2/2 body is really pushing it. I'm not even talking about the kicker ability yet. That's actually fine. It reminds me of Urza's Rage a little bit. I second the idea of moving it to 3 and 6 mana if you want to keep the mana costs the same. You could throw in the damage can't be prevented if this is kicked clause, too.

Tzefick on Two Life-Draining Spells

4 years ago

WizardOfTheNorthernCoast But Warleader's Helix is generally considered overcosted - although that's maybe not entirely a fair appraisal.

Lightning Helix is the combination of Healing Salve and Lightning Bolt. We all know the value of Lightning Bolt, but much less so that of Healing Salve. These days, Lightning Bolt is too strong for Standard and we refer to Lightning Strike for a more appropriately costed card for that damage range. If we look at specifically instants or sorceries that deal 4 damage, we come into the midrange territory and the costs are similarly higher or with extra conditions or restrictions. Char, Collective Defiance, Electrify, Flame Lash, Exquisite Firecraft, Lightning Blast, Slaying Fire, Stoke the Flames. On the cheaper side we have Cut, Flame Slash, Heartfire, Galvanic Blast, Lava Coil, Reckless Abandon.

I think at the least we can say that dealing 4 damage to any target unconditionally is more likely a CMC 4 spell that usually has some additional benefit stuck onto it or a 3 CMC with some requirements. So the raw unconditional 4 damage is somewhere around 3,X CMC.

Now healing 4 is way cheaper and can be done with Life Goes On for a single mana, at instant speed, with a condition to gain more life. The only other card to note is Sacred Nectar, which I believe we can quickly agree is overcosted and underperforming. All other cards that gain life around these ranges have something else going on for them, Feed the Clan, Blessed Alliance, Life Burst. As such, the raw 4 life is not even worth a mana.

So 4 damage is roughly worth 3,X CMC and 4 life is worth 0.Y CMC. Put those effects together on a multicolor card and Warleader's Helix seems like a fairly costed card at uncommon. Although fair does not equal good.

That was a rather long way to go just to say that Warleader's Helix is a fairly costed card... but not a very good one.

A condition may shave off a mana in the cost, but that leaves us at 3 CMC for a 4 damage, 4 life spell. The Vampiric Helix is definitely undercosted by 1 or needs a tougher condition, say control 2 or more vampires.

Now the biggest issue I take to this card is the ability to play it mono black. Mono black is not that efficient, seeing cards like Consume Spirit or Agonizing Syphon, Pharika's Cure. However neither red nor white has these effects by themselves. I think a good midway would be to have black as a required cost and then have the supplementary color be hybrid: would be fair in my eyes. Alternatively you could have white as the primary color and black/red as the supplementary, but that is not very flavorful as far as Vampire tribal goes. To compensate the increased cost, you could have the base version be 3 damage/3 life.

Argy on Pioneer Pummeler

4 years ago

Re: Planeswalkers Vivien, Arkbow Ranger has a second ability which is interesting.

Her first ability is also relevant for this deck.

(Yep, always trust Argy to mention a card which is on no one else's radar.)

Other than that, in these colours, combat damage or burn are your best bets.

I've always liked Fated Conflagration , and Stoke the Flames or Exquisite Firecraft might be worth consideration.

Of course you've already got Pithing Needle

Argy on Mono Red Burn

4 years ago

I was going to give you lots of comments about this deck until I realised it would just be easier to link you to one of my old ones.


I think there are so many better burn and draw spells to use in this format (apart from Bomat Courier , which I think should stay).

If you don't have time to look, the take aways are:

Although Stormy Stormbreath is one of my favourite cards, he feels too slow here.

Good luck with your build.

Die4Dethklok on Casual Burn

5 years ago

How strict is the budget? And how casual?

You can make a pretty decent burn deck for around $40, if you try to keep it fast and low to the ground, by dropping things like Viashino Pyromancer and Guttersnipe , and adding Soul-Scar Mage and / or Monastery Swiftspear

An upside to playing the prowess 1-drops is it gives you reliable access to a cheap burn spell called Wild Slash which is very good if you can reliably turn it on. Especially alongside Kiln Fiend , that should be easy to do.

I'd also suggest dropping Volcanic Fallout in favour of Exquisite Firecraft , losing the instant speed can be a minor downside, however, with two in the deck, and it costing 3 mana anyway, Firecraft will work more like a finisher, hitting your opponent for 4 instead of 2, and possibly finishing them off. It is uncounterable with spell mastery, which should be pretty easy to turn on.

Also, with 20 lands, it might be worth considering Shard Volley , turn your extra lands into 4 damage.

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