Last-Ditch Effort

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Last-Ditch Effort


Sacrifice any number of creatures. Last-Ditch Effort deals X damage to target creature or player, where X is the number of creatures sacrificed this way.

Xtough on Xyris for $50

5 months ago

Hello. Nice deck. I like the budget approach. I play Xyris as well and it is a very strong and cheap deck that can take out 3 opponents in sometime one turn. Main cards are Prosperity, Last-Ditch Effort, Mob Justice and Xenagos, the Reveler. You can check the deck here, although I need to update a little:

Happy drawing!

Crow_Umbra on A fistful of Myr [Urtet, Remnant of Memnarch]

1 year ago

If you want an untapper that also is board protection for aggro swings, I'd highly recommend Reconnaissance. A few more recs that could be funky fits:

  • Last-Ditch Effort - Someone thinks they have you on the ropes because your board full of tokens is tapped out? Throw them all at their face.

  • Scapegoat - Sac 1 myr token and save your board

  • Throne of the God-Pharaoh - Actually, who really cares about untapping before your end step?

EnbyGolem on Pocket sand

2 years ago

Neat idea and love the reference!

When I think of ‘pocket sand’ being chucked at an unsuspecting target, my mind immediately goes to effects found in cards like Goblin Bombardment, Last-Ditch Effort, or even Rupture. It might be a tricky way to get in an extra barrage of damage after a big combat step.

DrummerGarrett on My Goblin Deck

2 years ago

Hello lebidoof, So with Goblin Grenade, I'm a little bit of a hypocrite on this one... But I don't like the sac 1 goblin for 1 instance of 5 damage to any target. You'd think that it's sort of the bread and butter of a goblin deck, and I do use it in other decks, but for this deck, i've liked other cards in its place.

Although the fast 5 damage is great, I've always sort of preferred having power in numbers for goblins and damage cards like Mob Justice and Goblin War Strike have always just appealed more to me. Plus, War Strike is the same mana anyway. Magic's communication with their artists is also super sneaky, there's quite a few cards that suggest potential for goblins through their art, such as Kyren Negotiations and Last-Ditch Effort

If I'm going to lose goblins to deal damage, I prefer the options my creatures have built into them for sac outlets.

Hope this helps, Garrett (Gürt)

Liquidbeaver on Ib Halfheart, Goblin Sac-tician [PRIMER]

3 years ago

Found two new cards I hadn't seen before:

Last-Ditch Effort & Impulsive Pilferer

Last-Ditch Effort is really intriguing when Pashalik Mons is on the field, or if you run Boggart Shenanigans (might be me soon).

Pilferer is honestly just a really solid 1-drop for us. Do we have enough space for it? Maybe not, but it does have everything we could hope to get out a 1 or even 2-drop.

MaltOMeal on Goblin Politics

3 years ago

Hey lobsternips! Thought I'd jump in and give you my take on what you've got going on. Your noncreature spells look fantastic, not much I would take out, but if you can find a way to fit in some creature recursion in Rise of the Dark Realms or Thrilling Encore with your mass creature destruction in dictate or Killing Wave . Also bounce-type effects like Conjurer's Closet could make use of your etb effects, you'd definitely see some usefulness there. The only problem I see with this deck is its SUPER heavy into red, there are some non-red Goblins out there, but you'd basically be playing a Red deck splashing white and black for support. However, Goblins are funny and mean just like Negan.

As for creatures, I love what you're doing. Lots of synergy, and I love the Goblin tribal theme. Also, love the Kiki-Jiki inclusion, plus with snoop you sorta just win.

Cuts? Show

Creature Suggestions Show

Goblin Tribal spells Show

Utility Cards Show

Hope I helped some, I probably didn't seeing as I gave more inclusion suggestions rather than cuts. If you decide on doing one thing like "Go Wide" or "Go Tall", adjust your cards to reflect that. Aside from that good luck on your deckbuilding!

Tarthrin on King Korvold's Feast

4 years ago

Some suggestions might be

Spike Cannibal to consolidate all the +1/+1 counters.

Last-Ditch Effort with a bunch of small critters can easily be a huge direct damage

Phyrexian Altar sac to get specific Mana instead of colorless

kingofcramers on Praise be to Will

4 years ago

I've never been so honored. Here are my suggestions:

Cards I love: Last-Ditch Effort is so beautiful, I've never seen this before

Underworld Breach this seems dank

Add: Goblin Bushwhacker - gotta have the whacker

Shared Discovery - 1 mana draw three is too nut

Desperate Ritual/Pyretic Ritual - these are good with the commander

Past in Flames - could be good especially with cost reduction

Siege-Gang Commander - not an instant or sorcery but is dank removal/ makes four gobbos

Goblinslide - could be dank

Mogg Infestation - an incredibly hype card that I've always wanted to play. Boardwipe your opponent or double the number of gobbos you control, both ways are dank

Burn at the Stake - Hype big burn spell

potential cuts:


Clone Legion

Izzet Charm

Rite of Flame

Skirk prospector

Fuel for the Cause


Massive Raid

Stroke of Genius



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