Fiery Justice

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fiery Justice


Fiery Justice deals 5 damage divided as you choose among any number of targets (creatures, players or planeswalkers). Target opponent gains 5 life.

zapyourtumor on Tainted remedy

3 years ago

I'd cut the bad stuff and lean 100% into the enemy lifegain theme. This means up to 4 Tainted Remedy plus 4x Kavu Predator , and cut Idyllic Tutor , Serrated Scorpion , Twilight Prophet , Gonti's Machinations , Roiling Vortex , etc.

I know Blessed Alliance and Rest for the Weary are used with Tainted Remedy, but the best cards with Remedy are ones that have a "drawback" that involves your opponent gaining life and Remedy/Kavu turn that drawback into an advantage. I see you already have Wall of Shards and Grove of the Burnwillows , which are classics. Some other ones are Oust , Fiery Justice , Solitude / Condemn , Devour Flesh with Nature's Claim for the sideboard. Alms Beast is also funny.

legendofa on Any group hug experts here?

3 years ago

Step 1: Protect yourself. Cards like the ones EleshNornsFs and plakjekaas suggested are very solid. I might also suggest Leyline of Sanctity and Privileged Position , depending on budget. Goad cards and the Vows from Commander 2011 prevent people from attacking you. A token swarm is a good excuse to break out a Supreme Verdict or similar effect.

Step 2: Help others. You don't want want to be too threatening, so give people what they want, but not too much. If one person is able to take advantage of your gifts and dominate the table, you become guilty by association. Spread the love evenly. Add some cards that help you more than they help your opponents, like Xyris, the Writhing Storm or Fiery Justice .

Step 3: Pick a win condition. These decks are typically pretty slow and defensive, so you may be able to set up a combo win. Otherwise, keep yourself healthy and everyone else targeting each other until you can establish enough board presence to take over.

Icbrgr on Shadow Zoo "Shadowcat"

5 years ago

I really like this build!

Does Fiery Justice work well for you in your sideboard?

bushido_man96 on Dino Domination

5 years ago

First off, if you spend a little time writing a description that helps others understand the focus of your deck and how you want it to play out, we can offer better suggestions.

Now, that said, I think you should consider swapping Descendants' Path out for Sunbird's Invocation . This allows you to cheat out things other than your creatures.

Fiery Justice is bad. I'd consider running something like Beast Within and Generous Gift in it's place. Fountain of Ichor is nice flavor, but is otherwise not a great card, and you could probably plug in a better mana rock. If you can afford to get one, I'd recommend Urza's Incubator .

Commune with Dinosaurs could probably be replaced with something more useful like Rishkar's Expertise , which is great in a dino deck.

Are you in on the Enrage mechanic? I see you have Pyrohemia included, but are you running any other outlets to trigger Enrage? That may be an area you want to focus on to get some more action out of the dinosaurs.

Caerwyn on Tibalt in Wonderland

5 years ago

Overall, I like this card. To go through each ability:

  • The first ability is a fun, flavourful way for Tibalt to gain loyalty.
  • The second ability is fairly powerful, particularly in Limited. Hellrider has a similar effect for . I think the cost is a bit pushed at , but forcing multicoloured and the loss of loyalty mitigates that some. Overall, we have seen a lot of 3-mana planeswalkers recently that are a bit pushed, so I think this ability is A-okay as-is.
  • The last ability should probably be a -6, not a -4. At -4, this card effectively becomes a 5-damage, flexible sorcery for that also nets you evasive tokens. That's unheard of--the closet I could find was Fiery Justice , and that has the added penalties of being three colours and giving an opponent life. At -6, you have to put in some work to make the ability function. It also means you are operating at a net loss (which feels in line with Tibalt)--since you can use your tokens to generate loyalty, -6 means you're gaining, at most 5 tokens/potential loyalty; whereas -4 puts you as coming out ahead.

OLucas on Healer's Revenge (Esper Lifepain?)

5 years ago

Not the direction you are currently headed but consider Fiery Justice and Aria of Flame .

abbatromebone on Petting Zoo

5 years ago

Leonin Arbiter aka cat jesus is amazing against anydeck with fetchlands, espcially if you can vial him in response. there are better cards than Steppe Lynx for you to play. Fiery Justice is bad there has to be better removal for you in white.

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