Divine Intervention

Modern JDegenerate


PartyJ says... #1

I would prefer Myriad Landscape over Blighted Woodland

August 23, 2016 8:52 p.m.

JDegenerate says... #2

PartyJ Thank you for the input! I'm trying to keep a tight budget at the moment and build this deck up to be something worth playing. I don't have Myriad Landscape but I did just get Tranquil Expanse, Blossoming Sands, and Fertile Thicket to get a little more from my lands. I also have several beneficial cards ordered and coming in the mail:- Divine Deflection x2- Herald of War x2- Silverblade Paladin x2- Ring of Thune x2- Seek the Horizon x4- Scroll of Avacyn x2- Riot Control x2- Seraph Sanctuary x4- Avacyn's Pilgrim x4- Celestial Mantle x1Let me know what you think and if you have any other suggestions, please feel free to tell me!

August 23, 2016 10:43 p.m.

TheVectornaut says... #3

Safe Passage works against damage sweepers like Pyroclasm while Make a Stand works against destruction sweepers like Wrath of God. Both versions of Avacyn are also good options, but they are quite pricey. All of these still leave a gap that sacrifice sweepers like Death Cloud can exploit, and I can't think of any cards that help. Something like Karmic Justice but for creatures would be nice. I'll keep an eye out.

September 10, 2016 12:45 p.m.

JDegenerate says... #4

TheVectornaut Thank you for your suggestions! I would love to include Avacyn, but like you mentioned they're pricy cards. Maybe when I have the budget for them I'll make it happen. I'll be sure to try and fit in those cards or cards like them; can you recommend what they should replace? And I'll keep an eye out for a sort of anti-sacrifice card as well. Is there a white or green card that works like Cancel?

September 10, 2016 4:15 p.m.

TheVectornaut says... #5

Green and white never really get counterspells. Mana Tithe is the only option I know of. I think Ring of Thune and Scroll of Avacyn are both a little slow, although the first does have some synergy with Herald of War. The weakest creatures are Arashin Cleric and Arashin Foremost. The cleric is behind the curve and the foremost can't hit anything in this deck with its ability.

September 10, 2016 4:34 p.m.

JDegenerate says... #6

TheVectornaut Yeah, Arashin Foremost is one of the creatures that is just decent filler and it's only use here is to give everything double strike through Odric. Arashin Cleric is honestly only for the life gain.

September 10, 2016 4:54 p.m.

TheVectornaut says... #7

Gotcha. Mirran Crusader could be a replacement double-striker. And Martyr of Sands is something I see used in human lifegain from time to time.

September 10, 2016 5:07 p.m.

JDegenerate says... #8

TheVectornaut Those are awesome, thank you. I'll see about getting them soon. I have a thing for artifacts as well so if there are any you recommend, please let me know. I'm probably going to try for another Whispersilk Cloak.

September 10, 2016 6:21 p.m.

TheVectornaut says... #9

I guess it depends on what kind of artifacts you're looking for. Some good equipment options are Loxodon Warhammer and the sword cycle (although those are pretty expensive). If you go in on the Whispersilk Cloak/Rogue's Passage strategy, then Mask of Memory and Quietus Spike could be viable too. As for other artifacts, the only thing that springs to mind is using Isochron Scepter to recast any protection spells you need.

September 10, 2016 6:41 p.m.

JDegenerate says... #10

TheVectornaut Thanks, you're awesome! I'll definitely be looking into your recommendations.

September 12, 2016 9:18 a.m.

JDegenerate says... #11

TheVectornaut Do you think Patron of the Valiant or Seraph of the Masses would fit in this deck? I picked up 2 copies of each at my LGS today as I was sorting through singles, they seemed like they could be of some use, or at least Patron.

September 18, 2016 9:45 p.m.

