Ballynock Trapper

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ballynock Trapper

Creature — Kithkin Soldier

Tap: Tap target creature.

Whenever you play a white spell, you may untap Ballynock Trapper.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Elsa's Japanese adventure

10 months ago

Hylda is one of my favourite decks, as well. Your deck looks fine, but let me suggest some nice tools I have in my deck:

Opposition is obviously powerful. But have you ever seen Flood? Junk Winder and Court Street Denizen don't go infinite with Hylda by themselves, but you don't need much mana to get a lot of value out of them. Ballynock Trapper untaps easily and taps stuff for free. Fine card for the deck. Sunblast Angel is a great boardwipe, and if you don't need the body, Don't Move does the same. Icy Manipulator is a classic. Finally, Dreamshackle Geist is basically a second Timin.


HeadinPants on Avatar: The Last Airbender

1 year ago

I absolutely love the flavor that you put into this deck, it's awesome! My main critique is about Sokka. You're absolutely right that he's a 2/1 (minimally I doubt his total P/T is more than 4), but I feel that your current representation of him sells him short- he earned his reputation in the gaang as the ideas guy, and is a brilliant strategist! You might also consider representing him with something like Blade Instructor or Dueling Coach in book III as a nod to Piandao, or finding a piece of equipment that well represents the sword Sokka makes in that episode. I do see some of the problem with trying to represent him well, though- it's difficult to find a way to both do the character justice and not oversell him as a powerhouse that he isn't. The closest balance to that I've found is Bushi Tenderfoot  Flip, but that really sells him as a combatant rather than a tactician.

Here's the thing though- I think the only way you're going to get a card that has good Sokka art is with a card alter. If you are willing to make that happen, it would open up a lot of options. I've been looking for about 3 hours, and I'm not even done, but here are a few that I think might loosely fit:

Feridia on Fury of the Small

2 years ago

zachz Oh I do like these recommendations. With my, albeit limited, testing higher cmc cards like Ballynock Trapper only work if I can get out multiple copies of Ballyrush Banneret. But that being said, I might be able to get it out with Preeminent Captain since all creatures are soldiers with the exception of the lord. Coordinated Barrage will 100% be going in when I have time to remake the deck. Thank you for the intro to white burn. Surge of Thoughtweft doesn't really work with the enchantment synergy but I might add it for the card draw which is much needed. Militia's Pride Would probably work great with the lord in this deck, it would also make for a great WG lifegain remake of this deck with the likes of Sunbond and Ajani's Welcome which I might do now. Thanks for the idea! Militia's Pride is a really fun looking card. It feels like I would almost need a tutor to use it without any card draw though. I will probably do a few test to see if I can make it work. Thank you very much, these look like some great cards!

zachz on Fury of the Small

2 years ago

Love seeing more Kithkin fast aggro decks. If you find yourself losing momentum by later turns, I would recommend Coat of Arms as an enormous tide-turner for every tribal deck.

Coordinated Barrage could be an offensive defense that pairs well with Ballynock Trapper, but the trapper might not pair well with the low mana cost of this deck.

Thoughts on Surge of Thoughtweft or Militia's Pride?

I'll have to update my own Kithkin deck after learning from yours.

Massacar on Tap/Untap Adavantage

3 years ago

Depending on competitiveness and mana curve etc. I avoided cards that use the exert mechanic and otherwise required combat phases to trigger their tap effects. All of these cards do something when either tapped/untapped or in some cases both. This is by no means an exhaustive list

Arbiter of the Ideal, Augusta, Dean of Order, Ballynock Trapper, Daring Thief, Fallowsage, Goblin Sharpshooter + Basilisk Collar/Gorgon's Head, Thermo-Alchemist, Wake Thrasher, Mikaeus, the Lunarch, Thraben Doomsayer, Merfolk Looter, Goblin Welder, Merrow Reejerey

Mandalorian on Kithkins {W}

7 years ago

Any deck can win on any given day! To help though I would cut the Sun Titan, He probably cost too much with 21 lands.

You're missing the best Kithkin! Gotta have Springjack Shepherd! He gives you goats eaqual to your devotion to white, gotta be a 4 of. You combine it with Mirror Entity and you can pump your whole team to high heaven. The best part is that he counts as a Kithkin too. Galepowder Mage can flicker the Shepherd too for even more goats.

Other than the addition of Springjack Shepherd+Mirror Entity, I think you should work on the removal. O-Ring is very slow and while its great that it can hit anything, its probably not fast enough. If you don't have money for Path to Exile, which is the best option, you can play Journey to Nowhere. I know it looks worse than O-Ring but the fact that is cost 1 less is probably important in an agro deck like this. Otherwise you have to use conditional spells like Reciprocate or Valorous Stance.

My suggestion would be this:

Brigid -1

Gideon's Avenger -2

Cenn's Tactician -2

Sun Titan -1

Ballynock Trapper -4

Oblivion Ring -4

Indestructibility -2

Surge of Thoughtweft -2

Mirror Entity +4

Springjack Shepherd +4

Path to Exile/Journey to Nowhere +4

Brave the Elements +2 (can protect from removal and sweepers like Anger of the Gods or push through blockers)

Honor of the Pure +4 (good for all those goat tokens if you don't have Mirror Entity out)

Good luck getting your Mutavault!

vic on Can the inactive player play …

8 years ago

My opponent has a Ballynock Trapper and a Royal Assassin untapped on my turn. I'm the active player. If I play an Admonition Angel will I be able to play a land before it gets both tapped by the trapper, then killed by the Assassin? The tap can obviously happen before the land EtB (as a response to my casting the Angel), but since the Assassin needs the tap effect to resolve before it can make the kill, it needs to be part of a new stack. So will I get to drop my land and exile the assassin before my angel dies? Or does my opponent get to do unlimited fast effects (as separate stacks) before I get to play my land?

I realize the Assassin would come back anyway, but I've just never been clear about this kind of situation.

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