Before the electricity starts crackling, we ideally want at least one of the following creatures in play (bonus points for casting both!).
•Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive really is the backbone of this deck. Her (I think it’s intended to be a her; I’m not up on any of the lore behind this game, but I’m fairly certain I see the hint of a bosom depicted in the card’s artwork) static ability is simply made for a deck like ours; any of our high power/piddly toughness attackers can steamroll right on through, as they fit the criteria for being blessed with unblockability.
•Combat Celebrant also appears to be custom tailored for our deck. With a bit of oomph! exertion, we can double our damage output and really blow our opponent’s fuse with a massive electrical discharge. Better if Tetsuko is already in play, but workable if she isn’t.
•Thunderkin Awakener was pointed out to me by user GrimlockVIII, and it immediately replaced Viashino Sandsprinter by virtue of the fact it confers reanimation upon both Ball Lightning and Arc Runner. Thunderkin Awakener itself falls under Tetsuko’s watchful eye, so triggering the ability is a non-issue. Turning limited-use fossil fuels into a renewable resource fortifies our attack plan and makes drawing into either bomb less of a worry.
Let’s bring it home. The following creatures are our payoffs, the dynamos having been charging up to this point.
•Ball Lightning is the deck’s namesake card, and the ideal finisher. Bolstered with unblockability courtesy of Tetsuko and the potential opportunity to attack twice if Combat Celebrant puts some hustle in it, this shocking display of electrical power can hit for 12 damage unabated. It will not pass Go and proceed directly to the graveyard at the end of turn, but all that for a mere is hard to scoff at.
•Arc Runner is a baby Ball Lightning but is close enough to get the job done. It lacks Trample unlike the former card, so if Tetsuko isn’t in play it’ll more than likely just be a creature removal spell, but that isn’t necessarily always a bad thing. In ideal circumstances this will hit for an unstoppable 10, so have a positive outlook.