Morbid Opportunist

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Morbid Opportunist

Creature — Human Rogue

Whenever one or more other creatures die, draw a card. This ability triggers only once each turn. (Dying is being put into the graveyard from the battlefield. Tokens enter the graveyard before they cease to exist.)

DemonDragonJ on Do Trigger Doublers Bypass "One …

3 months ago

Does a card that doubles triggered abilities bypass abilities that normally trigger only once per turn? For example, if a player controls both Morbid Opportunist and Teysa Karlov, and then a third creature dies, will the opportunist's ability trigger twice?

DemonDragonJ on Death and Rebirth

3 months ago

I have replaced Deathreap Ritual with Morbid Opportunist, which reduced the average converted mana cost of this deck from 3.15 to 3.13, because the opportunist can attack, block, and be sacrificed and also because I do not need to wait until the end step of the current turn to gain the benefit of its ability; as a side note, I am very displeased that the ability of Wardens of the Cycle triggers only during the end step of its controller, or else, I most certainly would have put them into this deck.

DreadKhan on Maga, Draining the Swamp

3 months ago

I think the general 'rule' around here is to never bring up politics in an existing discussion (or use it to harass people in their own spaces) because it's super off topic and poisons the well so to speak. I've got political decks (generally lefty stuff) and haven't had too much trouble, and I've seen people with some pretty right wing stuff that is acceptable on here.

In light of the present election I took another look at Maga, Traitor to Mortals and I was a bit surprised to realize (as you did) that it's a fairly playable card to build around. The card's name is objectively hilarious now, so I do wonder if it'll be a fun card to build, seeing this list illustrates the potential, but I have a few ideas that might be worth a look!

This might sound weird, but are you sure you want stuff like Exsanguinate and Torment of Hailfire? Ditto for Sanguine Bond stuff, I think you should leave in Exquisite Blood (it's amazing with your Commander), but I feel like making this a combo deck will make it much less fun to play (obviously ymmv, just my thoughts!). Anyways, your Commander already gives you an outlet for big mana, and with all your ramp it should be fairly easy to eliminate an opponent; have you thought about some Flash sources, maybe Emergence Zone and/or Vedalken Orrery? If Maga has Flash you can potentially hold up enough mana to eliminate an opponent that is about to win (or simply eliminate you!). I'd rather play against that than Torment of Hailfire!

I rarely regret including stuff like Night's Whisper and Sign in Blood, these can do a lot of work. I don't think I'd bother with the Fallen Empires one, but Subterranean Hangar is a fairly good card if you want to store mana, I look at it as a ramp card instead of a land. I'm not sure if it's too much of a hassle, but Diabolic Revelation is a pretty crazy tutor if you dig out more than 2 cards. Maybe War Roomfoil? Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief is a great sponge for extra mana, she can remove creatures (including blockers) and then hit the opponent like a truck. Morbid Opportunist can draw a decent number of cards. Once Maga is out either Scavenged Brawler or Mask of Griselbrand can offer a lot of value for mana, maybe Shadowspear? I don't know if you have enough Demons to make Liliana's Contract a viable win con (though TBH I think it's a reasonable one because it's so telegraphed, and more decks can interact with it) but it's also a good card draw effect. I can't decide if Mandate of Abaddon is worth it, if Maga is big he just wipes out EVERYTHING except himself, so he can probably kill a player the turn you play Mandate and swing.

Hope these ideas help!

irmsilver on Homicide Investigator: A Ruling on …

4 months ago

Thank you for your answer. I've noticed that similar cards like Morbid Opportunistfoil and Vraan, Executioner Thanefoil don't have this ruling either, so that would make a lot of sense that this is somehow an error.

_AoxomoxoA_ on Veni, Vidi, Vici

5 months ago

09/07/2024 Revisions


The focus of these changes were to increase the token generation ability of the deck. Many of the removed cards interacted with cards that have been killed/allowing me to profit off of the death of tokens/creatures. Often, this would lead to me having a board of creatures that Caesar couldn't make use of which would stall my boardstate.

