Spectacle Mage

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Spectacle Mage

Creature — Bird Shaman


Instant and sorcery spells you cast with converted mana cost/mana value 5 or greater cost less to cast.

Elnxida on Cost Reduction Cards

2 months ago

I've noticed a few* omissions, namely effects that let you pay an alternate cost - which can be less than the regular cost (Zombie creaturess: Rooftop Storm) or reduced by other effects (Samurai: Kentaro, the Smiling Cat).

*Yeah, so I decided to do a proper search and it bloated into more than a "few"... Sorry for the wall of text, but here you go!

You've already got Fist of Suns and Jodah, but here are some less ubiquitous ones:

Echo: Thick-Skinned Goblin

Slowly Increasing 1/turn: As Foretold

Runes: Runeforge Champion

Fist of Suns and Jodah-like: Leyline of Mutation

Alchemy, Dragons: Sarkhan, Wanderer to Shiv

Pay life instead as Activated Ability: Marshland Bloodcaster

Alchemy, cards you don't own 1/turn: Grenzo, Crooked Jailer

From Exile 1/turn: Charred Foyer / Warped Space

Colorless 1/turn: Darksteel Monolith

Creature from exile 1/turn: Tlincalli Hunter

Conditional, Cycling: New Perspectives

Pay life instead 1/turn: Cramped Vents / Access Maze

Additionally, other regular omissions:

Flash: Cunning Nightbonder

Instants and Sorceries: Voracious Reader  Flip

Creature spells: Krallenhorde Howler  Flip, Honest Rutstein

One Giant: Invasion of the Giants

Target me! (auras, buffs, mutate): Spellwild Ouphe, Elderwood Scion

First Kicked: Vine Gecko

Historic: Ballad of the Black Flag

Not your turn: Geyser Drake

Aura and Equipment: Golden-Tail Trainer

Next Spell (honorable mention?): Hardened Berserker, Saheeli, the Giftedfoil

Pay counters instead: Mutated Cultist

Dragons: Nogi, Draco-Zealotfoil

Alchemy, Dinosaurs: Scalespeaker Shepherd (Not sure why is isn't linking, but I promise it exists)

Alchemy, from graveyard: Shellfish Scholar

Instants and Sorceries MV5+: Spectacle Mage

Prepared: Uvilda, Dean of Perfection  Flip

Undaunted keyword: Durnan of the Yawning Portalfoil

First instant/sorcery, conditional: Eluge, the Shoreless Sea, God-Eternal Kefnet

Alchemy, Goblin: Goblin Influx Array

Next instant/sorcery (honorable mention?): Maelstrom Muse

Face-down: Panoptic Projektor

Doctors: The Eleventh Hour

Cards from exile: Commander Liara Portyr

Next instant/sorcery, conditional: Elminster

Spells you don't own: Gonti, Canny Acquisitor

Dana_in_Love845 on Hinata Target Practice

1 year ago

I've been trying to make a splash-white Izzet spellslinger deck for a while, and this deck has been such an inspiration for me so thanks!

I think Spectacle Mage and Maelstrom Muse could add a lot, especially in combo with your commander. Najal, the Storm Runner or even something like Teach by Example could help copy those big spells for even more chaos. Then with how many 5+ mana cost spells it plays, Prismari Apprentice could get pretty crazy. You did a great job with this deck, and it seems like so much fun to play.

Hardhitta7 on

3 years ago

I’m not too familiar with this precon but I’ll try to give some advice.

There are a few cards that are a bit weak, like Expedition Diviner and Unsummon . I’m also not a big fan of Rousing Refrain , but that really depends on how long your games are lasting.

Cards you could add, Aminatou's Augury is sweet and super fun to copy. Culmination of Studies could be good here. Melek, Izzet Paragon is pretty good and can be your commander if you wanna switch it up. Solve the Equation is a good tutor that’s not too expensive.

There’s also some sub-par cards you could swap out for better versions. Gadwick, the Wizened would be better as Blue Sun's Zenith , Pull from Tomorrow , or Expansion / Explosion since they can be copied and trigger your commander.

Spectacle Mage would be better as Baral, Chief of Compliance since it can make any spell cheaper plus the other ability can come in handy.

Also I don’t think the two Storm cards are very good here since your trying to cast big spells and not multiple spells in a turn.

If you wanna make more tokens you could include Murmuring Mystic . And if you added that I would suggest one of my favorite cards, even though it’s not that good, Dragonshift .

Clone Legion is fun to copy as well.

Either way, I like the deck, good luck with it!

multimedia on

3 years ago

Hey, good budget upgrade of the precon. Nice upgrades of Ral, Return of the Wildspeaker, Archmage, Hullbreacher, Counterspell, Saheeli, Prismari Command.

Some creatures are good with Kalamax especially when you can cast them before Kalamax, but having just as many creatures as instants is not taking enough advantage of the power of Kalamax as Commander. That comes from being able to copy an instant on each player's turn, but you want instants in your hand to cast not creatures.

More low mana cost instants that draw are good with Kalamax since when you copy them for free they give you great draw for the mana cost. These budget draw spells, each less than $1, can also help to find lands in the early game to be able to cast Kalamax or other creatures.

A $5-$7 card at TCGPlayer that's excellent with Kalamax is Narset's Reversal . Reversal is a unique effect and you can take advantage with Kalamax of return the spell you copied to owners hand. When Kalamax copies Reversal the copy targets the original Reversal which sends it back to your hand. This makes Reversal a repeatable copy any instant or sorcery effect that can copy your opponents spells. Reversal is even better with your own sorceries because if you copy your own sorcery it will then return to your hand along with Reversal if Kalamax copied it, but the copy of the sorcery still resolves along with Reversal. This makes any sorcery you have repeatable with Reversal.

Storm-Kiln Artist is another creature with magecraft and these creatures are worth playing because of the amazing interaction with Kalamax copying and instants cast. Artist interacts really well with Narset's Reversal because it creates enough treasures on each player's turn to cast Reversal again and keep doing this as long as an opponent cast instant or sorcery. With Kalamax, Artist creates three treasures just by casting Reversal and copying a spell which equals a lot of ramp.

Reclaim + Regrowth is a budget interaction for three mana to repeatedly recur cards in your graveyard. Reclaim is copied by Kalamax which returns Regrowth + any other card to the top of your library. Draw Regrowth then recur Reclaim and repeat.

Some cards to consider cutting:

Some other cuts to consider are the 6 CMC creatures. Niv-Mizzet, Parun is better than all the other 6 CMC creatures therefore you could cut the others for more instants.

Good luck with your deck.

Secretmeat on Nek

3 years ago

A few suggestions. I think you probably want to run at least 35 lands in order to keep the deck running consistently. You've got some decent ramp, and all the extra draw will help, but missing land drops sucks.
You might consider the damage doublers and tripler available in red Dictate of the Twin Gods , Furnace of Rath affect everyone, Gratuitous Violence or Inquisitor's Flail work for your commander, but the best would be Angrath's Marauders or Fiery Emancipation (!triple damage!) Since they only affect you and work for all your damage sources.
Stormfist Crusader is more of what you've got.
What to cut to make room for that stuff is kind of up to you but I think Game Plan , Grixis Charm , Dimir Charm , and Spectacle Mage would all be candidates for me.
Cool deck though and pretty reasonably priced for how effective it looks like it could be.

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