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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Destroy target land. If that land was a snow land, you gain 1 life.

Boza on Water World

5 years ago

The bonus of the LD spells are that they ramp you and thin the deck. So, playing big dudes as wincons is a good idea. -4 demolish + 4 Thermokarst - 3 Shock and -1 Rampant Growth + 4 Aurochs Herd as a big dude of choice.

Boza on Water World

5 years ago

Weirdly enough, red and black, in pauper, are not the best land destruction colors. Green takes the crown, with Mwonvuli Acid-Moss, Thermokarst, Drain the Well and Reap and Sow. I really recommend that you play green as your main color. You can then play mono-green and use the ramp your land destruction generates to play big dudes that finish the game; or pair green with red and win with Roiling Terrain to stay on theme; or pair with black for even more land destruction and efficient creatures like Putrid Leech and recursion.

zephramtripp on Card creation challenge

6 years ago



Destroy target land. If that land was not a snow land, you gain 1 life.

Thermokarst, baby! See also: Acidic Slime, Creeping Mold, etc. Green has loads of land destruction, and more gets printed/reprinted in every few sets.

Make the blue land destruction spell or a White non-Armageddon LD spell.

Tyr_W on The Indomitable Pubstomper

8 years ago

This deck could use some haste. For both the big attackers and the manadorks.

And where IS that Force of Nature?


Cards you can do without:

OwnedbyCow on Terravore, The Land Devourer

8 years ago

Thanks for the input. And you are correct. Wasteland and Sinkhole cost a bit much for me. Stone Rain Winter's Grasp Thermokarst Ice Storm Argothian Wurm Plow Under and Raze will be considered. I already have Orcish Settlers in my deck and I'm just trying to figure out what to swap to get Strip Mine a place. I'm not really big on Dwarven Miner as it is limited to nonbasic lands, although it could be sideboarded.

Wizard_of_the_Broke on

9 years ago

Having had a few more minutes to actually look at your decklist, you totally have room for Thermokarst. You probably don't need so much enchantment hate (Edicts are fairly effective against Bogles anyway), and you might even be able to cut some of the Weenie hate.

Wizard_of_the_Broke on Questions on Boarding against evil …

9 years ago

Not sure which flavor of Tron you're talking about, but Thermokarst might be your answer.

Blackerlotus13 on Terravore, The Land Devourer

9 years ago

I know certain cards are probably left out for budgetary reasons but, Stone Rain, Winter's Grasp, Thermokarst, Ice Storm, Wasteland, Strip Mine, Rishadan Port, Argothian Wurm, Plow Under, Dwarven Miner, Raze, Orcish Settlers are all good choices for LD. There are also other but these would get you some nice bang for your buck here.