TheVectornaut says... #12

Patron of the Valiant can currently only hit Herald of War, a renowned Topan Freeblade, and something that's survived a turn with Ring of Thune (the last of which I still think is too slow to be worthwhile). This means that the average result of the Patron's ability will be very meager. And even in decks like G/W outlast that can maximize +1/+1 counters, the angel ends up not doing enough for its cost. Seraph of the Masses is actually pretty similar. It requires a lot of creatures/tokens to be viable, and that's something this deck doesn't have a ton of. And again, even in the most creature heavy decks, the Seraph is unlikely to make the cut. The reason you'll only really see cards like these in commander is that they are too high-cost, low-impact for modern. Modern is a pretty fast format, even at most casual levels, so you usually don't want too many big cards unless you have excellent ramp or those cards are going to win you the game. So Serra Angel and Aegis Angel could be too heavy as well. Herald of War and Sigarda, Heron's Grace are cards that represent the other side of that coin to me. The first offers ramp for other big stuff and the second is a game-winning card if it sticks. If I was going to make a competitive human/angel deck, I'd run mostly humans with just a few angels on the top end to close out the game. I'm actually gonna whip up a first draft version tonight. I'll post it here when It's done so you can see my thought process at least.

September 18, 2016 11:01 p.m.

TheVectornaut says... #13

Here's what I threw together with some slight inspiration from old modern lists and some turbofog.

Butorides virescens

September 19, 2016 12:17 a.m.

JDegenerate says... #14

TheVectornaut I've been thinking the same things, I just don't know what cards I can use on a budget but I'm getting Martyr of Sands and Mirran Crusader and Patron will probably come right back out when they arrive. Aegis Angel I use for providing Sigarda with indestructible to help keep hexproof active on myself and humans. I do need more human creatures in the deck to maximize that effect, and angels are expensive creatures so I'll look through what you've suggested. Thanks! Would it be easier/cheaper to get rid of Aegis and find an indestructible enchantment for Sigarda?

September 19, 2016 9:42 a.m.

TheVectornaut says... #15

I don't think Aegis Angel is terribly weak, but it has the potential to be meaningless if your opponent has a lot of removal. Some other things that will yield similar effects for less mana are Gift of Immortality, Spirit Bonds, Indestructibility, and Darksteel Plate. Then there's Mother of Runes as a deterrent.

September 19, 2016 10:16 a.m.

JDegenerate says... #16

I'd use Darksteel Plate if it wasn't $7.50 a card lol. I'll look deeper into it, but from my understanding it wouldn't be much harder to remove those enchantments than it would a creature, right?

September 19, 2016 10:51 a.m.

TheVectornaut says... #17

It's gonna depend a lot on your local meta and what people are equipped to deal with. It's usually a good idea to spread out your effects across card types so your deck doesn't have a single point of weakness, but it's important to maintain as much synergy as you can too. You could try testing online on something like untap.in to see what kind of removal you struggle against.

Anyway, I feel you on the budget struggles man. But there is a reason Avacyn, Angel of Hope is 25 times the price of Aegis Angel. To say she's 25 times as useful would probably be a drastic understatement. Sometimes you just gotta grit your teeth and run whatever you can get your hands on, hoping that one day Wizards of the Coast will stop printing the best cards in the fewest quantities.

September 19, 2016 11:06 a.m.

Avery-MTG says... #18

I just came across this deck and I really like it. How is f playing out for you? What is it weak points and strong points?

March 1, 2017 5:57 p.m.

JDegenerate says... #19

Avery-MTG Thanks for the compliment, it means a lot. This deck is really fun for me to play.

It's strengths for me lie in the keyword abilities as well as the flexibility of the deck - I guess I had midrange in mind while putting it together. There's something to respond to most threats here, and even if you don't get the draw for a perfect execution of a strategy you are usually still on solid ground. Champion of the Parish with Stoneforge Masterwork plus Increasing Devotion Means +10/+10 on the Champ, or if you manage to pay the 9 mana flashback, +20/+20. And assuming you've got that much mana, you probably have other humans out as well, so he can get really big here.

It needs a faster mana base. It's easy to throw out a few lands and play around with the humans, but especially in modern format it's hard to get the expensive ones out onto the field fast enough. That being said, the potential mana base here is pretty good, having a 4-of mana dork and plenty of lands, but there needs to be a draw engine to get the mana out. I haven't come up with anything yet but I also haven't tried to update this deck recently. I may do that soon.

March 1, 2017 11:48 p.m.

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