11 Card Changes


-1 Alesha, Who Smiles at Death: Limited Graveyard recursion that didn't do much for many of my creatures

-1 Athreos, God of Passage: Tokens are what mainly die in my deck and those can't be in my hand

-1 Deathgreeter: Hard choice to make with this one, but at the end of the day, I wanted to remove this aspect of the deck. I don't care as much about longterm survivability if I can win early.

-1 Desdemona, Freedom's Edge: Similar to Alesha and Atheros

-1 Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim: Another hard choice to make, but I want to focus on tokens entering the battlefield and the attack phase rather than sacrificing and graveyard.

-1 Morbid Opportunist: Good card but similar to Elas, I want to focus on ETB and Attacking rather than killing

-1 Paladin Elizabeth Taggerdy: I don't want many of my creature cards attacking and honestly the CMC of many of my creatures doesn't make this card worth it

-1 Pitiless Plunderer: Same as Morbid

-1 White Glove Gourmand: Ended up being a card that read: 4 mana create 2 humans, which is not ideal


-1 Ashnod's Altar: Never really panned out how I wanted it to, make room for better cards


-1 Battle of Hoover Dam: Choosing NCR runs into the same issue as Alesha and Desmonda, choosing Legion is fine but also not amazing. I would rather buff all my cards or keep them small to help with McCready


+1 Hero of Bladehold: Great consistent token generator, and it creates soldiers

+1 Iroas, God of Victory *list*: Keep my tokens alive and able to consistently hit face against tall boards

+1 Karlach, Fury of Avernus: I LOVE this card, similar to Isshin being able to trigger Caesar's ability multiple times per turn is super strong. Also, I have many other attack phase triggers

+1 Myrel, Shield of Argive: Better Hero of Bladehold + Grand Abolisher, this card is a no brainer. Plus it has soldier synergy


+1 Anointed Procession: Stupid to not include this card in a white token deck

+1 Court of Embereth: This card is STRONG, consistently generates targets for Caesar to sacrifice if needed, and it does Caesar's strongest ability automatically every turn. Also Monarch is fun and I can consistently fight to keep it.

+1 Warleader's Call: Purphoros and a static +1/+1


+1 Grand Crescendo: At worst, it's 2 mana to make my board indestructible, at best it generates tokens for me


+1 Finale of Glory: Token generator


+1 Mana Vault: More fast mana!

+1 The One Ring: Card draw plus protection from everything

Crow_Umbra on Fight For Survival

6 months ago

Hi there, have you had a chance to play this deck irl at all yet? In terms of upgrades, is there any specific area you want to focus on first? Lastly, do you have a general budget in mind for upgrades?

The tricky thing with Mardu Humans is that there are a lot of great options available to these colors; especially Legendary humans. Some more general spitballing ideas that should be fairly budget friendly:

  • Shanid, Sleepers' Scourge could maybe be a swap in over Captivating Crew. He has upside that helps your Legendary creatures, and can draw you some cards. Bonus points for being a creature that Alesha can recur.

  • Plumb the Forbidden is a solid draw option in Aristocrats and token-focused decks. It's one of my favorite responses to board wipes in the decks that I run it in.

  • Anim Pakal, Thousandth Moon can be a solid option over maybe Perimeter Sergeant. She can balloon & spit out gnomes if left alone too long.

  • Loran of the Third Path could be a potential swap out over Devout Chaplain. I think it depends on if you value an ETB removal source over one that is potentially repeatable, but needs more set up to pull off. Loran also opens up a more political draw option.

  • Depending on your preference, but Morbid Opportunist, Nelly Borca, Impulsive Accuserfoil, or Species Specialist could all be potential alternatives to Disciple of Bolas as draw options.

Hopefully these suggestions are helpful. Mardu Humans have so many great options available to different versions of the build archetype, that it can be hard to narrow down your options. Budget considerations can definitely help narrow down your options.

Theasus7 on Why be Passive, when You can get Massive

1 year ago

I love the idea! This would really shake things up with my normal play group haha.

My suggestion is more card draw. This deck is gonna kill everyone’s creatures off pretty well including your own. Whoever has card advantage will will because they can keep playing creatures.

Deathreap Ritual and Morbid Opportunist are really great. But you need more

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